Friday, 8 August 2008

( nr 155 ) I noticed that for some time, notably on RMN forum, there were persistent mistakes in the posts of people, who couldn't have made them, such as:
their instead of there, then instead of than, etc.
Whatever the reason(s), the rmn forum is 'profiling' itself with recent access problems.
Last year Alaister Campbell quoted a woman, whose name I do not remember, as saying: "... the most remarkable thing is that They Go After Your Family! ".

Diane Sweet (Raw Story, Wed. 6 Aug.2008) wrote "FBI said to have stalked Ivins' family".
An interesting profile of a mental health counselor Jean C.Duley:
"In a 1999 interview with The Washington Post, Duley described her background as a motorcycle gang member and a drug user" - see link:
Ryan Sabalow's article about "heavy metal contamination" issues taken seriously in Shasta, California:
Wrong parking: Y-840-BOT yesterday.
Next post next Friday 15 August or earlier.