( nr 280 ) Scans going up:- We used to read atheistic lierature ( in the Soviet Union) in order to glimpse knowledge about RELIGION.
Now I read a book critical of 'witchcraft persecution' in order to learn about christianity vs witchcraft history. Strasbourg ! ...
(cont. wed.17 Nov.)
CHECHOSLOVAKIA Secret Services were behind the ban on film "The Ear" in 1970. The film depicted in detail some methods of psychological terror, threat and intimidation used by the communist regime.
PUGWASH ! Pugwash Conferences united 'eminent scientists' in the struggle for peace, disarmament, international security (safety) and international scientific cooperation. The first conference was in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1957 and was supported by Canadian banker and industrialist Cyrus S. Eaton. By 1985 - 34 conferences, in 1960 and 1969 - held in the Soviet Union. .....
AANGIRFAN blogspot post Mon. 15 Nov. mentions Herbert 'Pug' Winokur (Winokur is a Ukranian name) - Enron, etc.
Two articles from The News 15 Nov. - one about the attempted abduction of a 12 year old boy, another - about Portsmouth MP Mike Hancock.
- IT Hampshire bans 9 min. video by Brian Gerrish: What is Common Purpose and Why You Should Care.
Common Purpose:
CP for Communist Party, Second Family UK writes it is Freemasonry http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=8390 , Boris Berezovski sponsored controversial youth movement IV (Iduschie Vmeste - marching Together) a few years ago, Our Course (Nashe Delo) - name of the revolutionary underground organisation in Tsarist Russia and Common Cause (sp?) is mentioned on the www.enemieslist.info/list1.php - 8-Morton Halperin -leading executive at Common Cause.
- two events from Gosport Library (renamed Discovery Centre) this month. Tomorrow's one is cancelled.
The Daily Echo paper of yesterday reported the stench in Southampton (my usual note on the margin is not seen as it did not fit the scanner width). I don't know about the Southampton, but the recent trouble with rotten fish smell over Gosport Lake (photo above), which I wrote and have spoken about, in my opinion, was all a SCAM - part of the so-called GAMES.
ASIA physical geograpical map. Tel-Aviv to Birobidjan AXIS is an obvious geostrategic line cutting a huge land mass in two parts. Rocks and mountains .... Safe from floods and earthquakes. Safest (underground) from all sorts of weapon, incl. radiation and cosmic weapons.
Underground drilling/construction plus infrastructure take many years ... .
Manchuria, Korea, Soviet Jewish Republic happens to be just near the Chinese border and an area where Chinese Jews lived (I bought a book "Jews in Ancient China" in Holland a few years ago). More on SOVIET Lingo ref. nationality, citizenship and history in my next post.
wed.17 nov. 13:20