Monday, 9 January 2017

January 2017.

( nr 368 ) - POLISH Warship arrives Portsmouth, stays till Thursday. Scan posted.
Don't let politicians destroy PRESS FREEDOM - Leveson Two should be terminated. I scanned the form I am going to fill and post to: Press Policy, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 4th floor, 100 Parliament Street, London SW1A 2BQ. The relevant e-mail is: Scan from the Mail on Sunday posted. Other papers publish same content. Quote from page 44 (MoS):
WHY NOT Join the STATE-APPROVED regulator? Called Impress, it claims to be independent, but is bankrolled by former F1 boss Max Mosley, on a mission to 'reform' the Press ever since a newspaper revealed his sado-masochistic orgy with five prostitutes. It has just a handful of micro-publisher members, some barely more than online blogs. No mainstream newspaper has joined.
MoS front page yesterday:
Undercover video footage:
The scan I posted is part page 4 from MoS that fitted into A4 scanner.
From page 6: We need a full inquiry into the Israeli Embassy, the links, access and funding of the CFI and LFI ... [ Conservative and Labour Friends of Israel].
The TARGET is Deputy Foreign Secretary Sir Alan Duncan, who is pro-Palestinian.
KENSINGTON: Russia and Israel have embassies with same post code in London:
Israel: 2 Palace Green, Kensington, W8 4QB
Russian Federation: 13 Kensington Palace Gardens, W8 4QX.
Alexander ZIVANCEVIC ? Could not find any photo of him. Member of Law Society?
Baroness Scotland, Attorney General  became 'infamous' in BABY P case. 2009 post: [Mon. 9 Jan.]
GOSPORT town (the largest town in England without railways).
Stoke Road, opposite Methodist Church: R.A.O.B. Club Gosport. RAOB stands for Royal Antedelluvian Order of Buffalos. Not that ancient, but in fact a kind of trade union/secret soc./masonic lodge of Theater Stage Workers, who were 'irked' by being excluded from society of actors. On display in the window:
Gosport and District Provincial Grand Lodge, RAOB Club Gosport.
After the Mon.-Sun. schedule there is Order of the Ladies GLADE:
2nd Tue.8 pm - Primas' Glade
--------- 8.30 pm - Mimosa Glade
4th Tue - 8pm - Mimosa Glade.
Mon -Sun. 8pm : Provincial Grand Lodge, Knight's Chapter No.96, Roll of Honour Assembly No. 97, Sir Harry Crisp Lodge No.2258, Shakespeare Lodge No. 6013, Sir Harry Knapp Lodge No.1262, Sir William Poole Lodge No. 3004, Newtown Lodge No.3003 (Sat. 8 pm), St. Vincent Lodge No.9969.
Near ASDA store there is a sign: Club Hampshire Centre RBL Poppy Store. Very near ASDA a sign POPPY (or plural) only. Roughly pointing to Shamrock Close, where in number 2 there has always been a display of beautiful antique DOLLS (more numerous than now). The word POP/POPPY in Dutch means doll or dolly.
Scandals about Conservative Friends of Russia (CFR) were in the news. (Tue.10 Jan.)
The sign near Shamrock Close/ASDA is "Poppy Store". Stoke Road entrance door is in fact "fire escape door"(closed). Entrance - via back door at Jamaica Place street. Stern sign: All visitors to RAOB must be signed in by a full member of RAOB. Yesterday morning a young woman in pink wore a plastic transparent/polka dot apron showing from under her jumper. This morning same(?) woman had a .... skirt, similar but opaque. Simple ordinary people? I said privately years ago (ref. Masonic Lodge near St. Matthews Court and opposite former St. MATTHEWS Church):
 " C---- ardently  patronise Masonic Lodge". Did the tall man in flat 29 called ambulance yesterday?
A small map (ref. MUMBY Road in Gosport) scan is on my other website: (Wed. 11Jan.)
[ Friday 13 Jan. 2017] - Smirking fake PC ... - the front page of (Southern) DAILY ECHO today has a photo of Terry Waymark, who looks rather like CLOWN as I called him - see Jewry Street in Winchester incident above. Both he and the woman wore uniforms. I think she was in charge.
Just posted TWO more scans: "Fake PC ..." (PC - Police constable) from today's newspapaer and photo of Pub/Restaurant LOCH FYNE with a small yellow sticker-paper shaped like rombus placed roughly where the thug with electric cutting tool stood - facing the pavement.
The Jewry Street, Winchester entry is actually in the previous post Addenda Eleven:
 (see points 27and 28) :
[ Tue. 17 Jan. 2017 ] - Norwegian (navigation/maritime) company ( Umoe-) Schat-Harding Ltd. Gosport, just across St. Matthews Court where I live, has either changed name or ownership. PALFINGER MARINE occupies the building now. I once noticed with surprise, that Schat-Harding white vans (white-orange) took part in S-theatre (ref. number plates).
Reading "Mafia State" by Luke Harding who worked in MOSCOW, Russia as The Guardian correspondent. Most interesting! ISBN 9780852652497 First published 2011. Is 2012 reprint or edition? Gardian Books, King's Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU.
Post Natasha K+    :
OMG !... ( 'omg' stands for: Oh, my God). From the Daily Mail entry on Wikipedia:
Pending lawsuits (one) 2016, September: Melania Trump, wife of American presidential candidate Donald Trump, sued the Daily Mail for an article, which ...  Melania Trump filed a lawsuit in Maryland, suing for $150 million.
[ Friday, 20 January, 2017] - Just added a scan of cover page of  "MAFIA STATE" by Luke Harding.
Zersetzung is an eye-opener. Some online material explains relevant terminology, incl. metaphors and tech-jargon. Many extra dots and links.
In my post Addenda Four (nr 350 of 20 January 2016) only two top scans get printed out and not the other five, incl. Frank McGrath's photo (ref. our Facebook chat about 'Carlos's Mum'). Just noticed his initial F. is his middle name.
KAY GRIGGS (American Naval Wife) said that most of them ( Miltary Mob) are Jews and Homosexuals.
Most but not all.
She also said they take sons of the generals (or real leaders) and 'turn' them.

[ Tue. 24 Jan. 2017] - indeed one Zivancevic, Alexander is (reg. Law Society) consultant with Hoffman-Bokaei Solicitors in London, NW3.
[ Thurs. 26 Jan. 2017] - Bought Irish Independent paper yesterday, but must have thrown away some page or pages by mistake.
 When did the Stasi acronym (or jargon/metaphor?) was first used and by whom? 'Wondering' about the text of Richtlinie Nr. 1/76. (ref. Zersetzung and surprising frequency of 'criminal/criminal record' repetition in the text.)
 The book "MAFIA STATE" and Zersetzung in UK as of 2011-2015 is discussed on a by Michael Barwell in his post 14938 (Zersetzung - KGB & Stasi tactics - great mindgames I have known in the UK 2011-15 - completed)  06-15-2015, 04:17 PM. Quote from the first paragraph:"...  'they' attempt to 'guide'/dictate. When the pain is great, .... .  'They', ref Theresa May very regularly, in these ways, for eg.)".
What a find! KGB general Sacharovski, described by Romanian Securitate general PACEPA in his books as de facto head of intelligence of Warsaw Pact countries ( although DDR and Poland are not mentioned) is in attendance in a top-secret KGB-Stasi meeting.
[ Sat. 28 Jan. 2017] - Southampton: 10-tonne drug seizure at docks (Daily Echo Thur. 26 Jan. 2017, by Callum Lawton). Kratom has been listed by WHO as a psychoactive substance since 2012. Withdrawal from effects of kratom are similar to heroin or prescription painkillers. It's addictive and can induce vomiting, paranoia, hallucinations and psychotic episodes. The shipment from Indonesia was by Inca - Inca Trading Ltd, who claimed the product was to be used in production of cosmetics. Inca's solicitor John Spyrou is director of law firm Pinder Reaux. Chemistry wasn't 'my' subject, but worth mentioning two offending substances: mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine.
Online find: Yiddish criminal jargon includes shiksa. This is the comment Russian young man made, seeing a woman on a motocycle, as I drove him to his lawyer on request by Father Nikon. The man asked me for my tel. number and later phoned to say he has a business proposal. It turned out to be arms+  trade idea. I did feel angry at Father Nikon for 'placing' me in that company. One Bulgarian diplomat came to the Russian Church and looked/sounded/acted as a Russian KGB.
The Zersetsung theatrics and setups were in full swing in the 1960s, involved East and West Germans - both targets and perpetrators. There was a political, ideological and psychological side to it. My first trip abroad ( with my husband in summer 1973) was by train to London via Poland and East-West Berlin. My school pen-friend was from Rostock in East Germany. Putin's wife (also KGB?) is from Kaliningrad (former Koningsberg).
*** General comment on Trump+ news: They Control Both Sides. The compromising online images (real or fabricated) which came my way, did not include women, but depicted both Trump and Putin as homosexuals - on horseback, in a blasphemous, cynical and 'black humor' style. Similar outrages/theatrics about  attitudes went on in Gosport (Library) - offline. The idea being of cruelty to sadistically abused children: "So what?!".
The 'sides' are deliberately (politically) mixed/messed up, so that we are to choose from two or more evils. By the way, there is a photo of Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and his brother (James?) standing under the Kennedy portret. John or Robert Kennedy? His face can't be seen in that oil painting.
[ Mon. 30 Jan. 2017] - Jane DOE v. Epstein et al ( Lesley Groff, Sarah Kellen, Natalya Malyshev, Ghislaine Maxwell ) - in New York Southern District Court: