Wednesday, 25 February 2009

( nr 197 ) CAB experience is definitely that of a DELPHI technique, although there is a different structure and context of the encounter. I spoke to the Deputy CAB Manageress yesterday afternoon.
My e-letter to the Deputy Mayor Diane Searle, who is also Town ward councillor is among 9 scans of docs and letters I just stored on a temporary site

http://www.******** [ 21 March 2009: I am changing the].

Next post today or tomorrow.
17:12 - I have just scanned the letter from JOBCENTREPLUS which was given to me by Kate who informed me that my appointment was cancelled ( the scan placed itself second from top - see link above) . The letter was not even dated, so I wrote where the date should have been, that it was given to me at 16:10 today.
They cancelled the contract IN RETROSPECT, UNILATERALY, contradicting themselves, etc.
Spoke to Mrs Jayne Males, Advisory Sevices Manager, who seemed not to have been informed about my case at all. S.Lewsley, who wrote the letter, was not available.
I shall scan and deposit some letters in the what-not-023 as necessary.
Next post March 12 or earlier.