Recent Discoveries of Malware Dark Caracal, earlier (ref. Kazakhstan) Operation Manul, etc.
Lookout: full Report (51 pages) -
The MAP ( Figure 8 ) of countries/areas affected (yet again!) have a huge area notably in SIBERIA vacant/empty of information. Just like that map (published by The Guardian) that depicted ....internet cables (??). What is there? So much ! ....
[ Thursday, 25 January, 2018 ] - just returned from Gosport Job Fair. Previously it was sponsored by a Finnish Paper factory, named HUTA-MAKI (sounds Japanese to me). I was told it was there, but I must have missed it. Middleton family? ...
Some of SIBERIA related stories:
1. British Arctic WW2 veterans and Russian medals.
2. British Arctic project: London-Tokio.
3. Google and Microsoft announced Servers move to Siberia.
4. Novosibirsk link to Russian Tea Rooms in Skipton, North Yorkshire.
[ Friday, 26 Jan. 2018 ] - More on SIBERIA:
5. Russian Government announced HOUSING-SETTLEMENT scheme in SIBERIA for Westerners with links to Russia. In UK, Conservative Friends of Russia and Communist Party (KGB recruits) would qualify.
6. Jewish Republic (pre-dates ISRAEL) is in SIBERIA.
7. V.Putin's friend Roman Abramovich is doing well in UK. He was/is governor of Khabarovsk Krai - in SIBERIA.
8. In SIBERIA: Academ-gorodok (Acad. of Sciences), Heavy Industry (moved East in WW2) and many Prisons/Labour Camps.
[ Sat. 27 January, 2018 ] - TECH-MAFIA ? .... After posting my "theory" about umbrellas getting broken too often and too fast in bad weather, I wrote about umbrella getting broken in an unlikely place, as if contradicting my "theory". The next time I had a tip of the red-white 'strong' umbrella, which was bought in Skipton, sliced off in rainy weather. See scan:
My visit to the Museum of St. Vincent College in Gosport yesterday was disappointing.
The Gosport Society website is difficult to access. A quote from G.S. on a E2 bus (Gosport-Fareham):
A British Colonial Flag of America ( similar to EU blue square with 13 stars and 13 stripes - 7 red and 6 white) with a bunch of 2 identical keys) and text (from memory):
Fortune Hospital opened in Laes Lane in Gosport in 1713, soon becoming Forton Prison - for Prisoners of War and Traitors of the CROWN .... Americans and British soldiers, who supported American War for Independence.
Year 2006: see scan of Gosport Borough Council:
1994 - Serge Monast { FRENCH CANADIAN } about Project Blue Beam:
[ Tue. 30 Jan. 2018 ] - Seventy years ago ( 30 Jan. 1948 ) Mahatma Gandi was assassinated:
My 2014 post Nelson and Lloyds ? -
Anti-Christian CABAL at work:
Eamon Duffy, prof. of history of Christianity in Cambridge Univ. (!) in his book "Ten Popes who shook the world" misses Innocent VIII, who declared war on WITCHCRAFT. From 2011 edition ISBN 978-0-300-17688-9 on page 135:
"Wojtyla's papacy was remarkable for a deliberate policy of rapprochement with Jews: in 1986 John Paul II was the first pope to visit the Roman Synagogue, and he was the first pope to recognise the State of Israel. During a visit to the Holy Land in March 2000 he prayed at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and expressed his sorrow for Christian atrocities against Jews."
[ Wed. 31 Jan.2018] - Gosport School questions -
Yesterday and today I find two schools - Alver Valley Infant and Nursery ( age 3-7) and Alver Valley Junior ( age 7-11) with the same address:
21 Falcon Meadows Way, Gosport PO13 8AA.
OFSTED (schools inspectorate) reports for those 2 schools list reports for 2 Siskin schools at a different address: Nimrod Drive, Rowner, Gosport, Hampshire PO13 8AA. That for years up to 2017.
I have previously found serious discrepancies in Portsmouth and Gosport with some locations seemingly missing in the "system" or "double/dual" location of the same name/institution.
Hmm, found Boomerang software listed as Malware online. Should write to Lee Crockett.
George ORWELL 1984:
[ Thur. 1 Feb. 2018 ] - ( Ref. link above) The picture of an old flying witch who takes a young girl to Satanic Sabbath, is actually a fragment from an English painting "Lancashire Witches". There is a historically known 'witches' place PENDLE located midway between Blackpool in Lancashire and SKIPTON in Yorkshire. Diana Pidwell told me the witches are still active there and attack men (gave me an example).
On her way to The Hague, Diana Pidwell met a nice young woman Josephine and we went to ALPHEN-aan-de-Rhijn (sp?) to visit Josephine's GYPSY family. I liked Josephine very much, but I can't say that about her family. Josephine's mother did not like me either. Gypsy families are matriarchial (WOMEN rule). I still wonder about what had happened to Josephine as she was attacked by a dog in someone's garden, when she was .... eight (?) years old.
RUSSIAN folk songs tell stories of children being kidnapped "led away" by gypsies. If that was the case with Josephine, and she felt she did not belong in her gypsy family or was attracted to/curious about Dutch people or some family, then .... she would have been set up for a cruel and traumatic experience. The formula of a Mind Control or "turning" is a very old one.
It just might "tie in" with my wonder about how Vanessa was "lured" to Russia ref. Circus on Ice. Was that meeting (Diana and Josephine) secretly arranged by MI6/5 criminals? And only a couple of days ago I was surprised to discover that Romanian Embassy in Holland had support of THREE consulates. Romania had issued EU passports to people of former SOVIET republic of Moldova.
I remember Leonid Timochouk had asked me to go with him to Schipol Airport (Amsterdam) to meet a mathematician from Moldova (Jewish?), who was invited by University of DELFT. Later Moldova came as a place where Israeli ... Liberman (?) came from.
This world is very small and getting smaller.
General Alexander LEBED talked about:
1. Nuclear suitcases.
2. CONTROL of Nuclear Weapons taken from the Military by the KGB.
3. Neuro-Semantic ( Mind) Programming.
Great NORTH SEA floods happened 1 February, 1953 -
[ Friday 2 February 2017 ] - One direct local link to both IRINA+ network (which I now see as run by the British) and Romania/Gypsy/Israeli/Jewish/Russian connection is found in BEMISTER lane in Gosport, off High Street:
That incident with the Romanian woman (owner?) of the Health Shop, who rather ... unbecomingly (?) panicked, when she did not notice my entering the shop, while she talked to the customer in low voice.
I had a subtle but definite recognition of ... style/intent when seeing (for the first time) the website of the ex-MI6 spook Steele. Something "same as" the fraudulent Clinton-Kennard (?) website selling "intrinsic mortgages".
[ Sat. 3 Feb. 2018 ] - High-Tech Evil at work: evil possession, mind-body control, - name it!
2014 Daily Telegraph (12 Dec.) article by Matthew Holehouse:
MI6 asked CIA to censor report on TORTURE.
Quote: Under the "control principle" convention, intelligence agencies do not reveal intelligence supplied by allies without consent.
My postcards/questions ref. MI6 to Diana Pidwell are overdue.
[ Mon. 5 Feb. 2018 ] - Sending postcard to Diana P.
Is the idea/decision(?) to cut numbers of ROYAL MARINES based on possibility of looking into their so-called Special Operations ? ....
Is Warwick Estates the owner of St. Matthews Private Residential Complex in GOSPORT ?
MI6 spook C. Steele: is his London Office not far from the American Embassy? Is MI6 behind that appalling Theater, staged to sabotage my contact with FBI?
The actors were British, not American. By the way, some of his reports, which I saw, actually water down Russian+ Investigation. Russians + their friends and relatives.
[ Wed. 7 Feb. 2018] - The GUARDIAN published most interesting material yesterday and the day before yesterday:
1. A profile by Peter Wilby of OFSTED head Amanda Spielman - an eye opener to PROBLEMS with Gosport Schools.
2. Exclusive by Ian Cobain: Secret Freemasons' lodges for MPs and journalists revealed.
Addenda Nine:
Who is David Fisher? ...
William, Kate, George ...

The link to 2014 NOS article plus photo ( above ) shows Error:404 on my other website post " Mafia International? -
Scottish WHAT ? ....
My 2009 post ( nr 204 ):
Met Paul CLEGG ( High Street) this afternoon on my way to the Library.
He seemed ... embarrassed (?) when I saw him last at the News Agent. He asked me (emphatically) how I was, and I did not feel well that day. Did smb. ask him to ask me "how I was" for the umpteenth (sp?) time ? He hurried away.
1. Portsmouth Uni. Vice-Chancellor ( engineer!) came from Scottish University - ref. my letter to him about RICS and his answer.
2. Amanda Spielman of OFSTED (prev. a banker and a management consultant) went to a State Primary in Glasgow, Scotland.
A caption from her profile by Peter Wilby:
Did her own children attend state schools?
- ' I don't think you're entitled to ask ', she says.
[ Friday, 9 Feb. 2018] - My 2015 post "UK, China, Russia, Syria, Israel. -
Shall post a scan of 7 (or five) photos/images from Eerde International School in Holland asap.
Only 2 top photos out of 9 get printed, and the rest ...' refuse to print '. They are of:
1. Miss M.Fransen (French).
2. Myself and Herma talking to parents. Me pointing finger (!).
3. Names: Mr.J.Leemhuis (Music)
4. Mrs. M.Hupkes (Spanish)
5. Miss A.C. Loman (German)
6. Jan Bouwhuis and Henny with senior students.
7. Mr. J.F. McGrath (English).
POLICE misbehaving again:
Another scan on an orange background shows time 18:40 on my Waitrose receipt.
I spoke outside St. Matthews Court (21-32 flats) to:
1. Second time (!) to a Polish (by her own admission) woman in a Community officer POLICE uniform - Monica Knight [ 15814 ];
2. A man in a similar POLICE uniform - Kieran Howard [ 14328].
NOTA BENE ! As on all previous occasions, it was the woman in charge, not the male officer.
CLEGG .... I gave one copy of my open letter ref. High-tech gun shot (at me) to Paul Clegg in the Gosport library (he had asked me if he 'could keep it' ) and he, having no business card with him, wrote with a brown felt pen (from memory) : Paul Clegg .... 1 Oxford Street, ....
[ Sat.10 Feb. 2018] - (cont.) - Pashmina business in London, mob. tel. number and url., letter E in Clegg written as epsilon, quite a bit of 'show' and some connections in Gosport. Appearance/behaviour: blond, Jewish.
[ Mon. 12 Feb. 2018 ] - My new post at another BlogSpot site:
My 2015 post BEETLES ? -
EDUCATION matters:
Prof. Lalage Bowne of Glasgow University in Scotland is a former colleague of mine at the University of Lagos, Nigeria.
She is a LESBIAN. Lesbian of a predatory type.
In Nigeria she had adopted two yoruba girls, twins.
Tomorrow I shall talk about my American friend Lynn Nwuneli and our 'visit' to Lalage's place on Unilag Campus.
The peculiar/unique cold stare L.B. gave me was similar to a stare of a young Russian man ( transvestite) in Moscow Universty, who, bursting into a student hostel room, met me and not my boyfriend, Nigerian student of journalism Victor A. Udom.
PAUL CLEGG is still at the computer number 14, behind me. Came over to ask me how I was, hand on my schoulder.
[ Wed. 14 Feb. 2018 ] - See Photos of Lynn Nwuneli, myself and Elspeth Hunponu-Wusu and more: