( nr 352 ) - The previous post "Marriage and Civil Union" with issues around Yorkshire, Skipton, Bradford, Bradley Village, Menwith Hill (Echelon Secret Military Base) shall continue here and in future posts for some time.
Law and Order have been seriously messed up with by .... ?
By Cabal International, of course.
Marriage by definition is between a man and a woman, etc. Civil Union may be is a misnomer.
Homosexual OR heterosexual.
Civil OR Un-civil ?! ( civil, civilized, etc.)
I beleive there were variants of de-facto marriages without registration. In Russian - grazhdanskiy brak. In Holland an eldely couple told me they were not 'registered', as social security/benefits were disadvantageous to married couples. Army of Antichrist was at work for a long time.
Oh, my God ! The poster with a baby (Makaton with Baby - to begin 25 Feb. in Gosport Library) was still there, when I walked into the library minutes ago - to begin this post.
Replaced by a Yoga (?) poster.
I printed a minute ago from post 247, where a different baby is on a keyholder. The keyholder baby photo was ... uncertain, even chilling, because I wondered if the baby was .... dead. The poster outside, was an "improved" version, some similarity, but all rosy and pink, etc.
I was not the only one who found it disturbing at the time, in January 2010: I talked to my neighbours.
[ Friday 12 Feb.2016] - Years ago I wrote on a Russian Forum (RuNet) that while NLP is known, The VISUAL neuro-programming, NVP was all around us, but not discussed/analysed. Perhaps other senses should be also considered. The well-known therapy method of SLIDES is used to "erase" traumatic memories. It is also used by the CABAL to "turn" people, to generate so-called Stockholm Syndrome. The method of slides may have some dangerous unforseen consequences as well.
Erasing memory of a crime/assault ( which may be psychological ) and associated events and circumstances from the memory of a victim/target may be exactly what criminals, psychopaths, degenerates want. Other "techniques" abound.
42 languages in one Southampton School ( from daily echo 7 jan. 2014) : "... nearly a third speak Polish as their first language". Poland and seven other countries joined EU in 2004. "The then-Labour Government predicted around 13 000 people would migrate to Britain, but more than ten times that number arrived - including one million Poles."
2004 info a-4 page about RIGHT to BUY SCHEME:
On 18th November 2004 provisions under the Housing Act 2004 received Royal Assent.
The words Council Houses are replaced (?) by public sector body, local social landlord, etc.
....... The Rent to Mortgage scheme will be abolished in July 2005. ...... Further info from Mrs J Flynn Right to Buy Officer - 023 92 545207.
Around the same time (?) gambling and casinoes arrived in UK.
Female Mafia (Camorra) names: Anna Mazza, Elmelinda Pagano, Luisa Terrachiano, etc.
MAFIA membership/association ... not a crime in Britain ! How many of those rats around ?
I think it was Paul Kernaghan (POLICE) who married a young Ukranian woman wnen she came to UK to escape, seek protection from UKRANIAN MAFIA. ( From The News - local paper. )
A few Italian "connections" in Skipton and Blackpool.
Born in GRODNO: Meyer Lansky (M. Suhowliansky, 1902-1983) - central figure in the Jewish Mafia and highly influential gigure in the Italian Mafia.
Gosport: Children of Chernobyl came with their teacher from Grodno.
Children of Beslan, Moscow theater terrorist siege (Jack Straw happened to be there with his son), etc. etc.
1943 (WW2): 10 000 orphaned children from POLAND came to IRAN (from Dutch Book Joodse Wijsheid. I posted scan somwhere.
DIED in Grodno in 1794: Alexander Susskind of Grodno, Kabbalist.
I hope Susan received my letter I sent via Skipton Baptist Church.
Christina Dada is a celebrity, as she told me she was the one who started NIGERWIVES organisation in Lagos, Nigeria. What is the name of a Priest, who was coming to replace David (Williams?) in the Christ Church Skipton, but unexpectedly died of a heart attack? Ruth Harris is the new priest.
Many names and references in "Retaliation Against Professionals Who Report Child Abuse" by Katherine Hine, J.D. - http://davidshurter.com/?page_id=3519
PPDS and RICS: Alex Yeo MRICS -Surveyor at Savills (Development) Cambridge, UK.
Is charity SHAM-AMA still there? - Westeinde 28, 2512 HD Den Haag (?)
[ Mon. 15 Feb. 2016] - scans of UPPDS of 2015 (?) and PPA of 2005 (est. 1920):
LEEDS to ITALY (314 of 2012) -
Who is What ? ... (316 of 2012) -
[ Friday 26 February, 2016] -
My address changed just a bit: it is now flat 26 at St. Matthews Court in Gosport.
I probably stayed longest at the block of flats 21-32 at St. Matthews. People (mostly tenants) keep moving in and out. Very interesting! My correspondence with Parker and Torrington shall have to be renewed (ref. Sunday 6 May 2012 events, etc.)
The world is getting smaller, definitely that of Gosport.
DOLPHIN flat , a holiday appartement next to Harbour Lights appt. had an interesting wall decoration - a display of sailor knots and Polish texts: Marienska Wojenna Rzhepospolita Polska (spelling must be wrong - from memory) - NAVY of Polish Republic. The knots of course reminded me of the POLISH Masonic Lodge logo - a woman with a rope in her hands. I posted scans somewhere, from a Russian book of Masonic Lodges in Russian Empire.
More of 'surrealism': when prince William got engaged to Kate Middleton and I saw the photo of her father in The News (?), I wondered if he had a twin brother in Gosport. Plenty of look-alikes around here. Kate's family made a fortune with an unusual business/product, paper tableware for parties, picknicks. It turns out, that HUTA-MAKI (not Japanese, but Finnish name) factory in Gosport makes those products. My guess is that a number of Finnish and Polish guest-workers work there. That ties in with certain specific scandinavian look (mostly young people) I noticed locally and near Bradley village in North Yorkshire. Interestingly, HUTA-MAKI was a sponsor of a GOSPORT EMPLOYMENT FARE recently held in the Gosport Leasure Centre.
UNIVERSITY of PORTSMOUTH Student Union paper The Galleon published front page news about on-going investigation into NAKED CALENDER affair: students had their "unedited" nude pictires posted on pornographic websites.
Do older women feel any responsibility for setting a REALLY BAD EXAMPLE ?
When I heard that Grassington village (near the Bradley Village N. Yorks) is 'famous' for Calender Girls phenomenon, I said it was disgusting. David Cohn disagreed with me and said: But it is soooo nice! Same time David Cohn told me a Polish Pilot crashed near his house in Bradly Village and he was going to erect a monument there. He also had said that his house was a Templar house.
I quoted George Orwell earlier:
Animals don't wear clothes! (one of the Commandments in Animal Farm).
[ Sat. 27 Feb. 2016] - The correct spelling and online translation ( ref. DOLPHIN appt.) is:
marynarka wojenna rzeczypospolitej polskiej - Navy Polish republic.
Aisha Abdullahi visited my daughter and grandddaughters when they stayed at Harbour Lights holiday appartement, next to the Dolphin appt. Was it AISHA ?... My last e-mail to her where I ask her for her photograph, was not answered. Something wrong there, African Union and all.
The woman I saw yesterday in Waitrose continues to be a puzzle ... . When she first spoke to me by Gosport Ferry early morning, she had her leg in a cast, which strongly reminded me of Leonid Timochouk's mother ( Natalia Abramovna ?) saying on the phone in Moscow, that we unfortunately, could not meet, because she had her leg in a cast. The woman in Waitrose could not have known that, of course, but I do have questions.
University of Portsmouth NAKED calender affair is linked to ATHLETIC union.
[ Tue. 1 March,2016] - Should we call this one another coincidence ? ...
Trivia, flu (on/off) ... but among papers that were/ almost were thrown away by mistake, were documents relevant to MY PENSION, etc.
FLU !!! On the lighter (?) side of things. back in 2003 (?) I heard from the locals, that the cause of a seasonal BUG (I hate that dd word ) was ... SADAM.
Another one: on the eve of a very important appt. at the Gosport Job Center I had a severe nausea (was it a nile virus?) throughout the night. I did not miss the appt. Was it the fried chicken I bought?
The woman in Waitrose, who spoke to me first by the Gosport Ferry, gave out strong vibes of "Russian", ex-Soviet, miltary. That summer I saw smb. else on Gosport Ferry: a man with two young children. Unpleasant. I would describe him as a lookalike/shape-shifter, the other two are the retired MI6 man (or MI5 ?), a physicist, who is interviewed on a Swedish website and the horrible "Prof. Cameron", agent-provocateur, who sent me an e-mail. I posted the scans and have it on American Forum (Veterans Today ?). Three egg-shapped heads ... . Is it the boldness, that make their heads look so funny ?
IZMAILOVSKAYA, Galina Edvardovna and her KGB (?) husband. Institute of Space Medicine in Moscow. She told me her father arrived back from WW2, but never reached home, went missing. Did not ask what her maiden name was.
It turns out, that the school had my correct tel.number, but the line went off as soon as my number was dialled (three times!), which explains why I had no messages and no "missed calls" trace.
Could it be (again) the Chinese/Vietnamees/Ukranian "jokers"?
Summer 2014 cont. -
[ Thurs. 3 March, 2016 ] - RACISM ? .....
I was given an impression that Cohn family has links/association with Hilary Clinton.
There was a police photo on a Polish Indymedia website showing her and a black woman in a strange/lesbian event. Other photoes (not shown), were of Hilary Clinton in "lesbian romp" with schoolgirls. The text was in Polish, somewhat understandable: Zhidowka u Presidentu! (sp.?)
Cohn relatives in USA and in Iran.
[ Friday 4 March, 2016 ] - Bringing Down Hillary :
Can't read/print from the Geoplotics link, and the TWO LINKS in the text (words which and interview) have promptly disappeared, while nothing else changed in the post 41676.
Names of posters can't be clicked anymore as before.
[ Sat. 5.3.2016] - a very silly online trick yesterday evening: a face on the banner (eyes moving) was a synthesis of 'the dean' (KGB=MOSSAD) at 1997(?) Moscow conference (Languages and Cultures: RU, NL, BE), a negative image, and that of Natasha's late father - a positive one. At the Russian Orthodox Conference I was asked for contacts abroad with the politically right (not left) and wealthy. Also for contacts with doctors, preferably surgeons. Very crude.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
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