( nr 267 ) Shootings, stabbings, accidents galore .... . Michael Keith Smith jumped (?) to his death in Portchester 3rd of July, which was reported 5 or 6 days later.
Scans ( six) going up:
- triathlon deaths;
- ANN TRENEMAN ! My handwritten copy of her article ... so shocking I found her style, that, having run out of coins to do a photocopy in the Fareham library, I wrote it in hand. When I first noticed her article (it was on an education reform) about a year (?) ago, I thought: What is wrong with this woman?! I however, gave her some benefit of doubt on account of her verbosity and kept the article. This time I wondered 'where she came from' and, to my amazement found next to nothing on her background on the Internet.
- While Barclays Logo ( on display in Gosport) has changed or reverted to (?) the double eagle from the silouette in two shades of blue of a lion (?) , I thought that my own perception of a sinking crown (crown in water and some seeweed) was not after all, too far-fetched: see the sub-marine theme of the Barclay brochure scan here.
- ELEVEN RUSSIAN AGENTS in US: Yes, they are Russians, though Ukranian names predominate. The Cypriot C.R. Metsos (Greek or Hungarian name?) jumped the bail.
Maria Szarvak from Szolnok in Hungary murdered here, in Southampton UK.
GOLEM Anna is still on her way home, surely not having seen all the British press published about her, has her lawyer announcing she might be "returning to UK". Very flippant of a lawyer, I think. UK has never been high on the preference list of E.European expats, though my knowledge may be outdated. Anna Chapman (nee Kaschenko or Koushchenko?), though in a loving marriage to Alex Chapman for FOUR years, had no children. How predictable or vulnerable is her future?
( I wrote about our chat in Wassenaar, Holland) 'agitated' for UK and against Holland (... but the Dutch are like Germans! i.e. how can you find them OK? etc.) . And so many remarks and pieces of advice in retrospect just correlate. As for advanced computer technologies, it is not just texts and info that can be hidden or embedded in pictures (banners and pop-ups are great suspects), hypnotic commands and emotional impulses can be beamed and flushed at an unsuspecting viewer. Years ago, while dating on Internet, I saw a perfect fit to my requirements and the photo of smb. in Germany. I could not sleep! It was all rubbish, all e/m induced. In reality he was an opposite to what I thought he was, although info was true. I shuddered when I saw him 'offline'. Can you imagine how vulnerable and impressionable young people are dating online, if smb. like myself , fell to this sort of techno-scam? And there are methodologies offline, of course.
GOLEM - GOYLEM - ZOMBI - MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE - CYBORG - ROBOT - the last, if I am not mistaken is from Chech 'robota' .
The Chech film "The Ear" ( Ucho) 1970 was banned for 20 years. It described the psychological terror and harassment by Chech Secret Services (how are they called?). The library DVD is damaged and it's "out of stock" online. Library computers do not have the software to play library DVDs.
FOOTBALL: in the footsteps of Roman Abramovich, Sasha Gaydamak & co The News reported some time ago that a group of Ukranians with some interests in steel industry are "interested in buying" with a Greek mediator doing his best.
POLISH BUS DRIVERS: back in 2006(?) both Stagecoach and The First buses operated in Gosport. I think I wrote smth in Expatica or my old website about colours of the logos merging.
A group of Polish bus-drivers, who did not look like bus drivers to me, was introduced to the passengers of The First buses. Horrendous S-theatrics were staged on The First buses over the years, sometimes spilling over to bus stops and beyond.
I also mentoned "You do the Maths!" on a side of a mini-bus of "D.P.Redmond Ltd." in front of a Gosport "Discovery Centre" which struck a wrong note last year when I had my Job Centre/Pension problems. I could not find any business named D.P. Redmond Ltd., but I found some psychologist(?) professor D.P. Redmond. I think I saw some Prof. (smth.) First.
Just wondering.
Finally, to continue my reference to 1986-87 sabbatical in London in the last post: university lecturers had their party, i. e., overwhelmingly they voted for a party 'between' Labour and Tory. As for Margareth Thatcher, the flying phrase was: "She is selling the country to the Dogs!!" I don't know who were referred to as "dogs" then.
Before I moved to Holland with my daughter Victoria O. Udom in 1987, insinuations and advice came from different quarters that "help" or "opportunities" are available from MOD, MI5/6.
Yesterday I could not find a long entry on Count Nikolai Tolstoy in Wikipedia, which I found a couple of days ago. His case was under discussion in 1986/7. Was his library (almost?) taken by British Bailifs? I was surprised to see some familiar names in Russian Orthodox circles abroad not long ago.
The two top scans: a page from mindjustice.org ref. changing behaviour of willing and UNWILLING subjects, with results showing after EXPOSURE OF LESS THAN ONE MINUTE.
The first page of an article by RAUNI KILDE MD - must read.
More links on the subject:
ANNA CHAPMAN dated/met "SERGEI" ??? Which one ? she may be a grown version of youngsters heavily "conditioned", "groomed" , brain-washed and brain- and body-controlled. Do you remember "NASHI" youth movement in the 1990s Russia ? Do you remember " IDUSCHIE VMESTE" youth movement run/sponsored by Boris Berezovski ?
Their website www. iv.ru disappeared, but some newly fangled funny constructs live on.
Satanic scam, 2-legged vermin!
Sodom and Gomorrah happlily constructed by Sham Abram, Mad Tom and Ivan the Fool.
Lobotomiki on stage.
Sat. 10 July, 10:15