Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Addenda Twenty Eight.

( nr 395 ) - Israeli Company Investigated by Robert Mueller's Team Shuts Down:


Cambridge Analytica:

Aleksandr Kogan moved to Singapore, married and changed his name to Dr. Spectre:


Black Cube:


Some problems with printing in Fareham Library.
[ Sat.23 June, 2018] - An African man made a good point (bus E2 Gosport to Fareham this morning).
Mossad rats in Yorkshire? .... Olga Patta?... Galina Edwardovna? ...
Eight Israelis among 500 arrested in Philippines:
Tiny computer - microchip:
Calcalist's 2018 List 50 Most Promising Israeli Startups:
- url of only first 2 pages printed (out of 16).
[ Wed. 27 June, 2018] -

Crimean WAR never ended?...

Election Result  in TURKEY last Sunday was celebrated by British CRIMINALS  (military mob related). I had to listen to the same or similar  "exotic, ethnic" music, that was played during those bizzar parties, incl. time when Russian Submarines were passing by English South Coast.
Are those submarines traffic drugs and people?
 Neighbours in Gosport Residential complex St. Matthews Court (esp. flats 21-32) incl. one noisy man, whose father is Turkish and mother - Irish.
GOSPORT was and still is known as TURK-TOWN.
One of the relevant posts here is about MI5/6 apparently running a fake left movement of so-called defenders of animal rights or those against cruelty to animals, incl. Vegetarian and Vegan activists.
The demonstrating youths on Stoke Rd. in Gosport contrary to their leaflets, were chanting OCHALAN, OCHALAN ! Just like violent Kurdish (?) demonstrators in the Hague years ago.
Plus Cambridge Analytica ? Etc. etc.
[ Friday, 29 June, 2018] - After 911 in US there was a report about Jewish/Israeli students (furniture movers) who targeted some university/military addresses. Their vans were radioactively contaminated. Nuclear, chemical, micro-nano electronics ... .
Trinity Church in Gosport have been too active in all sorts of things, incl. students moving furniture and development of local legislation.
We have Jacob's Well/Ladder businesses/other network: nursery school, furniture shop, etc. in town.
The carpet (from Moscow) is sold to smb. (who?) via Jacob's Well shop.
That carpet was in Woolston Court 4 apartment (with K-house opposite) and got 'dirty' one day.
Prisoner type workers were just outside the sitting room window, doing some ... painting(?). One worker in particular was all over town, his tattoos fading and beginning to look as if he got some job, promotion. Looked Eastern European.
Did Mossad decide that forensic test of that carpet might expose them?
Tech - Mafia - 3.
[ Sat. 30 June, 2018] - The Trinity Church in Gosport has not a cross, but Star of David on its pinnacle. Years ago I asked them for an explanation. They first acted as if they did not notice it, then  they said they'd get back to me. They did not ! Most churches in Gosport have their crosses removed. I also noticed that many photographs (online and offline) were taken with the top "cut off" so as to hide the fact. One Stoke Road church, associated with Children of Chernobyl (Christ Church?) an old woman ( looked Eastern European ) told me she was the one, who asked workers to remove it, as it was "old and unsafe".
A chat yesterday with a man (we talked years ago in front of the Gosport Library) whom I told he looked to me (years ago) as Mr. Middleton. I remember thinking: does he have a brother in Gosport ?
Afganistan (?) was mentioned before, and now Texan border ! Many people with international background.
How strange ! Scotland Yard closed investigation of "Putney Bridge Pusher". On 5 May 2017 a jogger pushed a woman (33) under a bus. Bus driver Oliver Salbris averted the the bus.
In addition to my earlier comments, Gosport woman (wears same clothes for many years) exposed herself as a witting/unwitting actress. To my surprise, on E2 bus she "came to life" in an unpleasant manner, demonstrating joy(?) around the time of Dr. G.E. Ismailovskaya's look-alike visit (?) to Gosport. The woman is known locally and reminded me of G.E. not only in appearance (much younger), but in behaviour.
[ Mon. 2 July, 2018 ] - I told the Middleton look-alike man that he also 'looked' Russian to me then and as I spoke to him. He was surprised.
Dutch PM Rutte shall meet US President Trump today:
My post from 2016:
[ Tuesday, 3 July, 2018 ] - Medical Mafia:
British Establishment announced 75 points plan to fight discrimination against Gay and Lesbians...
Slogan: Nobody should have to hide who he or she is.
Yesterday there was a photo on the Dutch News website (nu.nl  or nos.nl ) that almost "flashed" and I could not find it again.
Its peculiar quality (excessively colourful and 'artistic') reminded me of Mexican (tourist?) online art, which was sent from Mexico, but was made or designed (?) in Hungary. The unfortunate timing was the Russian Spies arrests in US in 2010 (?).
Who was on that photo? -
 OLLONGREN,  the new Dutch Home Minister, a lesbian openly living with
another woman and their children) with two young Indonesian girls !
Subtitle - smth. about celebration of end of slavery (nl: slavernij ).
My posts from 2011: 
 and 2018:
Some interesting facts in Reader's Digest ESPIONAGE book by David Owen, 2006.
ISBN 0-7621-0812-6 .
[ Thursday, 5 July, 2018] - another look-alike/reminder at comp. 20 in Fareham - active/passive  actor for years (KGB-MI6) - IVAN AQUINO (?) from Delft.
TANYA 3 times:
Post from 2011:
Russian "svoloch" is not to be translated as "bastard" meaning child born ouside wedlock or outsider.
Pure negativity without any concrete imagery.
No Russian equivalent for bastard and no English equivalent for svoloch?
S-theatre script writers apparently mistranslated British Bastard Corporation ...
It did not refer to British Commonwealth people or similar.
[ Friday 6 July 2018 ] - The New York Times (International Edition Monday 2 July 2018) by David D. Kirpatrick and Matthew Rosenberg "Russia offers are linked to big backer of Brexit".

1 Arron Banks, a British  financier .... his Russian-born wife and their custom license plate X MI5 SPY ...

2. "With no college degree, Mr. Banks first became wealthy by starting insurance companies that sold policies to motorcycle riders and van drivers. He now owns a complicated network of insurance and finance enterprises as well as a few dimond mines in South Africa, where his father operated sugar plantations."

3. Six Russian gold mines, "mini oligarch", gold mine in Conakry, Guinea, Mr.Mellon (Isle of Man), Alexander Udod, Siman Povarenkin, Nick van den Brul, Denham Eke, ...

4. Russian ambassador Alexander V. Yakovenko. " At the first meeting with the ambassador, over lunch, Mr. Banks recalled in his memoir, the ambassador served him a special bottle of vodka that he claimed had been made for Stalin."
KGB=Mossad=Mafia (Mob).
[ Sat.7 July, 2018] - Some notes/comments to the above:

1. YAKOVENKO is a Ukranian name.

2. I wrote to Russian and Israeli ambassadors ( Yakovenko and Taub) ref. serious concerns about Cohn family. No reaction, both acted in unison. My initial impression (Soviet, Jewish, Criminal) has become stronger with time, not least helped by their own theatrics, S-theatre (official scientific name is Marxist Constructionism).

3. 400 transsexuals (homos) work in BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), which is four times national average. The BBC director of Diversity is a Nigerian man (first and second names Yoruba).

4. Smolensk POLISH mafia is run by the British - very explicit hard criminality staged by MI5/6 here in Gosport. KGB=Mossad=Mob.

5. From ESPIONAGE book by David Owen.

    Page 133: weeks before 911 warnings about major attack received by GCHQ in Britain and NSA in United States. Sources - in Afganistan.

    Page 111: Menwith Hill base in North Yorkshire is jointly operated by British GCHQ and American NSA.

6. One of the serious misgivings I had about family Cohn was their very suspicious behaviour near Menwith Hill.  It was also indicative to me that some form of clandestine communications was conducted with their 'friends' inside that military base.

7. Page 96-97: Zimmerman Telegram. Mexico to re-conquer Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. ... "The enciphered text of this message was found in the Mexico City office of Western Union by a British agent code-named T.

8. Arron Banks (what a name!) has that scar (?) across his forhead. Any secret society in honor of Trotsky? Trotsky's real name is Bronstein.

[ Thursday, 12 July, 2018] - WW2 secrets ... From the book I am reading (about insults and polititians): the word Quisling is forbidden in British Parliamentary debate).
 British Arctic veterans? ... Nigeria? ...
My post Dear Mr. Kennard ! -
Shortly after the fire outbreak and shooting incident of 23 September 2017, when Michael (flat 23-24) shot a high-tech laser gun (with infra-red sight) at me after Bob (flat 22) shouted to him: " She is Dutch, shoot ! ", two bulky men in front of me on Gosport Ferry said (ref. Afganistan ?): if you insult Ezidi (sp.?) you get knife .
Bob told me earlier that his son had committed suicide and he has to think anout his second son serving in AFGANISTAN. That was shortly after our complaints to Parker and Torrington managing agents of St. Matthews Court private residential complex. He made a report to Gosport Police, but they must have made him to withdraw it.
All neighbours complained about spate of drug-fuelled vandalism following Sunday 6 May, 2012.
It was a 10th anniversary of assassination of Dutch polit. Pim Fotuyin and a second Jewish Passover.
A special organ concert was held in Trinity Church in Gosport. 
[ Friday, 13 July, 2018 ] - my posts from 2016 (349 and 355):

My posts from 2012 and 2017 (306 and 385):


Washington Times: Robert Mueller expands his Russia investigation legal team:
[ Sat. 14 July, 2018] -
Criminal case opened against 12 Russians ( GRU officers ) in the District of Columbia:
Netyksho, Antonov, Badin, Yermakov, Lukashev, Morgachev, Kozachek, Yershov, Malyshev, Osadchuk, Potemkin and Kovalev. Case 1:18-cr-00215-ABJ .
See DOJ website www.justice.gov
Earthquakes and Politics:
Two major news items from:
1. Northern Ireland (explosives, Jerry Adams and Bob Storie);
2. Colombia (FARC crimes, Timoshenko on trial).
[ Monday, 16 July, 2018] - My Speaker's Corner this week is TODAY in Fareham, and not tomorrow, some time between 12 noon and 1 o'clock.
My post nr 309 from 2012 ( LY plus) -
[ Wed. 18 July, 2018 ] - Lost (Monday) and Found yesterday my brown leather handbag - in Fareham Library. 

- with link to Hal Turner  Radio Show website.
Reported today: Ex Royal Marine  Stephen Searle, 64 found guilty of MURDER of his wife Anne, 62.  Tragedy involved (Russian?) woman Anastasia Pomiateeva, 39 (partner of son Gary Searle).
Stephen Searle links: UKIP, Farage, Brexit, etc.
Russian names:
1. Malyshev - one of the 12 GRU (Russian military intelligence) officers, charged in US.
2. Malysheva - one of the women charged with pedo Jeffrey EPSTEIN by Virginia Roberts.
Links: Clintons, British Royal family, etc.
[ Friday, 20 July, 2018] - Anglo-Dutch Wars never ended? ...
There might have been many Anglos pretending to be Dutch, pretending to be German during wars and between wars.
 BBC mispronounced name Maria Butina (emphasis wrongly placed on i in Butina), which made me wonder if BBC has smth. to hide ... .
On Russian Internet there is a poster for aspiring politician Maria Butina, where her surname is typed as Putina with letter P crossed and letter B written above. P/B play. Putin: P-utin, Pu-tin, Put-in.
En/Ru: Boot, Booth, Victor Byt (or But?).
WW2 secrets include strange choices of translators and interpreters, such as Ratnik (sp?) in Portsmouth, England.
[ Sat. 21 July, 2018 ] - Someone rang my door bell twelve times yesterday - at 3:00 pm.
Reading "Instructions for British Servicemen in Germany 1944".
Reading "The Man Died" by Wole Soyinka (1972, 1979).
[ Mon.23 July, 2018] - Today in Fareham (some time between noon and one o'clock):
1. Underground, underwater - Stokes Bay, Bay House.
2. BBC (vkradchivym golosom): Lavrov said Maria Butina should be released.
3. Sweden: Swedish engineer or technician in Portsmouth university, etc.
4. Russian journalist Babchenko (?) ...
5. British Arctic Veterans and Russian medals (ww2).
6. Wole Soyinka: psychology, people.
UK, China, Russia, Syria, Israel:
[ Tue. 24 July, 2018 ] - Just went to "check" the number - computer ten (10) and see the man and girl leave (!) the library (11:15).
Yesterday, as I "came round", the local man at Fareham library ( comp. 17) visibly blushed, which is not his usual self. I nicknamed him Mossad.
BEFORE heat wave I noticed an extremely low tide (the day Elizabeth smth. ship was launched), although a local man told me it was all as usual. As I became more observant, I noticed what seems to be a ... ditch or deep waters along the Stoke Bay beach, almost opposite the Park behind Bay House school - that segment of coast line is Em-Banked. Real meaning of embankment ?
A 'garage' for airplanes is called hangar, and for submarines - ... ?
My post (nr 284) from 2010:
and post (nr 295) from 2011:
[ Thursday, 26 July, 2018] - Moon Eclipse tomorrow.
I remember Ramatu Abdullahi telling me muslim folklore about Red Moon. She took me along when she went to see UBA managing director Alh. Mutallab. Much later I saw name Maltsev as a key figure in UBA. Was a young man in a wheelchair a visitor or a manager?
AFP article: Mossad Tied to "Underwear Bomber":
My post MO-K-SS-GB-AD ...... KGB=MOSSAD: Repuestos
No meeting between Trump and Putin till the end of this year:
5G towers dangers:
Posts from 2007, 2011 and 2015:
Dutch Women:
Beetles?... :
[ Sat. 28 July, 2018] - My Free Speech coming Monday 30 July (12-1) is cancelled.
BBC+ (for British Establishment) gave (away) clear signals of Anti-Christian COMMUNIST agenda.
Is Maria Butina yet another Russian who is working for British Intelligence?
Joint - international JEWISH org. based in Gosport?...
Addenda Seven:
The latest from BBC sentiment: Pres. Trump presides over booming US economy ! (stat. of low unemployment, etc.) and should put (unnecessary, etc.) RUSSIA investigation behind him soon.
Difficult to print: DM article from Dec. 2017:
[ Wed. 1 August, 2018 ] - Repuestos Palamino ??? - is this yet another nonsense from MEXICO ?


They control both sides (?).
The anti-government demonstrations (and/or report about it ) show weak and subversive slogans, just like SATANIC women (Pussy Riot) being "anti-Putin".
British media "predicted" victory for Putin. Only Navalny was reported as "opposition".
FULL TRANSCRIPT of 23 November, 2016 Donald Trump's New York Times Interview is on their website - 33 pages:


When asked about not prosecuting Hillary Clinton ref. e-mails and the foundation, president-elect Donald J. Trump repeatedly said that he wanted to move forward and not move back, put things behind him, that elections were a painful thing.
Page 7/33:
" ... And I don't want to hurt the Clintons. I really don't. She went through a lot. And suffered greatly in many different ways, etc."
Addenda Fourteen -

Dear Mr. Kennard ! -

Neither I, nor Parker Torrington Ltd. have heard from Mr&Mrs Kennard.
The boiler tech. service journal not returned since last year !
[ Thurs. 2 Aug. 2018 ] - On Sunday, when election campaigning in ZIMBABWE was closed before Monday elections, BBC announced MUGABE's advice to vote for opposition candidate !
I wonder if the mother of Renee Weersma, a friend and a room-mate of my daughter at International School Eerde in Holland, knew who/what the Russian woman in Moscow was. I took her letter to that woman and brought a reply to Wassenaar. The Russian woman was a lesbian hard criminal. Did Mw. Weersma work in Nicaragua ?
Another e-mail spam (De activation in progress) without picture came from
 ahmedy84 {at} hotmail.com
Addenda Fourteen:
[ Friday, 3 Aug.2018] - I used high-tech fire expression about St. Matthews Court shooting and fire incident. There is a flood of reports about deliberately set fires with use of space and high-tech weapons worldwide. Gosport ASDA and North Yorks British Communist Party have Head Offices in LEEDS, Yorkshire. This morning Star (DailyStar?) newspaper prominently on display: FBU (for Fire Brigade Union - 100 years old) ) blames 'cuts' for inability to fight fires, citing London examples.
Their website is plainly COMMUNIST - Leiba Bronstein aka TROTSKY variant, Anti-Christian, etc.  ( as propagated by PM Teresa May, for example) - www.fbu.org.uk
Mw.Oudshoorn is the name: a faint look-alike tutored  student yesterday by the copy machine upstairs in Gosport Library. International School Eerde, Netherlands.
Morning Star is the name of the paper, not Daily Star.
Online version: www.morningstaronline.co.uk
Interesting: RSO - Regional Security Office - American Security Service responsible for US Embassies.
[ Sat. 4 Aug. 2018] - Laser "knives" cutting Arctic/Antarctic ice in geometrically straight lines -  there was a telling aero photo in British paper - Independent ? About ten years ago. There was a warning about extra bright sun, destroyed ozon layer and dangerous radiation coming from space.
The natural electro-magnetic field of the Earth vandalised by high-tech: mobiles, satellites, microwave towers, etc. etc.
California FIRES:
[ Mon. 6 August, 2018] - Mr KENNARD has telephoned my daughter to say he is coming to check safety (?) of flat 26 St. Matthews Court tomorrow at 9 am (?).
Should I meet him by Parker Torrington High Street office ?
Parker and Torrington Ltd woman manager had sent to him an e-mail asking for return asap of the tech.  register for the boiler in my flat. It was during his last visit. He refused to enter their office, although he stood right outside, saying he was in hurry (?). He did enter FOX estate agents office, saying they will handle everything, that I'd hear from them. I did not hear from FOX agents.
Soviet and American ACTORS, look-alikes ...
Mr Kennard looks like Vitsin comedian (of Nikulin, Vitsin and Morgunov trio).
D. Trump's Michael Cohen (Russian wife?) looks like Nikulin comedian and has similarity with some American actor.
Fishy websites in form and content. There is an apparent ONE computer programmer behind:
1. MI6 spook Christopher STEELE website.
2. Clinton Kennard Associates (finance) website.

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