Thursday, 15 May 2008

( nr 131 ) Weather Warfare - " The main point I want to make here is that weather warfare capability is a fact and that I have noticed it is NEVER mentioned in the news as a possible cause of the extremely destructive hurricanes, tidal waves, tornadoes, floods, etc." - from RMN post by Daystar:
13 May, mid-morning: Major fire in the Faculty "Bouwkunde" (construction/design/architecture?) in the famous Delft Technical University in Holland.
The building is totally destroyed. The fire (or explosion) was reported to have started in the students' cafeteria.
I find it dificult to find articles and videos on the Dutch websites today, which I saw only yesterday.
Key words: Bouwkunde Brand Delft.
The university website:
Next post next Thursday 22 May, 2008 (or earlier).