Friday, 10 May 2019

Addenda Forty One.

( 409 ) - Severe abuse/torture in the Military: physical, psychological, (homo-)sexual: - the story of Soldaat Allan.
Belgian website Bende van Nijvel is mentioned in my post (391) in 2018 (Addenda Twenty Four):
From Gladio Nederland (page 1 of 6): secret store of weapons and explosives in The Hague, Semtex, Peter R. de Vries, Suriname, CIA-agent Carl Magnus Torsten Armfelt (Swedish), Pim Fortuyn, Oliver North, Mendez (knew too much), etc. -
Semtex (Sem-tex) - Kintex (Kin-tex).
Gladio Bulgaria:
Reyniers !
End of May 1989: Shavit and Reyniers went to attend Police Congress in Israel.
See last post by Trojan on Mossad (page 12):
Belgian Judge (parketmagistraat) Edwig Steppe ( letter plus ):
His two videos (if not blocked or tampered with) are:
My post from 2017 -
16 April, 1956.
Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries  investigates GYPSY family Petalo.

Two videos: Deel 1 -
Deel 2 -
[ MONDAY 13 May, 2019] - Colours (improved version) are back on my stat pages since last week, and today Unknown Territory is no more a visitor of my website !
Talked today about 149 MUKULTRA subprojects, Polish-American Unabomber (bright mathematitian) whose tests, interviews and subsequent gross ill-treatment were probably based on
screening/filtering and attempted behaviour modification applied to a highly intelligent young man.
His brother got one million reward for leading FBI to Ted's secret house.
In "slave making" manual (Psychopol doc. from Lavrenty Beria ) two dangers are pointed to: Religious Leaders and Independent Researches and Investigators.
The whole discipline of Psychiatry and so-called Mental Illness was to be taken under total control of Marx-Lenin-Trotsky communist agents.
A Sexpol was also mentioned. I saw Milpol (not explained?) on Bende van Nijvel website.
DOG disease (Bruccelosis? ...) was traced to a dog from Eastern Europe traded on Darknet by a Dutch dog breeder. The disease is not lethal, but incurable and can pass to humans Via: blood, saliva, placenta and sperm. Puppies were born sick. Remember Mad Cow Disease ?
The German and Indian steel makers fused to form ThyssenKrupp Tata Steel.
Looking at EU elections list of candidates. In Gosport it is to be found on website.
Prince Harry in the Hague, Netherlands - ref. Invictus Games 2020:
149 subprojects:
EU candidates: 9 parties and 3 independent candidates.
[ Wed. 15 May, 2019] - Scan of the letter from TV licensing with return "Return Address" as: Darlington DL98 1 AT:

Carl Beech, previously known as "Nick" during Jimmy Savile investigations into Satanic VIP paedophile networks,
 is now in Court with a case against him (accused of lies) opened by Tony Badenoch QC.
Names of some people Carl Beech accused of hard crimes against young boys:

- Sir Edward Heath,

- Lord Brittan,

- Harvey Proctor,

- Greville Janner,

- Lord Bramall (ex-head of the Army),

- Michael Hanley (ex-head of MI5),

- Maurice Oldfield (ex-head of MI6).

Online report by Martin Evans in Telegraph yesterday:
 Sick DOGS in Holland. Brucellose is caused by bacteria Brucella canis.
One of the long kept secrets of the ww2 was American submarine casualty during D-Day ( 6 June 1944), when about 700 men died in explosion due to German mine.
[ Thursday 16 May, 2019] - TOILETS +
Carl Beech also listed as his abusers:Major Ray Beech (his step father) , Lt General Beech, General Gibbs, General Bramall (lord Brammall), Jimmy Savile, etc.
Carl Beech was abused for the first time by his step father, who had raped and beaten him ... in a public toilet in a wildlife park.
In a "Clock Work Orange" book I detected earlier a BAD translation of a Russian word tolchok as a push. Tolchok also means toilet seat.
Criminals like anonymity. They don't like to be seen, to be named or taken pictures of, etc.
Word Mocro in Russian jargon (other languages ?) means wet for blood, murder.
Mocro Maffia mentioned in the latest story about PANORAMA publications in Holland.
Dutch journalist Vic Olling works for Panorama:
I read 2 comments. Pretending not to understand? Just like hobie (?) and CrystalRiver on RMN forum pretended not to understand one post by AndiV (Monarch, electro-shock).
I see the salient detail in anonymity of authors, their psydonames and questions about  who those people really are.
Dutch journalist Maylene de la Haye was targeted by MC (bikers club) when she wrote in Panorama report about criminal activities of female bikers of Dutch MC Never Surrender.
A search for LESBIAN on website  results in 58 pages (10 articles each), where we find 'filming torture death of children' , dolphin tattoo (ownership) and much more.
So-called snuff movies were circulating in The Hague among teenagers in the 1990s.
Those were many times re-recorded VHS videos. There was one film about Hungarian Mafia, - a man in a wheel-chair, his children ... .
On homosexuality and adoption of children in Tzarist Russia ( 2009 post) :
2016 post Women and Crime:
A package (Yodel) was at the door of flat 27 (opposite mine) this morning. Second or third day?
[ Sat. 18 May, 2019 ] - Is WHO (World Health Organization) in Geneva, Switzerland?
Lingo: Geneva - Genova (in Italy).
Many other alphabet agencies ... CIA+
I do not remember the details of The Manifesto by Unabomber, Ted Kascynsky (sp?).
At the time, I even wondered if the text made available to the public was actually edited.
In retrospect, one million dollars reward is a very high amount.
Did it come from FBI or some private entity?
Next week Thursday 23 May - EU elections in UK.
Just remembered !
 Jewish medical doctor Blank ( from Switzerland ) was in the family of V.I. Lenin, the leader of 1917 Russian Revolution. Lenin's maternal grandfather?
Carl Beech.

MKULTRA, sadistic abuse of children ...
One Dr. Beecher at Harvard is mentioned on page 8/25 ( also Dr. Gaefsky and Dr. Jensen ) -
[ Thursday, 23 May, 2019. ] - EU elections: voted this morning at the St. Mary's station. Came to say I did not receive the A5 registration card as usual. Was told it's OK provided my name was on their voter list. It was, serial number 369. The ballot paper nr. 066062.
[ Friday, 24 May, 2019] - EU elections:

Thursday 23 May - Netherlands and Britain;
Friday 24 May: Ireland, Czech Rep.;
Sat. 25 May: Czech Rep., Latvia, Malta, Slowak Rep.;
Sunday 26 May: other 21 EU countries.
WW2 - D-DAY- 6 June, 1944.
75th anniversary with international events planned for the next 2 weeks.
My posts from:
 2009 -
 2011 -
 2013 -
 2016 -
 2016 -
 2016 -
 2017 -
EUROPOL: Spanish Police arrests the leader ( a Lithuanian) of a big mafia/org. crime network:
RMN post 124027 - NXIVM case in New York:
My post Addenda Nine
[ Sat. 25 May, 2019] - All papers today have a face of British PM Theresa May (nee Brasier) on their front pages. The day after it was reported that she refused to meet angry MPs (barricaded herself?), the local paper The News announced that Donald Trump, Queen Elizabeth II and PM Theresa May shall be in Portsmouth on Wednesday, 5 June for the D-Day ( 6 June 1944) ceremonies.
She announced her resignation (?) as from 7 June.
Gosport Catholic Church St. Mary's is on High Street with St. Mary's Hall behind it used during elections as a Polling Station. In the afternoon of Thursday 23 May there were two people outside the hall: the Italian Priest (?) in a pink shirt, who looked angry and another man inside a car whom I may be saw on previous occasion and thought he was Russian or Ukranian. This time I wondered if he was a Lithuanian.
My post Addenda Eleven:
[ Wed. 29 May, 2019] - British files of disappearance of diver Lionel Crabb are secret till 2057 (!).
Ewa Kurek - Polish historian:

 No such a thing as Judo-Christian civilization ! -

-  link to
  (not working ?)
[ Thursday, 30 May, 2019] - Is it 5G ?
As I walked from Lidl in Gosport home (St. Matthews Court) I noticed a change in what is like a Mini-Echelon ( behind barbed wire) near Spring Garden Hotel: the white domes disappeared, but new shape - a pole with white horizontal discs is now visible.
[ Friday, 31 May, 2019] - New (?) virus in China: - the link to article is blocked/sabotaged by Hampshire IT.
My posts from 2007, 2017 and 2018:
Solar panels on fire (unexplained):
Commander Crabb went missing near Soviet cruiser Ordzhokikidze  (with Kruschev and Bulganin on board) which moored in Portsmouth on 18 April 1956.
Crabb took part in rescue work on submarines Truculent in 1950 and Affray in 1951.
Monument to Affray is 2 min. walk from Gosport Ferry.
- from "Hampshire Tales of Mystery & Murder" by Ian Fox (2001) ISBN 1 85306 716 4
My post: 16 April 1956 -
Bilderberg 2019 participants:
The first meeting took place in in 1954 (29-31 May) in Hotel De Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, The Netherlands.
Two scans below:
1.  D-Day events in Gosport 1 and 2 June 2019.
2.  Embroidery set of pattern and colour threads, which illustrate High-Tech satellite photography and importance of colors, incl. background colours. Ref. behaviour of "Mossad Team" people, construction workers and others.
[ Sat. 1 June, 2019] - I just saw another busy programme of events today and tomorrow - in Portsmouth ( historic Dockyard).
At a glance, venues are named ( Main Arena, Starboard Arena, ... ) but location not obvious.
Gosport Town Centre is very quiet this morning.
Bingo ! Got a map from Tourist Info shop (Gosport Bus Station) with a color map of
Solent, SEA SIDE in Gosport, showing "Main Arena" etc.
The map plus programme (as in the paper scan above) is in the A3 format of a small (folded into one third of A4) brownish brochure titled: D-Day 75, Embarkation Event, Sat. 1st and Sunday 2nd June 2019.
[ Tue. 4 June, 2019] - Scan of Gosport buildings under "renovation" ? ...

Scripts and theatrics: MOSSAD/ Jewish women active yesterday: Bus E2 and Fareham.
Peplay of past scripts authored by Edwardovna and Lorna !
Commander Crabb (book ref. above) had his trademark swordstick surmounted with a golden crab.
Admiralty declared that he was "missing, presumed drowned" while diving at Stokes Bay, Gosport.
From page 14: ...90-year-old man Joseph Chwortkin interviewed by Yedioth Ahronoth journalist.
J. Chwortkin immigrated to Israel in 1990. He was (?) a head of Soviet Naval Intelligence, was an undercover Soviet agent in England, posing as a German citizen.
This afternoon saw a woman who reminded me of Gorskaya (lecturer).
Also brother and sister?
The shelf I criticised yesterday (bought in LIDL) not only was/is wobbly, unstable (brackets missing), but is top-heavy.
[ Thursday, 6 June, 2019] - D-Day 6 June 1944 - today is the 75th anniversary.
NYPD chief ...
Mystery of Walter Lubcke ... senior member of Angela Merkel party CDU.
Why was his death under-reported? Not in Dutch NU or NOS agencies, for example.
The head of Hesse state Criminal Police is a woman -
Sabine Thurau.
She has chosen not to wear Police Uniform. The black dress is not suitable for the occasion:
Pressekonferenz zum Tod von Walter Lubcke -,video-93388.html
PANORAMA .... Dutch woman journalist (also singer and writer) Mylene de la HAYE worked for Dutch magazine Panorama. Her report about criminal activities of female members of MC (motor club) resulted in violent and intimidating visit of MC men to Panorama office with demand/order to stop all negative publications about them with immediate effect, otherwise - daily fine of 5000 euro, etc. etc.
Women and Crime -
Mylene de la HAYE -
On the Dutch Wikipedia entry for Panorama Dutch Magazine ( since 1913) 4 names appear for known/celebrity people who contributed to Panorama: 3 men (Bobbi Eden, Henk Spaan, Peter R. de Vries) and one woman, Tatjana Simic ( Croat-Dutch model, singer and actress).
Maylene de la Haye is not mentioned.
Their website is blocked here in UK by Hampshire IT (establishment).
The German press-conference above was misprinted yesterday - smudging vertical lines.
Sabine Thurau in her black dress reminded me of:

1. British police women allegedly being "so very upset" when British Police Federation boss (name?) was found dead on top of a mountain in Scotland), that they were excused/not made to testify/not interrogated. The man (married with two sons) had a date with a black woman (also married), who was (?) a police officer herself.

2. Russian woman journalist (?) in a mini-skirt who "spoiled the landscape" (Russian metaphor) during a press-conference given by Ukranian security officer Prozorov ref. his work for Russians.
My post 291 from 2011:
[ Friday, 7 June, 2019] - A girl (about 13?) in a black coat on a bicycle nearly ran into me this morning, about 8:15 am.
New details about Dr. Walter Lubcke:... lubcke war babysitter in der tatnacht, etc.
Pharma +
Nexium (!) for esomeprazole. Actually it's nexium control medication by Phizer (sp?).