( nr 257 ) A follow-up from the previous post on etimology/politics of names such as Al Malnik:
two scans of pages from the Soviet Diplomatic Dictionary featuring MALIK Adam (1917-84) - an Indonesian diplomat; MALIK Yakov Alexandrovich (1906-80) - the UN Soviet representative, Deputy Foreign Minister, 1953-60 Soviet Ambassador in Britain, etc.; MELNIK Ivan Alexandrovich (1914-76) - diplomatic posts since 1953, etc.
Four scans above :
- ZENITH (mentioned in several posts) in the latest Thomson local business telephone directory.
- three scans of articles from Daily Express of 1 April 2010: depression rises with middle classes the hardest hit; new ESBL hospital superbug and; and news of introduction as from !st of April of a new Prevenar 13 vaccine for children in Britain.