Thursday 19 July 2012


( nr 307 )  STAR WARS or SDI - Strategic Defence Initiative, since evolved into a cascade of acronyms, was surprisingly difficult to search for ! Long lists of films, videos, games, etc. came up, with the high-tech military global project at the very end ... . The scans above are from Wikipedia entries of Strategic Defence Initiative and Directed-energy weapon.
Cabal International got their hands on the most advanced military technology. Fluoride, chemtrails, vaccines, microwaves, lasers, etc. - all used by psychopaths.
The Black Cross or Anarchist Black Cross (see two previous posts) symbol can now be seen on Anarchist Black Cross wikipedia entry, and it is so Anti-Christian. Some names/characters on the List of Jewish Anarchists (wikipedia): Dmitry Bogrov, Olga Taratuta, Carl Einstein, Noam Chomsky - coincidences, I suppose. Olga Taratuta (wikipedia) was anarcho-communist and founder of the Ukrainian Anarchist Black Cross.
From 'On This Day' book : July 19, 1969 - Senator Edward Kennedy in automobile accident with passenger secretary Mary Jo Kopechne ( Kopechne - East European name ?) July 19, 1848 - the first women's rights assembly begins at Seneca Falls, New York state.

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