Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Addenda Thirty One.

( nr 398 ) - My post Addenda Eighteen:


I have just posted new post "2018 - September." on my other site (spot-a-Gosport), but
the unedited Post title is in the url:


[ Wed. 19 Sept. 2018] - School 710 was a Moscow Champion in Tourism. Later, as university students we made trips to Urals (2), Kola Peninsula and Altai. We never had or used "mountaineering" equipment. The highest point was about 3300 m in Altai.

Addenda Thirty:

[ Thursday, 20 September, 2018] - MANY dots link up : New Mexico Astro. Lab., Tatarstan, Israel, 'Old' Mexico, Cuba, Indonesia, Holland, Russia-UK-US, POLAND, etc. etc.
My post on Spot-a-Gosport site got (without my approval) an idiotic comment from "Sam Elliot" - the same criminal crowd (the style!) which happened before.
Polish Mafia in South-East Asia?

WOMEN under Petrovich9 user name? -
fasrixo.blogspot.com -
clinton-kennard -
fxterbaik.blogspot.co.uk -
C.Steele (MI6), Gordeevski (KGB=Mossad=Mob) -

My post Dear Mr. Kennard ! -
Some on-going word-play:

Fox in Russian is Lisa (female) and Lis (male).
British Colombian drug mobster whom I called Humpty-Dumpty, has local name EL-MONO.
Mono is Monkey. EL-LIS is a half-Russian jargon for FOX or foxy.
Oleg Gordeevski feeds foxes in his garden.
FOX estate agents in Gosport High Strret, opposite Parker Torrington office who "manage" PRIVATE residential complex St.Matthews Court.
Gosport has been under CONSERVATIVE government for many decades.
FOX pub ! Check shady people/businesses across the road on North Cross Street and South Cross Street.
TWO comments (scans) - 1 and 2 plus Imagery for Scott Elliott and Brandi Larson:



So, one Sam Elliott posted on my Spot-a-Gosport website - see link above on 18 September 2018 at 11:27.
Brandi Larson, pretending to be the wife of David A. Larson (ref. Torture with Remote Control)
posted angry comment to my post (nr 246) of Tuesday, 19 January 2010:
The website LarsonMedia was then taken down by criminals.
That URL was taken by registrant in JAPAN: one page of Japanese (only) text about DOGS' Hairdressing/Grooming. The reg. details however had some RUSSIAN words: sobaka-kusaka (dog that bites).
So, B.L. wrote on 1/19/10:
"why do u feel u have some kind of write to use my husbands documents from his website? and then display it here on your page? my husband doesn&#39,t appreciate that and either do i ! he has it up for readers to view, not steal  ! it&#39,s one thing to direct people to his website, which is perfectly legal, but to steal his document which has copyrights and display elsewhere is completely different ! consider this a warning. Mrs. Larsonmedia ".
[ Friday 21 Sept. 2018] - Brandi's Larson comment is actually in the post (nr 245):
Foxy names ? Driver Lisef and race riots in Brooklyn on 19 August 1991:

[ 11:21 Nota Bene: just spoke to Mr Robinson 2 minutes ago (from comp. 06) as he was by the Copy/Print. machine. Ref. British military (RAF) doc. planted on me in Gosport Library.

Posting a card ref. Mr M Fitzearne of 26 St. Matthews Court, Gosport, who is listed as the owner, landlord of the property in UTILITA database.
[ Sat. 22 Sept. 2018] - Not a single result for searches for FITZEARNE - online or offline.
The closest (???) find is Fitzanne - estate agents in South Africa:
Plenty of names like Fitzpatrick, FitzHenry, etc.
Earne ? ... I am actually intrigued by some names ending with E: Searle, Adele, Mengele, .... Earne.
Fitz Anne ?
[ Mon. 24 Sept. 2018 ] - After some "maintainance" shut-down of Hampshire IT yesterday, Sunday (I saw online notice in Fareham Library), I see on my Stat. pages:
 1. unwanted m.facebook no more - GOOD.
 2. Colors from Countries map gone, Unknown Region, Camparadise and Fasrixo popped up again  TODAY, this morning - BAD.
From "No Surrender !" book by G.A.Henty (1900) about French Revolution, p.231:

" ... orders were given that the forests and hedges of La Vendee were all to be levelled, the crops destroyed, the cattle seized, and the goods of the insurgents confiscated. an enormous number of carts were collected to carry faggots, tar, and other combustibles into La Vendee for setting fire to the woods.

It was actually proposed to destroy the whole male population, to deport the women and children, and to repeople La Vendee from other parts of France, from which immigrants would be attracted by offers of free land and houses.

Santerre suggested that poisonous gases should be inclosed in suitable vessels and fired into the district to poison the atmosphere.

Carrier, the infamous scoundrel who had been appointed commissioner at Nantes, proposed an equally villainous scheme, namely, that great quantities of bread, mixed with arsenic, should be baked and scattered broadcast, so that the starving people might eat it and be destroyed wholesale."
[ Tue. 25 Sept. 2018] - The link to RUSSIAN language article about Masonic Lodge COSMOS is damaged: the page comes in abra-cadabra, not in Russian, not readable.
Samisdat was the DIY Soviet "publishers" during Cold War.
The link is on the Wikipedia page for Mark Slonim :
Masha Slonim(?) of Russian BBC in Gorky Street is mentioned in the book about 4 Oct. 1993 events in Moscow by Veronika Kutsillo:
Links: Huxleys-Orwell-Zamiatin-Mark Slonim ... .
Read about project ANTI-COSMOS and more in Tech-Mafia-3:
Earthquakes and Politics:
Communists ? -
Addenda Twenty Eight:
Ralph Shortey "Family Values" senator arrested:
[ Wed. 26 Sept. 2018] - Switzerland -

Decapitated Pedophile:
The NY Herald report:
My post (nr 327) of 8 Oct. 2014:
[ Thursday, 27 September, 2018] - The photos of Roman Abramovich in the Sun article (link posted yesterday, but does not open just now) reminded me of the " bluish eyes " of the man in Gosport Library (ref. postcard to James Comey incident ?) and the Mossad Team people in Fareham Library (ref. my handbag with tel.and more stuff lost/stolen/found/returned).  My tel. leather jacket "sat differently".
There was one Swiss man I met officially (bank) and one mysterious Swiss man, who stayed briefly in the University Guest House and asked me to take him to the airport one early morning. Lagos, Nigeria: One Maltsev was in UBA in charge of electronic databases, predecessor of Computer Banking. The currency change and transfers (1970-1980s) were effected by (Soviet) Narodny Bank in London, another (forgot the name, French?) bank in London and United Bank of Africa in Lagos.
Olga Patta links.
When scanners are available, I shall post part of UTILITA letter with name Mr M Fitzearne at Flat 26 St. Matthews Court.
Oh, yes! There was a memorable and surprising "Switzerland" exhibition plus concert in the Hague in 1994 (?).
My notification was ignored and I did not receive heating allowance  last time I applied for it. Earlier some payments were automatic.
UTILITA letter:

[ Friday, 28 Sept. 2018] - Just added scans to my last post on Spot-a-Gosport.
Associations: Green Cross ("we are from Sweden") - Gorbachev Green Cross visit to the Hague (1992 ?).
Was the "French" bank in London called Credit Lionese ?
Danish friend: Yutte Oladapo, wife of Unilag Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
Close proximity on Akoka Campus, Eleke Crescent : Guest House, Oladapos, Nwunelis plus a French professor with a 'very petite' wife (Polinesian?). The French couple did not have children, but had very cute pet monkeys, dressed as a boy and a girl. The man asked me a strange question about WW2.
[ Sat. 29 Sept. 2018] - A letter addressed to Mr M Fitzearne in a white (blank) envelope in my post box. I think "Mr M" is a French form of address.
More names ref. Eleke Crescent on Akoka Campus, Unilag.  Families of Salako and Ekpenyong, visiting Syrian (?) lecturer, Kenian lecturer (woman).
In 2003(?) there was a murder of a young Danish girl (13?) on Isle of Wight. Then I learned that there were four (!) prisons on Isle of Wight, one floating and one special for sex offenders. There was also a death of young Dutch man, who fell off a boat near Gosport. He was described as the only one who was married and with children, in a group of 3 other men.
Scans of two books covers: No Surrender! (1900) and (in Russian) The country of the Blue Bird. Russians in Belgium. (1995).
Dates of French Revolution: 1789-1799. Dates of Russian Revolutions: First - 1905, Second -1917.
There was also Decembrists Revolt in 1825 (Military, Masonic).

[ Mon. 1 Oct. 2018] - Think Aloud - earlier today in Fareham.
Sending a postcard to Cressida Dick (Met HQ. London) with questions about two women in uniform.
[ Tuesday, 2 Oct. 2018] - Two scans: from Daily Star of yesterday and An Independent Eye album by Roger Hudson (Sutton Publishing. 1998.

June 1993: 

  Third CPSR Cryptography and Privacy (!) Conference -

Catholic Church news: DECLARATION.
Signed and published 23.9.2018 by Ordained Clergymen of the Roman Catholic Church in :

1. America.
2. Canada.
3. Ireland.
4  England.
5. France.
6. Netherlands.
7. Germany.
8. Spain.
9. Italy.

The Declaration was released to Global Media ... .
My STAT blogger pages recovered! Colours OK and Unknown Region is no more.
Tech-Mafia ? icann.org domain has registrar GoDaddy.com, LLC
Can't find the NAMES of the signatories of The declaration. Strange.
[ Wed. 3 October, 2018] - Women and Crime -
Tomorrow is 4 October -
[ Thurs. 4 October, 2018] - Sending postcards to Sunday Independent (Dublin, Ireland) and the Embassy of Iran in London.
[ Friday, 5 October, 2018] - Yesterday news ref. Jeff Sessions:
Also yesterday feminist demonstrators broke into two Senate Offices. 302 arrested, incl. Emily Ratajkowski and actress Amy Schumer. -


[ Saturday, 6 October, 2018] - Same Cabal at work?


Things almost got out of hand in US government building on October Four.

 Do "feminine" feminists have such near-military org. skills? Fallen angels turn satanic, criminal? One is taken picture of abusing a little boy on the front page of Irish Independent today.

Last Sunday Independent issue had 2 or 3 major topics:

1. Baby John (Kerry Babies) police (GardaĆ­) investigations.
2. Interpol taking interest in above.
3. British MASONIC head Prince Edward and wife Sophie visit Dublin, Ireland.

October FOUR events in two consecutive years 1992 and 1993 in Holland and Russia:

1. Israeli cargo plane full of nerve gas and other poisons crashed into block of flats near Amsterdam.
2. Bloody end to escalating standoff between Russian president Eltsyn and Russain Parliament.
It was about Constitutional matters and powers of President. Time: 21 Sept. - 4 Oct. 1993.

POLICE under attack?
Interpol head declared missing yesterday:

Family COHN (very pro-conservative party) in North Yorkshire - yet another link and suspicion: Masonic Police. Also French and Russian connections.
[ Mon.8 October, 2018] - Today (and every Monday, till further notice) in Fareham:
 mid-morning Think Aloud.
[ Tue. 9 October, 2018] - As I tried to adjust the card-payment unit by cashier in T-K-MAXX in Fareham, the sales woman told me I had paid already, contactlessly!
Easy payment?! Easy for thiefs. Need to write to the Bank (Lloyds).

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