Friday, 25 November 2016

Life, Lies and Crimes.

( nr 366 ) Okke Ornstein is a Dutch free-lance journalist, now imprisoned (?) in PANAMA.
"Actors" in unfolding drama include French Canadian businessman Monte Morris Friesner and Tatiana Nazarowa, his wife.
Tatiana Nazarova is a Russian name.
Since yesterday, some relevant websites are "locked" or require registered entry by server/ICANN.
From Website dedicated to the many family, business and public victims (living & dead) of the Life, Lies & Crimes of career criminal Monte Morris Friesner and his wife Tatiana Nazarova.
Law Justia:  - prints only 1/3 page.
Narconews: (Panama's President Martinelli accused of massive money laundering).
[ Sat. 26 Nov.2016] - WIKI questions: see my comments in prev. post 365 - link:
[ Mon. 28 Nov.2016] - WOMEN and CRIME:
[ Tue.29 Nov.2016] - British Aerospace 146 plane crash in COLOMBIA, Medellin area.
Only 5 survived, 76 dead. There were 15 journalists on board travelling with Brazilian football team. Colombian FARC ( has one Dutch woman fighter: Tania ) recently signed a peace treaty. I hope I got the names right.
Currently lots of lookalikes and people I pointed to in the past, whom I do not always 'acknowledge'. Included: Shell BP in Holland, Commonwealth Club, woman with very short brown hair, Christ Church, Singing (too good), Russian Spectacular, Children of Chernobyl, Polish Catholic priest from Southampton (tattoo and chain), etc.
 I remember reading (one of those ex-spy memoirs?) that Fidel Castro's brother Raoul was turned (made homosexual) by one Soviet military/KGB/GRU officer. On a Russian forum smb. recalled how (young?) military  advisers on CUBA were forbidden to have any contact with Cuban women.
T.K.Maxx in Fareham: when asked where the cashier was, I realised there was no sign on display, except confusing ones. Disorientation. Masonic? I remember how in Frankfurt airport (1992), following their signs, I made a complete circle. At the TKMaxx cashier: another chance to win 1000 pounds. I was told the winner does not have to declare this income to TAX authorities, it is tax-Free and they do not think it represents SOCIAL SECURITY FRAUD POTENTIAL. When I tried via JobCentre+ a business start-up, I asked what amount earned would represent an end/suspension of Social Security payments. The Answer was: FIVE POUNDS. I never do those loteries/gambling.
MI5 Catherine threatening  young men in attempt to recruit them:
NEWS:  Barak OBAMA and wife Michelle adopted two girls.
 Michelle was born Michael?
[ Wed. 30 Nov. 2016] - Video of 14:54 minutes posted on RMN:
Obamas kids are adopted, the real parents found -
British Aerospace 146 crash (above) has more survivors: some passengers missed the flight.
FARC is a Spanish acronym, means Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army.
From en.wikipedia entry of 31 pages: Active: 1964 - Present. Top 3 on the leaders list: Timochenko, Ivan Marquez, Pastor Alape.
Has Victor BOUT vanished from the news? Those mini submarines used for drug trade, etc.
British Football: BIG THANKS to real men, who came forward with the sex abuse testimonies, especially those who did so openly. There was a story in The News (years ago) with a similar revelation. The man (Aron?) at a young age did not even understand what was happening to him, he thought that the abuser (coach?) ... liked him very much. Was told others/all do it, etc.
Only when he became a father of a young boy, he understood the evil and decided to make a public statement. One video from a Dutch website:
Belgian MP Laurent Louis brought police photos of Julie and Melissa (ref. Marc Dutroux) with evidence of ....torture inflicted on the children. I have a link to the video of disgraceful walkout of parliamentarians on this site. The following text distorts the story:
FARC - Tanja Nijmeijer -
[ Thur. 1 Dec. 2016] - Scans did not post. May be tomorrow.
Dutch Football Club ADO Den Haag - problems at top management level:
[Friday, 2 Dec. 2016] -  The 3 scans:
1 -----  NORTH YORKSHIRE (Settle) - Private Boarding school.
SIMON BALL (42) got seven and five years in jail for sex abuse of teen students. Music teacher, Oxford graduate.
2 ------ Top women British Theresa May and Polish Beata Szydlo had a positive meeting.
3 ------ Photo of Tatiana Nazarowa and her husband Monte Morris Friesner - see Okke Ornstein above.
My post 352 Addenda Five :
[ Sat. 3 Dec. 2016] - Gosport High Street. For the first time a "look-alike" said to me: "Yes, I am".
Regular Saturday market stall with Christmas+ Cards near the PARKER and TORRINGTON office is managed on the ground by Gosport Council  Leader MARK HOOK.
I have asked in Fareham Library about what I thought was a spelling mistake in my name on a printer display: Calina instead of Galina. I was told "C" was upon examination G. Then I noticed on my library card yet another capital C.
How many fonts or mixtures of fonts are being used by HAMPSHIRE IT ?
Technically speaking any slight difference in a text/picture creates ANOTHER or EXTRA copy, the one with a visible or a hidden/secret mark. Just like a name spelled or transliterated differently. On a Russian Forum ( nvz or nvk ?) where one K (user name) confused me with another Galina from ISRAEL (same name in English and Russian fonts) made me wonder if there could be several K users (letter K looks very similar in several fonts or alphabets). Programming can see or ignore certain signs, etc. Different passports/ID documents and their "processing".
Hot or Dedicated telephone lines have some or certain weaknesses, which is another topic.
2009 January - my posts 186 and 187:
As I discovered earlier via WHOIS search, Gosport, Fareham and Portsmouth (all in Hampshire, UK) placed their government websites on a Chinese Server.
The website LARSONMEDIA had legal and technical documents about TORTURE with REMOTE CONTROL. I placed some scans on this site before was messed up with, such as an answer from CIA to request from David Larson (biomedical engineer?) for biographical details of four CIA contractors:
[ Mon. 5 Dec. 2016] -

Babak Zanjani - a very interesting case against this businessman in IRAN :
The High Court has confirmed DEATH SENTENCE against Babak Zanjani.
2.5 billion euros are de facto stolen from the Government. International network of corrupt businesses includes Turkey, Malaysia and Dubai.
Top gov. figures conspired in 'protecting' B. Z. and his org. crime mates throughout the court proceedings. Where did the money go? ... Times or Daily Telegraph discovered (last year?) mysteriously high number of expensive properties in Central London (?) - all unoccupied with owners listed in some Arab country or countries. Any links with RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyers ? Some other estate/property businesses in UK and Holland? ....
By the way, British lawyer with the helicopter pilot (from Gosport) died in a suspect air crash years ago. They worked for BORIS BEREZOVSKI. The lawyer (Curtis?) was in contact with the POLICE, he knew where big money was hidden away and warned his family: ... if anything happens to me in the next two weeks, it won't be an accident.
On a map (I bought a good world map in High Street for only 4 pounds) Medellin, COLOMBIA is not far from PANAMA city, where Tatiana NAZAROVA lives with her French Canadian (convicted criminal) husband M.M. Friesner. A vest in a Charity shop had a label with: made in Cambodia and a firm DEBRUSS LLC with an address in Moscow ( Admiral Makarov street.) That firm was registered and 'dissolved' in California, US (to do with PENSION fraud?).
Last Saturday search for Chinese Torture got zero result: blocked as so-called 'adult' content by HAMPSHIRE IT (on a Chinese Server). Torture with remote control was "re-named" TOUCHLESS ... .
My posts 300 and 301:
[ Tue. 6 Dec. 2016] - I subscribed to RUSSKAYA MYSL (Russian Émigre) paper in Paris around 1990 and got no answer when I expressed interest in the project of  Russian Society of .... Officers/Engineers  ( ref. Housing Construction  in MOSCOW). Our Russian Orthodox priest in the HAGUE was said to have been a racing car driver in PARIS in his younger days. During WW2 he said: Da, my pomogali evreeyam (Yes, we did help Jews during WW2).
There was some disappointment about his finding a Romanian woman who was tasked with restoration of the Church interior paintings: she did an awful job, etc.etc.