( nr 270 ) Going up:
Local paper of yesterday reporting military and political MI5 news. LDRP of Mr. Zhirinovsky?
LibDem Nick Clegg has a Dutch mother and half-Russian father (?)
My post on the THES forum that does not exist any more ...
My scribble on DESNITSA (late 1990s ?) Inform. Buro - a kind of an online journal /pre-Twitter initiative from the Russian Gov. addressed to Russians abroad. The idea was good, but a draft contract was an absolute NO-GO. Those who did get involved might have found themselves (rightly or wrongly) among the "sleeper cell" networks. I actually joined (? - assoc.) a AEJ/VEJ - Dutch/European Society of Journalists in the Hague, which opened its doors to .... anybody with interest in ..... .
MK-Ultra !!! MIND and BODY Control ... It must have been run in many different countries - Academia, Industry, etc.
GOOGLE !!! The NVZ/NVK russian forums (late nineties ?) must still have a record of my dismay at NOT FINDING in RUSSIAN any of the information about HIGH -TECH psychological weapons, Mind Control , which was available in English. Smb. wrote : Yes! ('we can do it') We do whatever we are told to do. ......
I shall continue tomorrow (time is up today).
Thursday 2 Sept. : On arrival to Nigeria, there were all sorts of cultural differences one was unprepared for. Big politics was there, but did not interfere with human relations - we were truly an international community with families, husbands, wifes and children being in a Unilag Melting Pot ! Soviets/Russians: on the campus in Akoka there were two Russian women: myself and Natasha plus Saakian couple from Armenia. Germans, Italians, French, etc. Many mixed marriages on and off campus.
There was no political correctness !
In retrospect, many things seem to acquire greater importance: research topics, ideas about upbringing of children and so many coincidences and trends.
"She is flaunting her sexuality !" said Lynn with annoyance (about Lalage Bown). I think I understood it only half way at the time.
Soviet Union started building Ajeokuta (?) Steel Plant. What a coincidence that some in-laws included Metal Union Workers legal advisor and secondary metal trading.
Photos above are mostly of an apartment block where was a constant traffic as living on campus meant often that work continued at home - homes were "offices" too.
How unfair ! ... Both Lynn and Ramatu died before their time. Unfortunately my ex-husband's wife ( Youruba muslim) died in a hospital in Moscow, where he worked in a Nigerian Embassy on a secondment (?) from the Ministry of Information. She left a very young child. My appartment in Lagos was ransacked within a day or two.
Now I am sure rotten spooks were involved, or as they call it now BlackOps - at one or both ends: there was no animosity between myself and his first family (before he married me) or his new family after our divorce.
The oldest evil is destroying society through destruction of a Family: destroying people's lives, true friendships, natural bonds between children and parents, so that their satanic agenda can go on.
What our grandparents, parents suffered or experienced is tried on us and our children and their children - the same old evil, hence so much lying and deception and distraction.
They break and interrupt family lines, friendships, honest businesses, traumatising, distancing and alienating people, because ..... THEY ARE AFRAID we shall find out and connect the dots.
They tell children lies about their parents, they use increasingly HIGH-TECH for control and destruction of human minds and bodies.
Somewhere I read: we died because our parents lied.
May be parents never come round to tell children as much as possible, so that they will have 'more dots' and, as a result, will connect them sooner, rather than later, breaking the vicious circle.
They are still harping on about the "forgiveness", aren't they? I'll write about it in my next post.
High-Tech Evil: www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/health/mind_control/news.php?q=1283187560 - a link found in RMN post ... 181991 by Crystal River.