( nr 407 ) - Next Talk Monday 18 March, 2019 at 11-12 (approx.) in Fareham. Shall be so until further notice.
Some points to discuss:
1. RMN and Jim Stone hacked.
2. Basic faults in standard, popular website designs. Faults are telling.
3. Gosport High street: benches and shops. Horror triangle opposite Aldi.
4. Morrison receipt this morning: 15/03/2019 08:10:56.
5. Other.
Had a very strong recognition of Soviet Jewish Emigration (ref. Irina Plus network) to do with people behind me: voices, manners, ... May be wrong.
Cheryl HERON of Bridgemary School in Gosport:
Post (nr 37) from 2007:
Post (nr 287) from 2011:
Addenda posts 30, 31 and 35:
The two recent posts before this one are Addenda 36, 37 and 38.
Dutch Journalist OKKE ORNSTEIN - his new (?) website:
If there is some info about General Alexander LEBED interview on American Senate and CBS (?) online, the British censored, removed 100% of British TV HardTalk interview of Alexander Lebed, - not by Tim Sebastian, but by a younger blond man.
Here in Gosport on High Street, I saw a man who looked like a younger version of A. Lebed posting two letters. There was also a caricature image of Vladimir Putin on the counter of the Old Post Office.
[ Sat. 16 March, 2019] -
My post ( nr 321 ) of 22 February 2014:
Speaker's Corner Engagements:
Just noticed G. Zuganov looks a bit like a Russian (as he was introduced to me years ago) mathematician from Portsmouth University.
LESBIAN Cheryl Heron, the Headmistress of Bridgemary secondary school in Rowner, Gosport, where I took a post of PHYSICS teacher, removed a male deputy and appointed Ruth Evans.
Elaborate set-up, incident was engineered in my class. I was however shocked when RUTH looking straight at me asked if I tried to ... gas the children. Andy Butterworth was with me and I saw he was equally shocked to hear such an allegation.
I asked them to put it in writing. They refused. I decided to take them to court. Teachers UNION however asked me not to take the matter to court and accept four thousands pounds.
Interestingly, there was a young Polish/French (?) teacher, who was spoken about by Cheryl Heron at the morning assembly as ... no more a virgin. That was after some fund-raising parties. Teachers were asked/invited to serve tea, etc. I thought it was sick.
The lesbian Heron had satanic ideas:
1. Age does not matter.
2. Education 24/7 at school. Exclusive
For some reason I wondered about Macron's wife.
Homosexual rapes in the military:
Alexander Lebed told of incident (apparently homosexual gang-rape among soldiers) when he beat them up as hard as he could. He then said he was surprised next time they looked at him as if he was GOD.
[ Tue. 19 March, 2019] - Yesterday: 1. My watch has stopped late morning. 2. Taxi: passengers' voices were heard/sounded metallic from the driver's cabin.
DAILY MAIL (investigations(at)dailymail.co.uk ) yesterday:
1. Brenton Tarrant ( 28) - his UK links on pages 20-21, not 22-23 as directed on page 14.
Grandmother Marie Fitzgerald, 81, cousin Donna Cox. On rmn there was a post about his visit to MI6 in London. " Tarrant also visited Eastern Europe in 2016 and 2018 to visit the sites of a number of historic battles between Christians and Muslims ...".
Amazing commonality with Breivik case: huge manifestos, troubling homosexuality/virility/fertility issues, London, etc. See my posts about Breivik.
2. Exclusive ( by Tom Kelly) front page plus page 4-6: Fake TAX men rob Britons. Indians based in North Indian Ahmedabad call centre ( who have never been to UK ) phone people in UK pretending to be officials from HMRC. Most interesting details of global organized crimes.
Page 6: in case of Jonathan and Faye Fairy they were targeted at the exact time Jonatan was expecting a genuine call from the tax authority with details of money he needed to repay.
"Justine Skinner, marketing director of Contis, would not say where the money had gone next".
Hmm, in my case Lloyds Bank refused to answer my questions about a woman with a name similar to my daughter's name (looked like a repeated spelling mistake by the bank, not me) to whom the money I transferred went. The transfer was from me to my daughter. The Bank said they can't say anything about that woman because of ... PRIVACY (!) regulations. I posted relevant docs on this website.
Breivik - the British Connection. Post 295 from 2011:
Another website:
I saw online news about a raid or attack on the North Korean Embassy in Madrid, Spain.
[ Wed. 20 March, 2019] - Daily Mail front page:
report by Tom Kelly, Investigations Unit:
[ Thursday, 21 March, 2019] - Yesterday Provincial Elections were held in the Netherlands.
Interesting results !
FLUORIDE - scan of poster (infographic) from Natural News website, which prompted FACEBOOK to suspend Natural News for 7 days:
My post 247 from 2010:
Number 57: a car with 57 reg. number was in front of the taxi last Monday. As I said: KGB school number 57 in Moscow ... , something strange happened! Before I finished that short sentence, the 57 car swiftly-zig-zag fashion moved forward and was out of our view.
[ Friday, 22 March, 2019 ] - Dutch Elections: Ollongren (lesbian minister of home affairs) came to vote without passport { Minister Ollongren vergeet paspoort bij stemmen, ... by Edo van van der Goot on live blog.}. I found her online photos resembling (strongly) one of the three Russian Tanias in the Hague, from Sochi in Crimea (first husband Indonesian, second - Turkish).
Forum for Democracy party is the winner.
Scans: Ollongren, TV - licence letter, 2 receipts with wrong prices in one day: one 4 and not 3 pounds (from a nice woman cashier) another, which I questioned in vain - one pound instead of two ( from a witch). TV-licence letter EXACTLY replicates unfounded claim and criminal intimidation as in the case of FAKE TAX collectors from INDIA call centers.
Star Wars ! post from 2012 -
[ Saturday, 23 March, 2019] - " ... vergeet paspoort bij stemmen" - could it be she left it behind after voting ? Where is my Dutch dictionary?.
FLUORIDE dissolves heart tissue in embrios.
No Fluoride website article with citations as from 1938:
My post 328 from 2014: TV licence. -
Gosport LAUNDERETTE: previously narrated experience with GYPSY gang who planted human hair (?) in a dryer drum and wanted me to use it. Thank god, I did not. They ( another occasion?) also played or tampered with the washing machine using their mobiles.
Last time a man noticed that minutes fluctuated on the washing machine. Saldo fluctuates on printers in Gosport library for some time. Bank automats have slowed down. since last year.
BOKO HARAM plus. -
Two posts from 2017 ( 288 and 385 ) -
Addenda Fourteen:
Addenda Twenty:
[ Thursday, 28 March, 2019] - BLUE JACKET MAN freak out: last Saturday at about 11:00, Gosport Library - in and out, Ukranian GRU, RBW (Russian Blond Woman), amazing behaviour similarity with ( -ex?) British Naval Intelligence MI6 man Robinson. British Royalty, Ivan Rebrov, Society of British Japanese POW veterans. Interesting how BJM momentarily looked lost when I asked him if he worked for the BRITISH. He then looked at my badge, very quickly and in good Russian read my name, despite his psychotic condition. Then fled! Just like RBW when I asked her if she was Russian (What makes you think so? Then ran off).
Hard Criminals and Secret Agencies use the same formula or behaviour: they use those already recruited to recruit. Poor results !
Both UN and EU disagree with American Trump on Golan Hights (Israel).
A lot of info about QRS - 11 - Quartz Rate Sensor. I spoke about it years ago, but did not know the name.
How Hillary Crashes Cars and Planes:
2010 post about QRS-11:
British Government (Establishment) ignores petition signed by 5,8 million people:
Vasily Prozorov worked for SBU - Ukranian Security Service. Interview given last Monday in Moscow. Some names named, more to name and many documents.
British MI6 agents: Charles Backford and Justin Hartman.
American - Harry Reid.
Georgian - Georgi Kalandadze .
More on http://24-my.info , www.donbass-insider.com , www.battleforworld.com etc.
I think the puzzle of strange Russian/English is solved.
Almost obsene poster on All Saints Church in Portsmouth: Smart Water (with an Atom sign), Police and Scrap Metal dealers (!), etc.
Got a list of 17 (!) Community Centers in Portsmouth. No sign for Community Centers on Portsmouth Map. I attended Greek Community events in Portsmouth years ago.
Ghana Association meets in Buckland Community Centre last Saturday (5-7) every month.
I wonder about other groups.
Gosport Community Centre is actually in Thorngate Halls (by Gosport Memorial Centre), but they turned Gosport Library into "Discovery Centre" simply to destroy the concept of a library.
I just "confirmed" Eric Reingoudt (sp?) on my Facebook. Plan to leave Facebook anyway.
Signed The Petition:
Gosport Fire looks like a "high-tech fire" to me: Monday, 25 March at Nyria Way off Willis Road (near ASDA and between two lakes:
[ Friday, 29 March, 2019] - Rather fragmented info about V. Prozorov' press-conference. A short video (5 min.) from Drago Victorien:
A printout of the video above shows RT (Russia Today) video "Up next" in Russian - 74,009 views as compared to 1,968 views of the video by Drago Victorien.
Can't find that (full press-conference?) video. Presidential elections in Ukraine this Sunday, 31 March, 2019.
NXIVM hearing - Clare Bronfman faints:
Report by Emily Saul and Bruce Golding in New York Post, link in
[ Sat. 30 March, 2019] - Video of press conference (in Russian) of Vasily Prozorov
(1:02:14 - duration) at the end of which audience were to get info-packages:
GOSPORT history:
Gosport Central Library plaque:
foundation stone laid 2 February 1972.
Blue circle plaque on bld. George and Dragon Pub in Gosport:
Bemister Lane - The ancient passageway was the site of the activities of the Press Gangs in the 18 and 19 centuries.
Friday, 15 March 2019
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