Saturday, 28 November 2015

Addenda Two.

( nr 347 )  A serious faliure of Yorkshire Police and Social Services resulted in  the tragedy of a young mother (24) who is charged with the murder of her daughters (one and three years old). Italian woman Samira Lupidi ( with her children) sought protection  from her abusive husband in the special REFUGE centre for women in Bradford. Looking for details, which seem to have disappeared as soon as the story broke out. Husband's name: Weaver, his aunt: Brittan.
Has Carl Les of North Yorkshire Council put the information I provided to good use? ...
Indications are that he did not. Quite the opposite? ...
Another young woman (also foreign) had stabbed British MP Stephen Timms five years ago :
Was that a state of affect? So called autonome state?
Crime like no other: " Home Office has sold off all police frequencies ..."
Was that under Jack Straw ?
He just happenned to have been in Moscow Theater (with his son?) when Chechen Women strapped with explosives took part in a terrorist siege.
WHO did Jack Straw sell ALL POLICE FREQUENCIES to?!....
Balkanisation of Yorkshire?

Check so called PEACE (!) Parks Projects. Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro ....
Srebrenica massacre still unsolved. I remember  Kosovo Liberation Army thugs looting Christian Monastery and  raping nuns as reported by CNN at the time.
Interesting, how FY (Bosnian?) Muslims who got all the support of European/International community stayed out of ISIS debate. Are they silenced perhaps?
ALBANIA - Chinese Base in Europe? Dutch 1970  report by Ton Crijnen (quoted earlier by me). Some photos there are showing NATION of ISLAM people in Albania. Could also be ... Nigerian.
How many (thousand) AMERICAN MILITARY are in HARROGATE? ... .
[ Wed. 2 Dec. 2015] - Yesterday ASDA in Gosport had a disgusting homosexual porn music blasted, - from their "central" division as their staff had said. ASDA HQ are in Leeds Yorkshire.
LEEDS to Italy:

Before I reached ASDA, I stopped to take picture of the building next to the Library housing DENTAL practice and a Call Centre. Two doctors from Poland in addition to Polish bus drivers:
Mateusz Bisikiewics, Anna Ptak, Jessica Patel and Aruna Thapa.
In Skipton, I noted the reg number of a big taxi cab, which blocked the sitting room window. It had 57 in the middle. Next, as I stood by the Skipton Railway Station, waiting for my grandchildren, I saw  that 3 out of 4 taxis parked had 57 in their reg. number.
Some recent theatrics in Gosport had one, and then two "57-cars" driven by women. At least one was linked to St. Francis Church (in a negative way). I also took picture of a car in the St. Matthew's Court with STICKER-type segments left blank on the reg. plate. Shall check the scanner. Some photos and maps are overdue.
WHO is WHAT ? ....
[ Thurs. 3 Dec. 2015 ] - I have just posted a scan of a photo (from the "ALBANIE - Chinese voorpost in Europa ?" by Ton Crijnen (dated 11-9-1970) where people in the background are not named, only Mehmet Sjehoe).
The second scan - a photo of two cars in Gosport with 57 reg. numbers "refused" to open. Shall try again. Also spoke to a young woman (Amy?) and she had said no one ever told her she had a 'very Russian' face - ref. Court case in Portsmouth, which I did write about on this or other of my blogspot.websites.
"The SUN" yesterday published an article by MIKE SULLIVAN, Crime Editor : Met may get 2,000 more marksmen. Photo depicts Assistant Commissioner Patricia Gallan. While parallels with Paris and Kenia were drawn, my mind went straight back to 7-7 London Underground Terror and unpopular 'tactics' by Cressida Dick. So, where are we now?
CHINA ! Hard Communist Israel Epstein died in Bejing aged 90 in 2005.
 I remembered yesterday, that around the time when another EPSTEIN (Jeffry?) - American pedophile and a friend of British Royals was written about in big media and online, there was a whistle blown by some social workers and doctors about ABUSED WOMEN with CHILDREN in refuge/safe accomodation, who in fact were subjected to unfair, nwo pressures and procedures, which put them in danger of children being taken from them. Could be the last straw for some.
What happened in BRADFORD refuge for mothers and children? (see Samira Lupidi above).
[ Friday, 4 Dec. 2015] - Two "57" cars photo got posted below. Although I tried to avoid taking picture of the two women (we all smiled to each other), one is almost seen entering her car.
I read a detailed ( enough) description somewhere of an organized (sex) entrapment with subsequent blackmail of young people who came to Moscow for the International Youth Festival in Moscow USSR in 1957:

One Shelepina (ref. KGB Shelepin) who married an English writer, settled somewhere in North (?) Yorkshire.
I shall send an e-mail to Dr. David Chilvers, since I did find his e-mail, to point out, that he neither replied to, nor simply acknowledged my letter(s) despite a polite request.
 [ Sat. 5 Dec. 2015] - Sent an e-mail to the Dutch Embassy in London this morning. My first e-mail of yesterday had f[ailed, because the e-mail of The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affars was hacked/corrupted on the printout here in Gosport Library.
I was the only guest and the only witness at the wedding ceremony in Skipton (followed by a lunch at The Black Bull pub). They did not want to see my passport, the room in the Water Street was not 'marked' as the Registry Office, nor was there any sight of office equipment. David Cohn (was in charge) lectured me later: We, English (or in England) do not like papers, if you say you are so and so, that is it. What  I did not like about my witness role is that it was more of a character attestation !
Elaine Cohn: Does Vicky know that Ralph has a 'baggage' ? Who are the two Skipton Council women seen on the wedding pictures: ?
My proposal soon afterwards to have a family meeting with third parties present, was rudely blocked by David Cohn.
Letters to Russian and Israeli Ambassadors are mentioned in my post (nr 331) of 9 January 2015:
1991 plus Star Wars:
Is Metrojet linked to free Metro newspapers? They refused to say who pays for it (ref. business conf. in Cosham and microchipped 'biznesmeny'). Why  so many WOMEN on board?
By the way, what is the distance (range) between an airplane and the SDI/military satellites?
In Skipton next week. 15:52.
[ Mon. 14 Dec. 2015] - I just posted the third scan - of a brochure of Skipton Boat Trips. I enquired while in Skipton, if it is possible to trace passengers on a trip about two and a half years ago. No, it is not. I took my granddaughters on a longer trip (Pennine Trips?) and there were just a few other passengers. One elderly man had his ... 90(?) birthaday, so it was perhaps his birthday present. The music was very interesting - Canadian ? My little girls started dancing ! There was a woman (old man's daughter?) who watched dancing .... too 'closely' or as if it was an auditioning. She might have been an actress or dancer, but I found it disagreeable. When Lord (Admiral?) Bramall hit the headlines, I thought the birthday man looked similar, but perhaps slimmer.
[ Wed. 16 Dec. 2015] - The VATICAN infiltration and crimes may be closer than I thought. Catholic Church in Gosport (High Street) had a Polish Pope poster on the display, when they moved in (gray robes) with a pomp. Where do they reside? In St. Matthews Court? One old nun went as far as standing demonstratively with her back to me, when I did the same to some notorious locals.
There is a branch of Catholicism, which is PRO-COMMUNIST. (9:40).
11:54 - Back in Gosport Library. One of the two workmen, who rang my door bell - older, shorter one, whom I spoke to, reminded me of actors in Portsmouth, the Diamond Heist theatrics. They went upstairs, smth. about the fridge.
The notorious locals I mentioned earlier are from IRINA + network as I call them: old, crime and spionage related dark "cloud".
I mistakenly called PRINCESS ANN princess Margaret in 2012 April post.
What a way to look at the schoolgirl (girl scout) :
Another EPSTEIN in Jan. 2015 post: 1991 plus Star Wars. -