Saturday, 7 June 2008

( nr 134 ) Dr. Jose Delgado's prediction (in 1974) about microchipped generals has come true ? The link is in nr 132.
Chris Parry gave an interview to the Times Educational Supplement.
Read about a former Rear Admiral's vision of MATRIX -style download (upload?) of knowledge into the brains of children:

Does Institite of Naval Medicine know smth about it ?

Actually, they must have illegally done smth. like that to people over time - experimentally and/or subliminally, which probably explains why there are so many messed up and fragmented people.
High incidence of young people commiting suicides in BridgeEnd, UK continues (today's news item).
PS (14:16) Do British FEMALE MASONS celebrate a centenary this weekend? Saw this on the internet recently.
Next post next Thursday, 12 June or earlier.