1. During arranged visit last February to my appt. 26 at St. Matthews Court, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 1AN to check the new boiler, two men came without showing their ID or any Company/business identification. They opened the front cover of the boiler in the kitchen (I don't know what they did), listened to my complaints, took the tech. inspection register in triplicate and left, saying they would come back. They never came back. There were 3 or 4 coloured copy-pages in that journal, with one previous test/certification.
2. The Consumer Affairs journalist from The News local paper, who comes to Gosport Library every Tuesday morning, told me, that the two men definitely acted illegally, and I have a right to take the matter to Police/Courts. He also told me I needed an independent tech. specialist and (later) the check from the Professional Union (?) of Water and Gas engineers or technicians.
3. On Monday morning, 4 Dec., I am informed, Mr. Kennard shall be in the area " to check all safety aspects of the flat ", etc.
I leave significant details of previous communications out for the time being, but with recent disasters in Britain, such as Grenfell Towers Fire and a Mighty Gas Explosion near Liverpool, INSURANCE FRAUD or "separation of property from owners" come to mind. Communist Agenda.
Tech-Mafia: Oxford, Cambridge, ....
Just posted cards to 3 embassies: French, Spanish and American.
[ Friday, 1 Dec. 2017] - The two crooks/criminals were very "theatric", with overalls of Mr. Kennard painted over to make him look like a hard-working man. The younger one had tel. number on his back, but kept turning round, as I tried to write it down. As I told The News journalist, there were Soviet scenarios: crime and one popular comedy actor look-alike.
When I asked Christina Kennard in my e-mail (of 28 February 2017, 12:02):
" Please let me know the name of the company who sent TWO people 2 weeks ago to check/test the boiler at the appartement I rent from you: 26 St. Matthews Court", her answer was in 4 [corr.] words only:
It was my husband. Earlier a handwritten note signed Christine Kennard with a handwriting/signature drastically different from the one on the Tenancy Agreement, had the same non-explanation: It was my husband.
Mama Cash post: Scans of photos of St.Matthews Court ( 21-32 ) building, which is a private residential complex, show the fire/arson incident, Morrisons Supermarket trolley with long wooden burnt branches, American University sweater, woman from flat 24 walking away, photos I took of a high-tech LASER gun fired at me, etc. -
Just posted a scan/copy of my post card to Councellor Graham BURGESS ( on a green background ):

Relevant to the chain of events are my enquiries about identities and backgrounds of COHN family members ( Raphael, Elaine and David) made to Russian and Israeli Ambassadors, which were not answered. Thursday last week (23 Nov.) my youngest granddaughter bust into tears (terrified) while on the phone to Skipton, Yorkshire ( call from Raphael Cohn). I post here (also on green background) a scan of my e-mail of 27/11/2015 12:43 -
[ Sat. 2 Dec. 2017] - Hmm ... Do they know each other ? ... Ref. Sky News shop at 83 Stoke Rd. Gosport. How ridiculous !
On RACISM among other things:
Tech-Mafia-3. -
[ Tue. 5 Dec. 2017] - Mr. Kennard struck a very ... "theatrical" and comical appearance in Gosport yesterday. Went into the Fox estate agents but refused to enter the Parker and Torrington office.
Declared the purpose of his visit as getting "updated contact details for myself and my daughter" (!), forgetting all about "safety checks". Said many things and contradicted himself. There is a Russian expression: zasvetilsa. Mentioned travel to INDIA.
Parker and Torrington sent an e-mail to CHRISTINE KENNARD ref. Boiler Technical certification.
Found my daughter's e-mail in the JUNK MAIL.
PORTUGAL ? .....
From a book I bought recently: Portugal is the only country where ALL DRUGS are LEGAL.
UN now has a Portugese head, after Korean Banki Moon.
Dutch Mark Dijsselboom (sp?) in EU is to be replaced by ... a Portugese former minister of Finance ?
Disturbing and scandalous news about British Royal family (Prince William?) advocating legalisation of drugs. Strong Protest and criticism was expressed in The News editorial about a month ago.
5 December 1484 - Pope Innocent VIII issues anti-witchcraft bull:
Summis desiderantes affectibus.
[ Wed. 6 Dec. 2017] - The American Republican Party programme, which went "off air" had a point about Constitutional Right for citizens to bear arms (disappeared) and point for support of Israel, which did not disappear, and turned out to be deadly serious ... .
HOLY LAND Palestine is never mentioned, and Palestinians are often/always Arab Palestinians.
The wife of Dutch PVV "extreme-right" leader Wilders is Jewish/ Israeli Citizen. Very interesting family.
Old posts:
Tech-Mafia, Tech-Mafia-3, Addenda Fourteen:
[ Thurs. 7 Dec. 2017] - Corr. name (ref. Portugal above): Jeroen Dijsselbloem, and Portugese Mario Centeno. "Portugese" India, Goa, etc.
Wondering about CK: Clinton Kennard Associates in Verwood, DORSET:
Plus fishy sounding Intrinsic Mortgage Planning, Intrinsic Financial Planning ....
And what about Indonesia and South-East Asia ?
Petrovich9 presence in Teknik Forex Terbaik :
Baroness Patricia Scotland, Attorney General, scandalized herself in Baby P case. Her roots are in Dominica and Antigua. Solicitor Alexander Zivancevic - husband of cleaner Loloahi Tapui :
UN votes 151-6 against ISRAEL: from Jim Stone site quoting unitedwithisrael.org:
Israel - occupying power, no rights in Jerusalem .... 6 votes are from: US, Canada, Israel, Fed. States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands and Nauru).
LYBIA .... I have a post with pondering over letters LY and Y ( Lyberry Club in Portsmouth, etc).
Youth Zionist org. has letter Y in its logo. English, Russian and Hebrew letter(s) Y.
The sound of Russian letter "bl" ( ref. Soviet Comedy film: Operation bl ) is rendered in English letter Y - i.e. MY (we). Mr. Kennard got a printout of photo of 3 Soviet comedians: Vitsyn, Nikulin and Morgunov. He is the lookalike of Vitsyn.
The Soviet film dramaturg/script-writer Gaidai may have a relative in Switserland - ref. porn placed on US pensioners website (2005?), hacked by Eros company (of Vittorio Gaidai ).
LY plus: http://galina-a-anikeeva.blogspot.com/2012/08/ly-plus.html
[ Friday 8 Dec. 2017] - YL, LY, Christianity and Islam, etc: Post nr 301 :
[ 9 Dec. 2017] - Yesterday: two Gosport people who have been on the Big Brother "Radar" are: The Blond Russian Woman (BRw or similar acronym of mine), who reminded me about Natalia Abramovna, Leonid Timochouk's mother, and the man I named Rediskogolovy Gebeshnik (KGB Radish-head), who has been 'associated' with horror S-theatre in Gosport over the years. He was a conspicuous 'provincial' passenger in the Hague CS-Mariahoeve on bus 4 and tram 3, with a 'Soviet' briefcase and a bright (for women) Japanese umbrella.
The ( London) Battersea Dog Charity people exposed themselves and the 'Charity'.
So, the high-tech laser gun (with infra-read sight/sensor) which was fired at me by Michael and
Bob was apparently DOWNGRADED to laser pen ... .
The official line of communication was:
Cllr G. Burgess ( who talked to Bob) and myself ( briefly ) - Police meeting with Cllr. Burgess, who instructed them to contact me and take my statement ( they did neither) - my talk with Parker & Torrington Office Manager last Monday (ref. Mr. Kennard and missing Boiler cert. book) when 'laser pen' was mentioned. POLICE - Michael LANE ? ...
Russian computer hacker NIKULIN is charged in US by FBI. Soviet Comedy trio: Nikulin-Vitsyn- Morgunov. Nikulin family in Moscow.
[ Mon. 11 Dec. 2017 ] - My Hotmail, Lingo On and Off line, Baranov? Tkachev? Russian/Jewish/English racist lingo and racist rap, Year 1651, Israeli-Russian M&S, Moscow dentists: (ru) evrey i russkiy - bratia na vek ! etc. for tomorrow.
From 2013:
I am now sure/positive, TODAY: The MEXICAN - looking old man with pony-tail, who came to computer terminal 11, as I sat making today's entry about an hour+ ago from 03 comp. terminal. He also 'prominently' sat at the desk downstairs talking to a woman, as I came to make my Hyde Park Corner / Think Aloud presentation (in a low voice) about two weeks ago (Tuesday around 12:00 - a window (11:30 - 13:00) between The News journalist and Needle Work group bookings).
The man, who came to our appt. block after my letter/report ( to Managers of Torrington and Parker Ltd.) about spate of vandalism, etc. He said he was the manager (Parker or Torrington).
While holding a copy of my letter in his hands, he pointed his finger at the word DRUGS and told me: We can't have this in writing.
More tomorrow.
[ Wed. 13 Dec. 2017 ] - Had an additional "Hyde Park Corner" at noon.
NO to Israel: The EU issued a firm rebuke to Benjamin Netanyahu by refusing his request to join the US in recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital. ( Irish Independent, Tue. 12 Dec. 2017).
[ Thursday, 14 December, 2017 ] - Simon Bramhall ? ...
Area 51:
Natasha KUHRT plus BRAMALL:
Addenda Nineteen:
Mama Cash:
ISS space trip: US-RU-IT:
[ Tue. 19 Dec. 2017 ] - After my "Hyde Park Speaker's Corner" or "Think Aloud" (which stimulates thinking) today in Gosport Library (between 12:00 and 13:00) there shall be Christmass and New Year break till Tuesday 9 January, 2018.
Another trivial difficulty with printer, which is telling, as usual.
Can't print/get url of a short video on/via the Dutch News website ( nu.nl or nos.nl ) from Israel:
Israeli Police violently push a woman as she gives an interview to a journalist/correspondent from ...
GCTN (?) . Search gives ZERO results. On the printer job list I see:
[ Wed. 27 Dec. 2017 ] - As I said last week on the High Street, Gosport:
1. Satanic Area 51 in NEVADA, US (Ne Voda, Ne pei voda ) is in UK : Yorkshire, Hampshire, etc.
2. Early Jewish Synagogue in Ukraine in 1651: 5 and 6 for MI5 and MI6. ( ref. Dutch book 'Jewish Wisdom' ).
Lion and Goat picture Jewish Deception (D. on Mossad Logo): identify the vital/important parts/qualities in your enemy, get close, pretend to be 'positive'. In Moscow, USSR: Karl Marx, when asked about most important/valuable qualities (what he liked) in men and women, he answered: manliness in a man and femininity in a woman.
3. I proposed ( years ago) the idea of supermarkets and shopping centres being actual entry/exit sites for Secret Underground Military Bases: many exits/entrances, storage areas, temp. agencies, so that nobody knows how many people go in and how many come out ( and if they are the same people), etc. BELGIAN waves of criminality ( bizzar and blody) started notably in supermarkets and could be de factor distractions, during which people/groups, who were not part of the Underground Projects, gained entry via storage areas. Ref: www.bendevannijvel.com where judges, etc. were on record NOT wanting to know which secret agency ordered particular crimes, such as theft of NATO documents.
Masons and Mossad are underdiscussed.
Jef Vermaessen was 'hushed' when he wrote: SECRET AGENCIES !
4. I thought why Margaret Thatcher banned the book by MI6 Peter Write.
May be because it described a FLASH/POSH MOB made of diplomats wives, etc. which hid a clandestine high-tech operation by MI6.
[ Sat. 30 December, 2017 ] - Kay Griggs, American Naval Wife, testified about moral degradation and worst crimes against children (just like women in Germany, Italy, etc.) since 1995.
Col. Oliver North, just like Vladimir Putin, was born on October 7 - the day Russian/Ukranian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was assassinated. She investigated how KGB destroyed families and traditions. KGB=Mossad=Mafia. CIA=Mossad=Mafia. The British Secret Services are behind KGB, CIA, etc.
GERMANY: yesterday I looked online for my USSR-GDR (DDR) school pen-friend - Hans Joachim ( or Hans-J.) Hetfleisch. Our 1960s addresses were:
1. USSR - Moskow G-357, Initsiativnaya ul., dom 13, bld. 2, flat 10.
2. DDR - Hans-J.Hetfleisch, Rekentin, kr.Stralsund, Bezirk Rostock.
Hans wrote to me in Russian with some German words. I remember translating MASON (sp?) as 'kamenotios' and taking it literally as his father's occupation, - rightly or wrongly. About five addresses of East-German children (top students) were given out to the 'top' Soviet children (myself included) at a mathematics lesson during the visit of East German mathematics (?) teachers.
I gathered online yeaterday, that so-called Iran-Contra Affair involved East-West military, political and industrial VIPs with murder, sabotage, spionage and children sadistically abused/used by the CABAL international. Old story, as Kay Griggs told us.
My Soviet Jewish classmate 'friend' (Victor Udom proved to me that she was not my friend) Lena (nee) Lozhikova told me how her grand-grand (?) father (a medical doctor) working
on a ship, found it very hard to 'restrain' himself, finding young sailors' nudity during medical examinations 'tempting'. She also told me her family name was changed from original Loshakov(y).
There is a photo of Col. Oliver NORTH in company of STASI ( thus KGB ) people. I also remember seeing photos of East German polititians with (half-) naked children).
Many questions about Angela Merkel.
Dutch Women demonstrate:
[ Tue. 2 January, 2018 ] - Years ago there was a Royal Marines Parade in Gosport. I understood from answers to my questions that the history goes back to AMERICAN Navy that remained loyal to British Monarchy during Colonial times and Independence. They were granted Freedom Charter, that gave them Right to buy/own LAND. There was also an issue of Privatisation of Gosport Ferry, and Ferries go as a ' system incl. adjacent coast land ( I attended Gosport History excursions then: Haslar Hospital, etc.). There was a Black Watch band.
Searle - Searle - Searle :
- Gosport Councillor, Mayor.
- Yesterday News ( Sun paper, Mon. 1 Jan, 2018, page 25) :
Ret. Royal Marine Stephen Searle (64) arrested for murder of his wife Anne Searle(62) in Stowmarket, Suffolk.
I had a question/argument in Moscow about Russian name FERY-V of an Israeli-Russian Publishers.
It was not clear if the original English word was Ferry, Fairy or Fery.
My Gosport history website by Malcom Dent Digital Media:
www.mygosport.org/royal_marines_freedom_of_gosport_01.htm (cont. to page 02).
[ Wed. 3 January, 2018 ] - Scan of the Sun article by carri-ann.taylor{at}the-sun.co.uk posted.
The Russian FERY-V might have been FERY-IV, another ambiguity: Roman numbers or ... ?
Feri is also ... "homosexual witchcraft". IV is acronym of Russian Youth Movement Iduschie Vmeste.
Those so deep underground SATANIC secret projects (relying on mining and other geological tech) can also at certain depth turn horizontal and tap into a let's say oil or some other mineral deposit/reservoir in an unsuspecting country. Lots of other possibilities, such as planting explosives.
I sometimes wondered if The News free-lance journalist (Tuesdays, Gosport Library) is related FARAGE (looks a bit like Nigel Farage).
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