Wednesday, 24 June 2009

( nr 221 ) Pages 72-75 from "Psychology - the science of mental life" by George A.Miller , copyright 1962.
..."Thus a hypnotist may tell the subject to trip and stumble accidentally against the first bald man he sees after he awakens. The awakened subject has no reportable memory of this instruction, he behaves quite naturally in every way; but when the signal - the bald man - appears, the subject stumbles against him, apologizes, and goes on unaware that his stumbling was not accidental."
...." A hypnotist attempted to produce a blister on the right forearm of a young woman by suggesting to her that he was applying a piece of red-hot metal to it [ !..] .
The suggestion apparently had no effect, and the hypnotist went on to other things, forgetting to cancel the blister-producing idea. The patient went home, but returned several days later suffering from a burn on her right forearm where a blister had formed on the very spot previously chosen by the hypnotist. The patient had no memory of the suggestion. She had 'accidentally' spilled scalding water on her arm when lifting a pot with her left hand to make coffee. The accident finally terminated a suggestion that the hypnotist thought had been completely ineffectual. Similar stories can be adduced by any experienced hypnotist."