Friday, 15 August 2008

( nr 157 ) In 1957 ...
there was an International Youth Festival in Moscow (Mezhdunarodni Festival Molodezhi). Could not find any info about it on the web.
I wonder who owns the website Stop Common Purpose, as there is no name there, although some interesting info and links. Rather different style from that of Brian Gerrish.
Reading Nov.1998 article about DELPHI method of brainwashing. Very relevant to so called training of slaves/leaders (best slave becomes 'leader').
Might be very interesting to describe in greater detail and with case study or examples just HOW exactly they manipulate meetings, escalate tensions, how their patsies behave,etc.
New ways of dealing with manipulators are overdue. They have developed methods of counteracting recommendations in this 1998 article:
The psycho-physical types they use and groom came straight from the most wicked political satire.
The letter I wrote to Peter Westhorpe, who is now in Isle of Wight, will have to be readdressed to Jane Mayles, the new Manager (of Advisory Services) in Gosport. Booked an appointment to see Lyn Edney Gosport JSP, Tue. 2 September as requested in the letter from Stephanie Simpson, who never answered my e-mail I sent to her almost 2 months ago.
Next post Monday 18 August.