Friday, 17 April 2009

( nr 210 ) I have updated (1-11) the SUMMARY about Pension Credit "saga" on my special case website -

See the Dutch NRC paper headline (scan above) - The British Do Not Want Banking Oversight (ref. Larouche Report).


The remaining scans above continue KEY WORDS in recent posts: Peter Viggers is Gosport MP since 1974, his wife is a Medical Doctor, Joint Medical+ Blockhouse in Gosport was visited by Commodore-in-Chief of Royal Naval Medical Services (The Dutchess of Cornwall), 2006: Radical Education Methods (24/7 + Ability Not Age) Innovative Headteacher invited to China, The Red cover of a Dutch Book about Russian Culture "Russian Wisdom" and the history of the Scotland Yard name is on


Next post Monday 20 April 2009.