Monday, 9 January 2012

( nr 301 ) Christianity and Islam are two major religions categorically condemning homosexuality. Christianity and Islam are under long and sustained attack.

[Tue. 10 Jan.2012] - scans/images going up: Sat. 17 Dec. 2011 - supposedly "carol singing" and "for chidren" by people who call themselves "Churches Together". They have chosen Catholic Church on High Street Gosport. A few months ago they they were there announcing some play/meeting group on a Millenium (site?) behind Trinity Church ... smth. like 2-4 on Sunday (?). I went there to see how it'd go on, but nobody from that group had turned up.

As for carols, ... their heineous black velvet curtain and ugly puppets were not for children/Christians. I think I saw some of them in the Trinity Church in Gosport, where I went to find out why the church has a Star of David, instead of a cross on its pinnacle (wrote about it on this website. I stood quietly there mostly not listening and not looking, but a joke one them told in the end was rather strange: smb. asked another person smth. (I did not hear what), and then the first person responded : "You are tense" - which the man telling the joke repeated at least twice. Still, nobody laughed.

The next two photos are of a Madelines Pub in Gosport which maybe is closing. I posted that announcement on a forum discussing Madeleine McCann's abduction - in my topic "Gosport LEADS ? ...." in a Debate Section of on Dec. 30 in the morning, I think. Soon thereafter, the whole topic disappeared, as well as other posts.

The next photo is of a "pub" in Portsmouth (5 min. ferry journey from Gosport) called LYBERRY and a logo of a Zionist Youth organisation called Bnei Akiva - . Russ/Russberrie was another word discussed ref. toy manufacturers/paedophiles The two letters on the zionist logo happen to look like Russian alphabet letters Y (u or ou) and russian L , if read left to right. Next are scans of two entries in a Soviet Encycl. Dict. 1986: one is for Yakovlev ( real name Epstein ) and the other - for family Maltsov. One Mr. S. Maltzoff appears on the next scan - four pages from my 1984 diary. He is an Asst. General Manager, Head of Organisation & Data Processing Division of the UBA - United Bank for Africa Ltd. MOSSAD=KGB ? Next scan is of a google find of a wrong photo of the the leader of an inernational NUDIST-paedophile network run from Portsmouth. I made note of it - And finally, the top scan is for RUSSIAN Coffee-House - over 200 years ago in London - from "A Dictionary of the Underworld" by Partridge, 1968.12:47.---------------------------------------------------------------------[Thurs. 12 Jan 2012] - I have just created a new blog of mine for re-posting what has disappeared from Internet , beginning with my posts on forums discussing all aspects of an International case of Madeleine McCann abduction. I first chose name AGAIN, which was reported as unavailable. I then went for again123, which was OK. However, I see now AGAIN as registered, with pale 123 on/off. Posted the scan of my first post last August there. It looks like was created and not used. If you click on my "View my complete profile", you will see the new blog AGAIN and get there. How to correct this url ? 12:37 I hopefully corrected the mistake. It's again123. How to make scans more readable? 13:06.
15:43 ( 12 Jan) - Have made copies of (dict. entries) for Ogarkov Nik. Vas. and Kraepelin, whom I came across reading about Tavistock agenda, Full Spectrum Dominance and Military Reform. This morning I was throwing away a packet of sweets, which must have been a free addition or a 'filler' in a packet of smth. else.
What I found on the sweets' wrappers and on sweets themselves is horrible. Reminded me the Photo/T-shirt Print shop in Portsmouth Centre (next to TESCO), which displayed nasty 'logos' on tiny sized shirts for babies and toddlers, such as ... sexy, red lips, etc. That was around year 2006, when European Pedophile Party got officially registered. Not a single British newspaper reported this scandal at the time, not even the ANTI-EURO political parties ! Don't remember Vladimir Bukovski making any issue of it. Now, the sweets (shall scan later) are of trade mark/manufacturer Swizzels Matlow Ltd., New Mills, High Peak, Derbyshire Sk22 3 HA. Writings: DON'T CRY - MY BOY (on a blue hart), TEXT ME - E-MAIL ME - RELAX - FIRST LOVE - BE MINE - GREAT GUY - etc. Vaieties of sweets: LOVE HEARTS, PARMA VIOLETS, FIZZLERS. Multilingual distribution : Australia, French, German, Denna, Svenska, etc. 16:08. [Sat. 14 Jan. 2012] - slightly amended the text above. My topic " Gosport LEADS ?...." was taken down soon after my last post there on Dec. 30 (see two photos of Pub Madelines in Gosport above): Links: and 11:09

[ 23 Jan. 2012] went this morning to Portsmouth Crown Court to see the sentencing of North Yorkshire man ref. Robert Hathaway and Melissa Noon international nudist/incest/homo/pedo network. I was the only one in the public gallery. Two local correspondents were there. There was a video link with Durham Prison. My website was blocked today and is unblocked now. The blocking message citing "Adult/Mature Content;Blogs/Personal Pages" had at the bottom of the monitor on a grey/blue background : generated [ 23/01/2012:14:34:05 GMT] by HPSN2 -WCF - PO63TH-PX1 for Later messages cited, etc. The postcode PO63TH is for Portsmouth. I am in the Gosport Library( code PO12 1BT), and IT Hampshire is in Winchester. Shall continue now posting scans of my posts removed from Madeleine McCann Forum on the new site:

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