Wednesday, 8 November 2017

501 crimes.

( nr 386 ) - " 501 most notorious crimes "   by Paul Donnelley 2009,  reprint 2014.

 ISBN : 978-0-753725-98-6
Very interesting NAMES:

 Balfour ( page 72-73), Morrison ( page 156-157 0 , De Bono ( page 335) , etc.
BALFOUR: Jabez Spencer BALFOUR (UK: 1843 - 1916). Rags to riches, back to rags.
Was Justice of the Peace, mayor of Croydon in Surrey, Liberal MP for Tamworth and Burnley. Set up many businesses. He was on the point of appt. to the Cabinet, when his empire collapsed.
He created "snowballing" technique. His system crushed in 1892. Balfour owed £ 8 million.
MORRISON: Stepney, Whitechapel in East End, London. Leon Beron was born in Poland in 1863. In 1910 he met another Russian Jew, Stinie Morrison, who came to England in 1898, - convicted criminal who used false names.
DE BONO: The five Messina brothers had a criminal background. Their Sicilian father, Giuseppe De Bono was a white slaver. The family relocated to London in 1934 (?) taking the name Messina.
After ww2 five brothers carried on the family business, importing women from Belgium, France and Spain. They were married to tramps, who were paid and given a new suit to wear at the register office ceremony. By 1940s the Messinas ran 30 brothels in and around Bond Street.
Ostensibly, the family business was dealing in antiques and diamonds.
By 1950s at least 200 of London's most expensive prostitutes were Messina girls.
[ Thurs. 9 Nov. 2017] - Scanner not working. Balfour "was forced to flee the country". Forced by whom? Landed in Argentina. Extradited in 1895 and sentenced to 14 years in prison. B. was released in 1906 (3 years earlier). Died 23 Feb. 1916.
The Wikipedia entry (of yesterday) for Messina Brothers is in 2 lang. only: English and Italian.
Eng. entry has " ... Maltese Messina (Debono) brothers ..." and Italian entry (very short) does not mention De Bono name.
Addenda Two - ( nr 347 ):
On Friday morning (3 Nov. 2017) a seven year-old girl was found dying at the home of
 Robert Peters, 55 in South West London. She died in hospital Saturday morning. Peters, originally from West Yorkshire was married 3 times. He has £1.3 million business with his twin brother Richard living in Tel Aviv, Israel. - from Sun paper of Mon. 6 Nov., 2017, by Jake Ryan "Millionaire held over dead girl, 7 ".
[ Mon. 13 Nov. 2017] - Posted card today to Cllr. Burgess.
Two scans: Book "501 crimes" cover and Sun article about murder of 7-year old girl by Robert Peters, 55.
[ Friday, 17 Nov. 2017 ] - Four scans on purple background just added:
1. PANAMA Papers scandal - British Queen Elzabeth II ( from New York Times International).
2. Balfour (from 501 crimes).
3. Messina brothers (from 501).
4. Morrison ( from 501).
Balfour Declaration:
Centenary of declaration for establishment of ISRAEL (was signed 2 Nov. 1917) was celebrated in London at a BANQUET on Thursday, 2 Nov. 2017.
Participants: Theresa May, Benjamin Netanyahu, and many other guests.
[Difficult to print] -
 Report by Gemma Mullin (5 -7 Nov.2017) of The Sun newspaper:
[ Tue. 21 Nov. 2017] - just posted scan of John LANE Insurance -
Gosport High Street, opposite Gosport Library and next to .... CHURCHERS solicitors office.
So-called Festivals: Fake Festival in Skipton, Mutiny Festival in Portsmouth, etc.
Hmm ... There was this Italian woman from the North Yorkshire Educational Council at Diana's party. It went together with the Jewelry private sales. I remember this heavy (?) metal style and wondered how it sold, as it would require off mainstream dress. I also remembered somewhat similar evenings/afternoon in Guildford - cosmetics sales (Jenny Oduko was interested).
Was that girl (about 8 years-old) a so-called gifted child?
Addenda Four post:
Churchers Solicitors, Gosport:  3, High Street, Gosport, Hants PO12 1DQ. Tel: 023 9251 0055.
Post PACEPA plus:
 Addenda Nine post:
Addenda Eleven post:
[ Wed. 22 Nov. 2017] - A few years ago: Satanic Art Gallery with the oversized picture of the "artist" himself by the Salt -Air (sp?) railway station in North Yorkshire. That 'oversized' depiction preceded 'new' software that major British media/newspapers use, with front page photos being blown out of proportion and sometimes disturbing as a result.
Just remembered that Pat Oke advertised jewelry on Facebook ( which is now even messier than ever before). The jewelry (above) was of an imitation platinum (?) and massive design.
David Cohn thought I'd be interested in visiting an art gallery (close to Bradley village) of some 'famous' artist. No, I was not interested.
Raph Cohn worked in/for Barclay Bank, Indian Military (private?), somewhere in Scotland plus that Insurance vs Geology of flooding Cambridge project (shortly before floods in Yorkshire). Another coincidence: numerous old geological survey maps and journal were piled on trollies in Portsmouth University Library during holidays. Were they ... thrown away? It was around the time of some unpleasant S-theatre, involving construction workers (AMIR?) and some Asian and African students.
[ Thurs. 23 Nov. 2017] - ISRAEL:

1. Israel as HQ of Organised Crime (from leaked American diplomatic mail).

2. Three facts seem to have disappeared from Arthur Balfour wiki biography: that he never married, that he had SADO-MASOCHISTIC relationship with a woman and there was a 'guess' that he was a hermaphrodite. The last 'update' however is full of characteristics that mark a homosexual.
I noticed yesterday a very old (blue paint) sign: H. Howell & Company Ltd. on a wooden building in an open garage between St. Mary's Church and Fox Pub in Gosport. Years ago I had a strange 'long' fall just when a truck 'faced' me that was going into that garage.
[ Friday, 24 Nov. 2017] - The adjacent, bigger open garage might have been the one (see H. Howell above).
Father Christmass : sending my support for Proposal to have real discussions at the right time and the right place ( postcard to Hans Nijenhuis, hoofdredacteur AD - Algemene Dagblad).
[ Monday, 27 Nov. 2017] - Some news:
(4) CNN news about Yevgeniy NIKULIN (aka Chinabig01, dex.007, valeriy.krutov3, itBlackHat)
Romanian Securitate General PACEPA plus :
Addenda Eleven:
[ Wed. 29 Nov. 2017] - China Child Abuse Scandal:

{The e-mail my daughter had forwarded to me last week is not in my in-box. }

"The PARASITE" - by Arthur Conan DOYLE :

