Friday, 11 August 2017

Addenda Nineteen.

( nr 381 ) - Three scans of four photographs posted, going down:

1. STS Defence Ltd. (red car by entrance) -
the company name came out very pale on photograps I took.

2. Castle Tavern Pub (also by Gosport Ferry) with a "Tiger" -painted car/taxi opposite.

3. FAREHAM: Two photos on one scan:
Café Tusk  and recently opened Snuffels - dogs' hairdresser/grooming saloon.
[ Mon. 14 Aug. 2017] - I bought 3 Sunday papers yesterday and 'cropped' about two thirds to throw away (which I did immediately). To my surprise I made a mistake and discovered I had a 'throw-away' part in one paper, meaning I disposed of the good/readable part.
I think it had to do with Virginia events report from USA.
Another quirky detail: I saw a word/letter play on a suspect Russian Toy company. The website ... ToyRus.Ru (??) was rendered with capital letters R and U standing out, as if 'close' to acronym for Right Unite ... . Russian Toys were discussed/mentioned on Madeleine McCann forum  years ago.
Posts 218, 245 and 374: 06 17 archive.html (url ??)

Smth. is wrong with the first link to post ( nr 218)  - go to year 2009, Wed. 17 June please.

( 12:30 - second attempt) - another detail: I started this post last Friday not in the Gosport Library main bld., but in the Museum part, where I am now. I was advised last Thurs. by the staff (a young blond lady) to go to the Museum part, as the scanner was 'broken'.
I write this because quite unexpectedly, in the word café - café Tusk ( even now ) letter e came out differently.
I did talk about fonts/ASCI codes and implications, such as de facto creating another file.
Human vs machine intelligence. Stats: Ukraine far ahead of other countries.
Russian Ambassador in America KISLYAK ( born in Moscow to Ukranian parents) served also in Brussels, Belgium and NATO.
Israel EPSTEIN was born in China to Jewish Polish/Russian parents.
[ Thurs. 17 Aug. 2017] - NEWS: ref. Natalie HOLLOWAY vanished in ARUBA in 2005. Now private detective T.J. Ward says ... .
I read the news on the Dutch news website which gave reference to NBC News.
 I did not find the news on NBC News website, and now it seems to have disappeared from .
Was N.H. from Charlottesville?
NB: Dividing people into Black and White is simply not valid, a gross and ridiculous oversimplification. Three cute babies on Obama tweet (?) is also ridiculous - too simple to represent "races". Race is not defined and censored. The 3 'races' happen to coincide with Soviet textbook poster: Mir I Druzhba (Peace and Friendship).
Interestingly official questionnaires in UK ( quite often) mess up so-called ethnicity, geography, nationality, citizenship and skin colour, and I often made my remarks about it.
Race is a biological characteristic, there are dozens of classifications. More than Three Races. Many more ... . And in each group opinions and political stands differ.
PS: There was a Holloway Prison in London for WOMEN.
[ Friday, 18 August] - The theatrics (prof. and S-theatre) this week and Wed. in Fareham (hairdresser's appt. at 2 pm) had some interesting similarities to earlier scripts and costumes. Indicators: Soviet, Jewish, Polish, Israeli, pre-1917, diamond heist actors, bus route Fareham-Portsmouth, Alexandra hospital (old gran wanting to stop the bus), Nat. Express actors, etc.
Mad Women ever active? There was a rather provocative post on RMN (Naomi Wolf?) approx.: "... Now or never! ... Rosa Parks day ....". From a private conversation (ref. Skipton, North Yorkshire):
Evrei zanimayutsa Afrikanskimi semiami.
BROTHER men in Gosport made me wonder if there was more than one group under that name.
My post from 2007:
Strange and seemingly useless flash mob hobby in America as reported online about 20 years ago was a training/rehearsal for riots.
[ Sat. 19 Aug. 2017] - ANDY ( or Andy ) on RMN forum reported HOMOSEXUALS in London on the last Pink (?) Saturday (5 Aug?) displaying GLBT+ signs with letter P for Pedophiles or Pedosexuals added to the acronym. That post ( I searched by subject) and other posts by Andy have disappeared.  I now saw their acronym "renamed" to include Q for Queer, long forgotted name (vs Straight).
 Saw 3 people-characters (ref. participation in theatrics - witting or unwitting): an old man (Ukranian?) from St. Matthews, a Russian/Ukranian (?) of about 30 y.o. who gave impression of a "military" style appearances and the man who sat by the copy machine upstairs in the library. People can have twin brothers, of course, and use make-over and make up.
There was one ....Roman (?) Polansky or his relative (?) among the informal crowd at the  MGU ( Moscow State University) , - Journalism Foreign students (plus) community.
When I collected my Soviet (Foreign) passport in OVIR Moscow, I stopped at (Gruzinski?) market to do shopping and my passport stolen. Smb. telephoned soon after to say they found my passport. So I was glad to have my passport back and pay money as reward/Thank You (not an unusual situation). Thinking back, I suspect KGB/Mossad was involved.
British Commonwealth: In the Hague I was elected to be a Secretary (exact title: Membership and Financial ?) of the Commonwealth Club. Surprisingly, as I was the only non-British member, the link being Unilag - British Commonwealth University. I resigned, when one member suggested I phone British Commonwealth HQ in London and speak to one woman - without giving me any reason to do so. I thought it wasn't done, I was not going to do it.
TV-set "ULTRA Bermuda" model (1960s) is on display in Fareham Museum upstairs. Made in Ruislip, Middlesex.
My post Life, Lies and Crimes:
[ Tue. 22 Aug. 2017] - Epstein + Four WOMEN:

Did find "Andy" on RMN, it's AndiV: 
Criminal PROVOCATION in Charlottesville:
[ Wed. 23 Aug. 2017 ] - The DEGENERATES theatre, police in fake uniform, etc. - all operating their CRIMES openly:
Crisis Cast Ltd. of 20-22 Wenlock Rd. London UK. 
( ref. Earlier today in Charity shop by Waitrose) - Last year (?) comment just at the back of IRINA+ criminal spionage org. was: Nu est prodavschitsa ovoschnogo magazina ! .... I was also right about a young woman in Skipton at the Russian Tea shop (post-Beriozka shop, closed now?) who said she was from ... Novosibirsk (?).
Among "clients" of CrisisCast are NHS, Home Office, G4S, Open University, etc.
"The News" local paper today does not (!) mention Danish/Swedish submarine drama, but has some non-news and smb.'s kind words about a hairdresser, etc.
The "cash in hand" form of payment to generations of British or no-British "actors" may also go with drugs+  traffic.
Online about ten days ago: Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya (sp.?) came to discuss not only 'lifting' sanctions, but also possibility of lifting ban on Adoption of Russian Children in US.
Her pink 3-story house made a visual association with Pink/Blue Ballets in Belgium, run by Russian or Polish ballerinas.
( in 2003? ) A case of a Computer addict leaving his computer and killing his girl-friend did not surprise school-children in Bridgemary School in Gosport. Name Madsen is familiar from local press. Was there a journalist Madsen?...
[ Thurs. 24 August, 2017 ] - Still no info ( today) on Danish/Swedish drama in The News. I bought The Guardian to read a full page 3 report "Torso found on Danish shore ....".
Gosport is a hub of sea/under-water technology and services: STS Defence Ltd. etc.
Royal Air-Force News paper of Friday, 11 August, 2017 - pages 1and 7:
Prince Philip (96) HRH The Duke of Edinburgh had his last public engagement.
" He was appointed as Honorary Air Commodore in Chief of the Air Training Corps - a position he handed on to The Duchess of Cambridge in 2015 as he began to scale down his Royal duties."
[ Fri. 25 Aug. 2017 ] - Postal Service in UK is called Royal Mail - stamps bearing British Queen's portrait. A couple of years ago I was told "We don't do Registered Mail any more". They introduced so-called Special Delivery nonsense instead.
Registered Postage is a must in Legal and Court cases. The person (addressee-sp ?) signs the receipt slip. If the person is not around, a notice is left in the post box about a repeat visit and alternative for the person (to whom the registered letter is addressed) to come to the post office. ID required.
I think I did write about Special Delivery nonsense earlier. Unsafe, good for criminals and subversive to LEGAL processes among other things. I checked Wikipedia and there are signs of corrupt entries.
So-called tracking of postage actually belongs to business/trade, when cargoes and containers are administratively "tracked" for accountability and other reasons.
[ Sat. 26 August, 2017 ] - The Duchess of Cambridge (see entry of Thurs. 24.8 above)
 is Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William (who resigned from Sea-Air Rescue near Portsmouth or military shortly after Cadets/advice not to sue scandal). Prince William is the son of Prince Charles and grandson of Prince Philip. British media was busy reporting Prince Harry having his holidays in Caribbean (Barbados?) with his girl-friend, so Brasilian football team air-crash was under-reported.
 Brazilian electrician, Brazilian footballers and journalists ... Any hidden scenarios?
SATANIC DAY of  Yesterday - Friday, 25 August 2017.
Some of the changes to my posts on this website, which are not of my making, are a giveaway of the Cabal's agendas, secrets, tools and fears.  They also reveal their (inter-) national character.
Baltic States: Estonia-Lithuania-Latvia. Disasters: Estonia Ferry, Kursk Submarine, etc.
 There was a report a few months ago of an unexplained death of a young American woman (postgrad student?) in HAITI, who investigated CHILD-ABUSE.
 Journalist Kim Wall looks like she might have had Asian, European and African background.
RMN Report on 8 August about child-abuse in CHINA (not the only one in recent weeks):
5 year-old girls (or boys) in a fashion show dressed in horrible outfits "Victoria Secret" style:
A deadly mixture of secret military tech. and horrible abuse of young children.
Sisters of HOLLOWAY and women in uniform .... I remember in about 1992 (?) Readers Digest (?) in Russian had a Miss KGB on front page: chief naval engineer on a ship.
PS: Elaine (the one in Gosport, who looks like Diana Pidwell) knows women who might have been Baltic refugees/émigré to Sweden. Moved to Wales? Were involved in Dance group in Gosport (adults and children) which I didn't like.