Saturday, 28 June 2008

(nr 142 ) I wrote "Communism was forged" in my last post with Forge meaning construct, frame, make (a 'material' thing), since the ideology was very practical from the outset. London, Manchester were safe havens for global thinkers, who deceived the world with their theory of class struggle. It's not about 'classes', but sub-classes in every class.
By the way, last time I checked Expatica posts, I noticed that the word ROTTEN has disappeared from my post where I wrote smth. like: They want to force their rotten (sub-)culture(s) on all of us. And I was only angry about (new) vulgar displays in a bookshop before Christmass. How quickly did they remove it ?
Had an unpleasant and unusual dream today, but slept well. It was a graphic injury of a man on a platform.
Next post next Saturday 5 July or earlier.