Friday, 30 November 2007

(nr. 95) Blackwater - CIA ... Just made contributions to 3 new topics in the Dutch int. Forum.
The link to "Investigation into Blackwater Inc. blocked" by mr.fook:
Secret agencies are "secret" because they have a lot to hide (veel te verbergen) - dirty crimes.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

(nr.94) Chips and Aeroplanes !

[ I was surprised to discover that Expatica's np (The Purple Cow) is a man. Somehow I thought of one 'poetess' from the Hague ... And 'no pasaran' I thought was a Ukranian ...
Total confusion!]
So, a man was killed as a result of his mobile phone exploding in his pocket? -

And, by the way, since criminals 'det rid of' finger(prints), those chips CAN BE LOCATED AND TRANSPLANTED OR CLONED.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

(nr.93) I am very special ! One of only TWELVE people who are registered with the Gosport JobCentrePLUS as jobseekers for longer than 18 months. Wow! Only some ten weeks ago they were issuing 30 letters a month (?), the kind that led to "invesigation" in my case and one week deduction, which I am appealing against currently.
They however have no statistics for people working illegally or having illegal (cash in hand) income. Some of that category actually 'support' foreign workforce.
I wished to meet those 12 (11 actually) people, but was told it's not possible. The figures were revealed to me so as to "explain why they are so concerned about my case".
Next appt. Wed. December 5 at 1.50 (2.00). The PhysSoc lecture is in Portsmouth that day.
NB ! The most difficult posting for me (well over an hour) was on Expatica - about a documentary about Mr. Zhirinovsky and oil price disputes. At some point one or two people emerged looking at me disapprovingly (part of the so-called theatrics).
Isn't it so incredibly complicated? This Sunday the documentary about Litvinenko has shown
a very cross Mr. Zhirinovsky, who went on about those terrible Brits and MI6, yet he seems to have some friends or technical support here in Gosport (library).
Many more questions than answers.
I have misspelled Leonid's name, who helped me a lot with my very first website
(this one is number 3).
He is Dr. L.A. Timochouk.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

(nr. 92 ) Guess what ? This morning, determined to post the reply form of the Appeal prior to other correspondence as noted online, I spent good 8.5 hours searching for that large packet and did not find it .... . I'll be asking for the copy asap if I don't find it (in which case I wonder if they'd edit their story). As discussed with (dr.) Leonid Timouchouk a few years ago, one sometimes keeps searching for papers and finds it only after an exaustive search, somewhere in the very last pile of papers or right in front of you. It happens.
That packet is not a small object like a bank card, which I managed to 'drop' somewhere in the (High ?) Street recently.
The 2weeks JSA payment which normally is in the account early Sat. morning, was credited some time today. During the interview with "Sharon" (who still refuses to tell me her surname, but assured me she is not Sharon Baird) she refused to check the jobsearch report and enter the (fin) transaction in the beginning, but started by asking me "the questions". She actually shouted, and her speech and her behaviour reminded me of the BBC correspondenent's experience with the Scientology scum.
It's 15.28 and the Library computers work (unlike on some recent occassions), but not the Printers. I'd normally print out my daily post.
PS - The printer IS working. The fresh nicely printed notice apparently misled others as well.
PPS - I have an 11.40 appt. tomorrow in the JobCentrePLUS. It should normally be next week, i.e. fortnightly. I'll post tomorrow afternoon (my recent pattern has been blogging in the mornings).

Monday, 26 November 2007

(nr. 91 ) Oligarhs+ ? Why do we hear so much less from/about them ? Locally, the "Portsmouth owner" (local paper ref.) is Sasha Gaidamak. Roman Abramovich's name was mentioned during lecture re: Chernobyl, while Ukraine, I thought is more of the sphere of influence for Mr. Berezovsky (mathematician and systems analyst). And Roman Abramovich ? His domain is Far East and may be so much "forgotten" Israel nr. One (capital Birobidjan) not so far away in Siberia. In the Litvinenko documentary yesterday Dr. (?) Alexander Goldfarb read out (?) what A. Litvinenko dictated to him on his deathbed. No video camera or tape recorder to document dying man's testimony ? And Mr. Zhirinovsky still going strong?....
HA ! Here is an example of how tables can be turned in a miriad of cases in future: those omnipresent cameras and bugging devices will tell us what BBC or other big media were too shy to tell us. As someone said: it's never deleted.
Which reminds me of smth. we almost have forgotten, i.e. that you don't need a so-called Internet provider to 'plug in'. Which is how (?) arch-criminals access the net.
High-Tech harassment discussed on the RMN today in:
As for the Social Security numbers, I noticed that parts of 'Fiscaal' numbers seemed to replicate 'bio' or key dates for an individual. In fact that is good, but it should be explicit (the codes).
My UK Social Security Number (NIN) is SC 75 65 09 B .

Friday, 23 November 2007

(nr. 90 ) Absurd legislation eventually to outline UNIONS - North American Union, EU, Asian, African, with the same people on top ?
And each country feels "guilty and angry" with yet another absurd development ?

What I personally see is a collective face of the ORIGINAL BRITISH BOLSHEVISM.
Weren'they always telling 'us' that we got it wrong, that their ideas were corrupted?
Any -ism can either be improved or completely perverted depending on the TYPE OF PEOPLE RUNNING IT .
Live versions of political satire. I wonder if they are paid for each act of 'theater'.

Today's paper:
After one of my posts about the former head of MI5, a neighbour downstairs introduced himself and 'his Polish wife Lydia". I never saw them again.
They were repeating (?) this morning a radio programme with HER (Dezert Island Discs). I am not interested in this stuff.
So, somewhere they wrote her husband (?) was
an Irish academic who has been "RETRAINED as a CARPENTER"....

Thursday, 22 November 2007

(nr.89) Admirals - how many? I wrote this summer about 'one' experience at the end of the Gate to Work training course in Portsmouth. A 'mature' fellow participant, who first introduced himself as a classical labourist, brought The Telegraph newspaper article for me to read (with Oleg Gordievsky's letter to the Editor). When I asked him why he buys/reads The Telegraph, he said it comes 'free' because his neighbour (or landlord) is an admiral, who subscribes to it. May be a ficticious admiral, but worth mentioning.
I just posted in the Dutch and German Expatica Forums (re: Telegraaf...)
My interview in the JobCentrePLUS with Sharon today lasted 30 munutes.
Skipping (sordid) details, the direct outcome is my promise to INVESTIGATE if there are indeed so-called BARRIERS to my finding employment. It's a hugely important word and term of the NWO soc.eng.
Letters are going out to Cheryl Heron of Bridgemary School in Gosport (on NUT advice I accepted five thousand pounds and did not take them to court for false and malicious allegations against me), our MP Peter Viggers, whom I met and corresponded with (with little result),
"Mr. Robinson" again, and so on.
The Appeal and Complaint(s) are in progress.
ANY interview (I knew that from Holland) of any importance is 'recorded for training purposes', and the spread or distribution of info increases in geometric proportion due to technological advance.
The lecturer yesterday ( Portsmouth, PhySoc), it turns out, collects uniform buttons among other things. Very interesting!

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

(nr.88) I have just posted in German Expatica "Migrant Issues..." I shall post the link to Henry Makow's article when I find it.
My appt. with "Annie" in the JobCentrePLUS is moved (after 45 min.!) to tomorrow with "Sharon" at 10 a.m.
(I was asked to look for courses 'to upgrade' my qualifications and bring samples of my cv last time).
Annie wouldn't have me write down her questions (and note my answers). I have a very good note/record of both her questions, my answers and her reactions.
It is all "scripted" as they call it. Those who implement "the scripts" however are often out of their depth, if that is the right expression.
The discourse comes straight out of A. Chehov and Kafka.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

(nr.87) Employed by a prostitute to murder ...

The story from the German Expatica :

On the JobsToday website the very first (latest ?) vacancy today in an "Accountancy Sector" (one of 32 sectors) stands OUT quite literally - "BAKER" (in Todmorden, full-time vacancy....)

From the Dutch Expatica - a British cop murderer (on the run since 1994) is captured
in the Hague. CID in London notified.

Monday, 19 November 2007

(nr. 86) High-Tech Evil some links from RMN :

Dutchman levitates...

Wrong parking: last Saturday - N 550 MYJ and V 264 MDL on Sunday.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

(nr. 85) Gottingen-Yale-Bosnia provides interesting new lines and levels of research and investigations, the link to rmn article:

The FRENCH "humanitarian" charity:

By the way, BRAT and BRAT-2 post soviet films delienate countries, nationalities and 'groups of people, including 'expatriates' and immigrants. The 'axis of evil' is defined as US and France. Britain is out of the picture.
Another recent radio performance: shortly after I wrote about RED LINES, RED CROSS, etc. there was a radio announcer 'James Diamond' and one ... Menendez.
WRONG PARKING yesterday afternoon: HK56RVA and LC-53-HWN.
From a couple of local cases: bullying and assaults in schools taking place in (boys) toilets.

Friday, 16 November 2007

(nr. 84 ) Baking Boys .... The day (or two) after I posted " Gottingen, Yale and Bosnia " article on the Expatica (ref. rmn), I saw "Baking Boys" in a supermarket display (only once). Which supermarket? Morrisons, of course.
"THE MASTERS OF DECEIT" was the huge front page headline in our local paper "The News"yesterday. The "masters" were one greedy headteacher and his deputy who fleeced their school of £90,000.
This morning I have heard (9 a.m. news) minister Dennam (?) giving his definition of 'labour market skills' (strategy) for "over 25s". Was it about the "New Deal" project ?
Another bit from Robert Service's book "LENIN": (under the photograph) Number 21 (now 36) Tavistock Place in Bloomsbury, where Lenin stayed while writing Materialism and Empiriocriticism in 1908.
BULLYING is an extremely important subject. "Other children" helping ? Something is not right there. THEIR children can be a danger. "Help" from the wrong party.

Thursday, 15 November 2007

(nr. 83 ) ASCI ? - the 'floating codes' I wrote about yesterday seem to be ASCI codes/'font', but my superficial knowledge stops here.
"Wings" or Krylia in Russian is the name of the catering company (in the Gosport 'Library'), which also 'caters' for the Titchfield Bird Sanctuary/centre.
Wrong parking yesterday afternoon: HK56RVA. Made me think for some reason about "Polish/Gypsy Circus Modern".... The landlord is English.
Yesterday in my post box:
- a second letter of recent from INCASSO ( -should see/write to CAB again.
- A thick brown envelope re: MY APPEAL against One Week deduction of my JobSeekerAllowance. Not sure what option to choose, so called oral or paper hearing. I want to represent myself and hope it shall be an OPEN HEARING. I don't have much/any experience with that sort of thing.
LINGO ! The document begins with:
Dear Mrs Galina Antonovna Anikeeva,
You recently appealed against a [handwritten] labour market decision. The office that made that decision has prepared papers ......
So, it is not about rudeness, incompetence and much worse ? LABOUR MARKET ....
LABOUR MARKET DECISION... That is what they call it? It is from Tribunals Service - Social Security and Child Support Appeals.
My complaint about the RUDENESS and incompetence was adviced by CAB consultant as separate from the Appeal. It would go to The Management (PW) of JCPlus first before the Parlamentary Ombudsman (forms given to me by "J"). Since Peter Russel left, new consultants are there and 15 min. time per person call for a greater DIY.
Expatica does not load at all today. What are they afraid of ?
From the "LENIN" by Robert Service book: ... Gulf of BOTHNIA, .... ferry from Turku to Stockholm, .....
sudden death of a N.P. Shmidt in 1907, the (young) nephew of the wealthy Moscow industrialist Savva Morozov (I shall insert other names here tomorrow ). " ... his will left many hundreds of thousands of roubles to his two sisters. Lenin helped to devise a scheme to lay his hands on this legacy by contriving to get two Leninist Bolsheviks, V.K. Taratuta and A.M. Andrikanis, to woo the sisters, marry them and obtain funds for the faction."

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

(nr.82) Inviting Spies and Terrorists ! Just managed to post in the "Migrant Issues in Britain" topic in the German Expatica :

The difficulies accessing Expatica persist.
ERROR messages: (113) Connection to (or 102) Failed. etc.
Also (on my blogspot site) some 'floating' codes at the bottom of the monitor, for example:
Message (6) sent: POST
I actually discovered that my blogsite is open for comments (?), while I assumed that I needed to activate it (and I wrote: Go Expatica! - where messages are visible and there is a notification by e-mail). So what "subscribe Atom (?)" at the bottom here means then I am yet to find out.
The (free) counter I attempted to install wasn't good. The codes for the same counter came in two differing variants, url came in two versions (merging, which reminded me of the 'mutant octopus' experience with my old website - Culturelogic). The hits , which I monitored indirectly via links with Expatica in the past, did not seem to be working properly.
And (profiling) the font color code was .... 666666.
On the Gosport JCPLUS jobs database (see yesrday's ref.) the "Number" codes are written/printed as POR 22677. That is rejected at the as incorrect.
It should be POR/22677.
QUOTE from my e-mail to "Mr.Robinson" sent 7 sept.2005, which was distributed widely - embass(y/ies), media, etc. :

" ...Having refused to become an informer for a couple of secret services, I am amazed at the ever intensifying intimidation and victimisation."
They are better than others 'hiding' and having others do what they want, i.e. setting people up, including their own. Masters of deceit.
They are the original clandestine revolutionaries, bolsheviks, puppet masters. All my first hand experience of 'Soviet' system is like a dream. It never really worked, it came from outside - from The ALBION. They are in their element. We never were.
I just noticed that the codes "tt" which enclosed 'message(6) sent: POST ...'. example above actually were treated as codes and seem to have converted into .... font?

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

(nr. 81 ) Katyn vs Srebrenica ? Are there any similarities between these two massacres/disappearances ?
11.38 am. - See added paragrah at the bottom, please.
News yesterday were extraordinary in the hush/hype quality. Old news about Stephen (Iwan on the gravestone) Kizshko who was wrongly accused of raping and killing a child etc. DNA tests helped to find the real culprit. Yorkshire (!) police did a wonderful job.
7/7 (no year indicated) was the date when a Belgian/American woman, harassed and threatened by (as I call them) rotten spooks, had her protection lifted by the police in Brussels.
The story as I read it on the net, only increased the number of questions I have about and the 'suicide' of Dr. Kelly.
And, by the way, "heavy interrogation" expressesion was somehow misplaced in the 'chat' with a British air passenger. It reminded me of the video placed by a British indep. journalist on the about UK Police harassment/brutality, which actually ended so well and the police being told about laws of the civilised country...
Dr. Dekker should have told her story first hand on the Internet.
The fire at the Olympic Village item (very brief) came at around 18.16 (!), while the radio 4 news normaly last 2 minutes. I wonder if it's the same 'village'.
And rather strange item on the Tory leadership opinion re: sex education of children. Did not make any sense to me.
Gosport JobCentrePLUS: "Sharon" who wouldn't disclose her surname 'because it's very unusual' actually had the temerity to tell me: "Maybe you spend too much time on the Internet. You should be careful what you write! Go and ask them (in the Gosport Library) if they need a cleaner!". Actually I applied for Asst. Librarian vac. here and in Portsmouth in the past - no luck (the discomfort was palpable).
The 3 vacancies 'Sharon' has printed out for me last Wednesday (which I am actively pursuing) are: GSO 4398, GSO 4370 and POR 22677 (on the : sewing machinist, trainee benefits assessor and 'team member' in the bakery (at £4.69-£5.56 per hour).
It was probably 5 o'clock news, thus 17.16 not 18.16.
I shall give some details tomorrow about the difficulty of access to
{ does not load well/at all since Saturday.}

Monday, 12 November 2007

(nr. 80) "Poland!" laughter. In retrospect, it may not be so funny any more... Before the Iraq war, Tony Blair was accused of being pro-american and anti-european. The Parlament roared with laughter, when the answer to the question: - "Can you name one country with a centre-right government that supports Britain/going to war with Iraq?" came : - Yes, Poland! I think I wrote about the incident on the nvz (Russian) forum at the time.
This morning my request for full/sur-names of "Annie" and "Sharon" who I have had interviews with recently at the Gosport JobCentrePLUS was declined. The lady "Gill" - Customer Service Manager, having asked "Pete" (Westhorpe), told me they don't have to provide that, as long as there is a name on the badge (i.e. first names).
So far, since Saturday afternoon refuses to load. I'll try later again.
So, I don't know yet what mikeyt's response is (German Forum, the BULLYING topic).

Saturday, 10 November 2007

(nr. 79 ) Veterans homeless ? I experienced difficulty posting on Expatica (gets disconnected), so from a printout of 'Post a reply' window I place the text here and shall give a link in the new topic on Expatica.
Not sure, but have heard it's a similar situation in UK.

They did expand the definition of Homelessness.

Two (Big Brother's) considerations: men, who know how to fight and bear arms are dangerous, so it's best to lower them in a social sense.

The two aspects of poverty:
no income, but also the humiliation of being classified as homeless.

Social Engineering.

Friday, 9 November 2007

(nr. 78 ) NO APPEAL is necessary, I am told this morning re: Housing and Council Tax, because not only they resumed payments, but "the one week gap is filled already".
I have just asked a man in the library, whom I saw a few times before, if he has lived/worked in the Hague, and he said 'no'. It's just one of those things, smb. looking like smb. else. I mean a man I saw almost regularly on bus 4 going to Mariahoeve from the CS a few years ago, whose demeanor and the umbrella he was carrying attracted my attention. Well, it was somebody else.
THE TEXT OF MY APPEAL (against the decision by E. Lamont made 10 October, 2007 ) which I posted to PO Box 108 ( Fareham LM DMA Sector Office).

1. I was "actively seeking employment" in 13-19 Sept. 07 period.
I can make my case.

2. No official statement of reasons was made by S.Simpson.

3. I have filled "Part Two" questionnaire (on the spot), which
does not apply to me.

4. I have not seen Part One.

Thursday, 8 November 2007

(nr. 77 ) My APPEAL posted this morning 1st class, with a cert. posting - which I get for everything now, as you can't trust those people. Absolutely not.
Yesterday I went back to the JCPlus to ask if the 3 vacancies "Sharon" had printed out was all she has chosen (it would be in comp.file). One 'med. admin' job she has read out to me was in QA hospital in Portsmouth. Olga's daughter might still be working there. [ Our meeting and tel. conversations with Olga, which did not go so well, was one remarkable instance of the details flying to Moscow and the Hague with the speed of light...] In short, Sharon said "We (?) decided it was too far" She did not tell me. Another potential occusation of 'not applying' ?
I'll make a separate appeal(s) re: Housing and Council Tax Benefit deductions that result(ed) from the JSA deduction (week 13-19 Sept. 2007) today/tomorrow.
I'll post on Expatica later today. The latest and all posts can be seen by clicking on 'hantser' and then on 'all posts by hantser'.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

(nr. 76 ) 7th of November ... I am going to ask them in the JCPLUS
at an interview in 15 min. time to make the wording of the new contract I signed more precise. 3 coloured cards offering 3 weeks trial (no salary) were given to me by Annie (who wouldn't give me her surname) who said I should be taking them to interviews and give them to employers.
To cont. today. -
The contract (I was told it's an 'agreement', not a contract) remains the same, but clarified by Sharon (she wouldn't give me her name because 'it's unusual') as follows: if I apply for the job, which I really like and know that I can do, I should enclose the card ( I asked for more and now have 12 ) into the envelope with the CV.
The card actually says:
"I could work for you for a trial period of up to 15 working days.
A Work Trial will give you the opportunity to get to know me and see what I can do.
- You will incur no wage costs or expenses during the trial
- There is no fuss and minimum paperwork
- You get the time to decide if I am right for the job
- There is no obligation if the trial doesn't work out.
In return, I will be able to show you what I can do before you make your decision.
Please contact: JCP Walpole Road, Gosport ... 023 9220 2000 (Kath Rooney) ".
Annie (who did not give me her surname because 'I am the only Annie here') said she would not apologize, because she was 'just doing her work' (re: false allegations about my 'not applying' for 2 jobs.) She admitted 'it turned out' that I did apply and did go for an interview arranged by them. Another interesting detail: she absentmindedly placed my jobsearch report into a file on her desk instead of giving it back to me. In fact I thought there was smth. unusual about the way she handled papers, so I checked and discovered the missing a4.
More about today's interview in a couple of days.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

(nr. 75 ) National Security Archive. I have mentioned the SEARCH via nsa in my last post in " Read before 11 May ... " .

The link is in where the sponsors are listed: Carnegie Corporation of New York, and so on.
I have my next appt with the JobCentrePLUS in Gosport tomorrow.

Monday, 5 November 2007

(nr. 74 ) Putin/elections - on a BBC World the other day a very brief and 'assertive' prediction of Putin's party winning - 'it is not a question of who, but by how much'. Did not say whose prediction it is. A new style of broadcasting?
Fanya Kaplan - a young woman terrorist ( of SR - socialist revolutionaries) who shot and wounded V.Lenin on 30 August 1918. In a book "LENIN" by Robert Service (2000) of over 500 pages her name is not mentioned. It even appears the assasin was not captured (!).
S-theater 'counted' : a hub of people (big or small) near a post box or paper recycling bins near Morrisons supermarket. Yesterday, as I saw predictable milling (cars and pedestrians) I stopped, holding my waste paper to count - 15 comings and goings in less than a minute. Emptiness before and after. I suppose they could not sustain that as they were taken unawares.
Must be a generational occupation locally - from young children to pensioners.
I surprise them from time to time, but they are very 'slow'. I also wrote about it before saying they are not as invisible as they think, including their handlers, majority of whom are so called
mad women.
I shall quote Quentin Letts in the "Migrant Issues in Britain" on Expatica German Forum now.

Friday, 2 November 2007

( nr. 73 ) Lloyds TSB letter (from yesterday) - I went first to the Bank office on High Street yesterday and then to the Post Office. In both places there was a relactance to see the letter ( a thick A5 ) going astray as worthy of complaint or investigation ( Oh, don't worry! It's just a mistake, etc.).
In the post Office when my turn came, the woman attended to me BUT DID NOT TURN THE NUMBER of her DESK ON. To keep my enquiry off record ?
Another example of how they act-react-know too quickly.
On the day S. Simpson quite suddenly and quickly stopped my allowance 'pending investigation' I walked from the JobCentrePLUS to the Library round the corner. As I walked into the library, two women at the reception looked at me with such strong expression of empathy, sadness and understanding on their faces as could be expressed non-verbally. I think wrote about it in Kathaksung's topic on Expatica. Then, I suggested that they (not really 'knowing') were doing -2,-1,0,+1,+2 programmed 'acting'. What really emerges is that the S-theater has a much larger cast, perhaps ONE CAST albeit in different rooms or outside.
I can't afford going to London this weekend. As my next paperwork task is writing an Appeal about one week deduction of JSA (which entails corresponding deduction of housing subsidy and council tax) and writing (separately) a complaint about JSPlus personnel behaviour, the latest strange 'uncertainty' with the Recruitment Fair(/ tickets ) fits into 'strange' (jsp staff said just that) e-mails I started receiving from(via) TopLanguageJobs web agency website (Umer Sheikh et. al.) right after Steph Simpson expressed doubt about my job search report, i.e. whether I faked it (!) and promised to 'certainly check'.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

(nr. 72 ) Vile Daughters of Albion (I have used this expression along with S-Theater )corresponds (generally) to Mad Women (see post 71), and is an all-class(es) phenomenon.

Women are said to be at the core of the British Secret Services.
It all ties in, with corresponent weak and complacent males, whose development was probably 'stunted' in childhood.
This morning I was assured it is now OK (wrote another letter re: Housing Allowance).
The official told me that the "British Social Security is the best in the world".
That is what they think ...
Yesterday I found a letter in my post box addressed to : Miss Yvonne Houghton of 28 Burnhams Walk in Gosport (from Lloyds TSB).
I had similar experience in Holland - getting misdirected mail, which makes one wonder if your letters would be dropped in wrong places. The point is, at my last appt. in Gosport JCPlus, the woman called ' Annie ' (she would not tell me her surname) told me that current job applications I made, according to their 'checks' I did not make.