Monday, 25 February 2019

Addenda Thirty Eight.

( nr 406 ) - Drive by smoochies:

Paul Whelan - SIX different passports and his UK account are mentioned in comments to:

Anti-Soros Feud -

Britain and Germany:


Paul Whelan: British 'spy' ....

Paul Whelan (58) jailed for abusing five boys:

[ Tue. 26 February, 2019] - Waiting for printer/copy machine - to print Interpol and Europol addresses and copy UTILITA letter I received yesterday, dated also yesterday - 25 Feb. addressed to
mysterious Mr Malcolm Fitzearne  who is supposed to be living at my address !
Two women with crying baby rushed to the printer, as I stood up. They called LORNA (?) to help. All three disappeared now.
UTILITA is registered in Centurion Military Base in GOSPORT.
My posts about my MYSTERIOUS land-lady Kennard and MYSTERIOUS Mr Malcom Fitzearne:
2017: Dear Mr. Kennard ! -
2018: Addenda Thirty One. -
SCANS below: UTILITA letter, cards for Electricity and Gas and recent payments plus letter from BLACKPOOL - offer of £140- help with cost of Energy Bills.



Last time, despite my writing to them, visiting UTILITA office on High Street, Gosport, I got a negative ROBO-reply, saying I was not entitled to the sum of 140 pounds, because my name was not on Utilita users/customers. Who is entitled? ....
Nota Bene: British Government asks for recent Utility Bills paid as a ...proof of Identity !
RMN post with "Me thinks we have body double or two running around":
[ Wed. 27 Feb. 2019 ] - Deadly targeting of journalists in MEXICO, especially those who investigated DRUG CARTELS and FOOD industry. Agriculture, food, drinks.
"Thought for FOOD" - I noticed recently (weeks or months) that milk bottles from the fridge seem to sometimes have ... blobs (very soft) which reminded me about liquid crystals.
Will that possibly cause bloated feeling, for example? Nowhere near freezing point, but wild electromagnetic fields may very well change properties, turn food or drink into so-called SMART variety.
Russian VODKA (Stolbovaya) 90 000 bottles confiscated in Rotterdam last week.
Israeli Flag, EDL, Breivik  BRITISH connection:
Chernobyl NUCLEAR accident was the cause of many events, such as unusually LARGE fruits and vegetables growing in the contaminated zone. In Moscow police had to use machine guns to shoot RATS in the Moscow Metro (Underground), which were VERY BIG ... like dogs.
Could radioactive contamination or rad. background affect people as well ?
The Dutch have been the tallest people in the world. Any changes ?
The video of a baby boy with puppies ( first link above ) is hacked (?).
[ Thursday, 28 February, 2019 ] - An anonymous message I received yesterday:
"  21.02.2019  10:38 +44 7 599015688  Why are you putting stuff up about me on your site its harassment  "
 Correction above: EDL - English Defence League.
SOROS ... broke Bank of England ??????
Must have been a BLACK OP by the Bank of England, aka British Establishment.
BRITISH FT (Financial Times) declared SOROS the man of the year 2018.
FT published yesterday on page 11 a devious praise of Toronto IT. Full of NLP, misconceptions, barely hidden hostility to Intellectuals, etc.  Money bags are afraid.
" The Canadian brain gain " by Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson.
Edge Cliffe ? ...  Black Cube British ?
Walked yesterday afternoon to Woolston Court 4. Took more pictures: cables, K - house, etc.
Last Saturday was the National TULIP Day in HOLLAND.
My strange symptoms were: changed sense of TASTE, Ph in the mouth, peak of high temperature I felt on Sat. in the Gosport Library, deep sleep later. Food ... "not going in".
British Military bases SULTAN and CENTURION are next to each other. The info on them has shrunk to the minimum, but Nuclear Department is there.
Energy companies are missing.
NSO group has office in London.
[ Sat. 2 March, 2019 ] - Back in 1986-7 in London, I watched Ivory Tower under Siege.
The word University is grossly misused in U3A - the university of the third age, GOSPORT.
They are anti-university in every sense. Forgot to indicate YEAR in their brochure, see four scans below.
Nota Bene: evil old Mary ... Mary Pond is there. National Trust, Penguins in Antarctica, BRITISH Friends of the Earth, etc.
FT article is too large. FT BIG READ - anagram of fat big red. Some names:
MaRS Discovery District, University of Toronto, Toby Lennox (Toronto Global, foreign investment), H-1B visas, Business Roundtable (BRT), Apple and Cisco, Elissa Strome, Ray Reddy (Ritual), Ben Zifkin (Hubba), Protik Das, Ian Logan, RIM, Airbnb, Gord Kurtenbach, Autodesk, Apple, Xerox Parc, Uber, Nvidia, Microsoft, Mary Louise Cohen and her husband, Kerry Liu, Rubikloud, Mark Usher, Brent Holliday, ....
SMOLENSK mafia is run by the BRITISH.
Monday, 4 March 2019, FAREHAM, 12:00 - 13:00. I shall talk about:

1. Dangers and real agenda behind Trust/Funds for CHILDREN.

2. Diana Pidwell's Russian Friends still a mystery.

3. Soviet Jewish emigration and mixed ( 2 kinds) marriages.

4. Money Bags are afraid. Money, banks, education (East/West).

5. NXIVM is nowhere explained (letters, roman numbers).

6. Lesbian witch HERON and WW2.

7. Food Marks and Spencer:
    Satanic torture from Israel. (my post here with a receipt, timing).

[ Tuesday, 5 March, 2019 ] - As I said before, my unavoidable observation of BRITISH s-theatre and my own experimentation has led to some wonderful discoveries. One was yesterday in Fareham, for the whole world to see: throbbing criminal idiocy like no other.
The British have excluded themselves from The West in the Russian (?) blockbuster film BRAT and BRAT-2, where hapless Americans and the French are "westerners". Germans are shown in a luke-warm fashion, with a young "Nazi" having a Jewish face and a Muslim name.
The cacophony of sounds in Fareham, the buga-wuga - all British, also the "made in Israel" script of ... Norman film? Same sounds were played out in Victoria station in London years ago.
Their SYSTEM, their FORMULA are for idiots, exposing their own inferiority and lack of control.
[ Thursday, 7 March, 2019] - I noticed that AGM ( annual general meeting) of the PHYSICS society has disappeared from their annual programme. Two of my objections in the past ref. Univ. of Portsmouth Physics Society:
1. When I asked for the STATUTES of the Socity, I was told ... there was none.
2. They introduced "all students are automatically members of the society".
Iran, Iraq parliament speakers meet in Tehran -
Private construction company - at least 16 dead:
[ Friday, 8 March, 2019] - Addenda Thirty Three -
Satanic Tech, Face2Face video:
Munich T.U. , Prof. Matthias Niessner also runs private business
IO - Indian Ocean for Panama. Domain registered with NameCheap, Inc, expires on 2019-04-20.
Synthesia Ltd. has office in LONDON: 40 Islington High Street, N1 8XB, London.
Their team from UCL (University College London), Stanford, TUM (Tech. University Munchen), Cambridge, Adobe and Foundry.
Prof. Dr. Niessner did his Ph.D. in Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2013, was visitor at Stanford 2013-2017.
He is a co-founder and director of Synthesia Inc.
Russian General Alexander LEBED has warned about Neuro-Semantic Programming.
The BRITISH did not want to hear, ref. his TV interview.
[ Sat. 9 March, 2019 ] - Did a headline go missing yesterday ?
Was it about body double ?
My next TALK in Fareham on Monday, 11 March, 2019, between 11 and 12 o'clock.
Search for "Panama" on this website results in six finds. Apart from this post 406, it's 366, 370, 386, 385 and 357.
[ Wed. 13 March, 2019 ] - My granddaughter came to the library yesterday to collect the book she ordered, but was told her order was cancelled.
It was late afternoon. I was upstairs and thought the heavy look/stare the woman at the desk gave me was peculiar. A shelf with books appeared as if to ... protect her ... privacy (?).
Hellary scandal !

GUZMAN donated 15 mln. to Clinton Foundation.
Top donors are:

1. Ukraine - 10 mln dollars,
2. England - 8.4 mln,

followed by Saudi Arabia, Germany, Ireland, India,Canada, Argentina, United Arab Emirates, China, Greece, Nigeria, Bosnia, France and Sri Lanka (0.7 mln.).

-  from The Times (Mexico and The Americas) report by John T. Robertson on January 9, 2017.
Link in
Is John T. Robertson missing?
British Establishment blocks printing ("suspended" etc.) of :
Transgender woman 'tortured' in Egypt following arrest for anti-government protests by The Independent.
A lot about Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX crash.
Is this a full list of people who died in the crash ? -
Yesterday and today saw some young construction (?) workers with that type of theatrical/artistic white paint on their working clothes, like Mr Kennard had.