Monday, 3 November 2008

( nr 181 ) The new (format) of Hotmail came with an essential defect: the links Inbox etc. on the upper left are shrunk, hence difficulty in use.

By the way, nwo cabal lingo has been pushing the (mis-) use of the word 'essential'. Essential vs unimportant, etc. has to do with higher reasoning or good thinking. They don't want that. So, they have been using 'essential' to mean 'must', i.e. 'it is essential, that you all do this or that'.
I had a glimpse of what really goes on in The BBC as an establishment, when I attended the Any Questions? Radio 4 in Portsmouth last Friday, broadcast live (8-9 pm).
I had no questions, but there was no way to find out if some questions were not selected. People were to arrive from 18.45 ( and submit questions on arrival) and take seats by 19.15. There was no 'warm up'. We had to listen to a patronising prattle from Chris Burns (?) . She came back from Romania that day and I wonder if her presence in the beginning of the sesssion was about selection/prioritisation of questions.
Two names were given for producer - Anne Peacock on the ticket and Lisa Jenkinson by J.Dimbleby. Was one of them seated in the middle of the panel? (split picture).
There was an attempt to 'manage' seating arrangements, which I avoided, thank God. The claque (fr.) or klaka in Russian was in the centre of the audience. The chosen questioners were invited to seat in front row, facing the panel. The first questioner was one Rosemary West.
Jim Knight, the Minister for 'Schools and Learners' looked very pleased and happy after the session. Was it because it was made so easy for him, not having to answer for the scandalous Sex Education to begin at 5 years of age? Could he believe his lucky escape? Or, was it the anticipation of the dinner in some very nice restaurant in Portsmouth?
Crimes against children are in the hands of the Police. Police have the big boss, Home Minister or Home Secretary as the British say. Her name is Ms Jacqui Smith: Born in Malvern, Worcestershire, her parents were teachers:
To continue from the last post: The Masonic Hall on Clarence Road is missing on the Tourist Map. The Masonic Hall in central Portsmouth has moved somewhere a year ago.
There are a few 'old' societies around, such as a Royal Antedelluvian Buffallo (shall check the spelling) in Stoke Rd. Gosport.
SchisoFrenia means Split Brain. A few things are literally SPLIT in the middle: Olympic Logo, split or dual projections in some university public lectures, one PC monitor in Gosport Library has a vertical 'scratch' in the middle, a coulumn splits and obscures a performance on stage (Gosp.Libr.), because that is where the performance is 'staged'.
Next post next Monday 10 November, 2008.