Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Addenda Thirty Seven.

( nr 405 ) - Grand Story !
Scans of photos of John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at the Citizen Lab and a man who identified himself as Michel Lambert -


CBC Canada report:
The real name of LAMBERT man is Aharon Almog-Assoulin (?).
Addenda Twenty ( nr 385 ) -
[ Sat. 9 February, 2019] - A secret space with drug lab via kitchen cupboard was discovered by Dutch Police ( Politie Amsterdam Nieuw West):
Mini Amsterdam shop on Gosport High Street is a branch of a shop in LONDON and not Holland or Amsterdam connected. A strange expression: Russian "mini-oligarch" is found in the NYT (international) report of Monday, July 2, 2018 - "Emails suggests Russians offered deals to Brexit backer".
Russian Shops in UK:
Dutch investigative journalist Peter R. de Vries wants to publicise his 2011 recording of his talk with Holleeder next Tuesday 12 February in RTL Boulevard: .
Holleeder's lawyer Stijn Franken alleged threats to him and H. coming from criminal Dino Soerel (worked with Stanley Hillis) and his lawyer Benedicte Ficq. H. was pressed (?) to give a false evidence in favour of Soerel.
Name DERIPASKA comes up in The Times report of his court case in LONDON against Moldovan businessman (ref. textile factory in Moscow) and "Ukraine Connection" article on
Dutch Jewish Mason Fritz de Ruiter De Wildt (sp.?), former neighbour, probably still lives in Smaragdhorst in The Hague, together with his two Doberman dogs.
Addenda Thirty One -
[ Tue. 12 Feb. 2019] - Another clear example of how CABAL (British Establishment in this case) runs Mind Control, Re-Education programs (on and off line):
I said and wrote about Facebook: I don't like his Face, I don't like his Book !
Last Saturday, having faced unexpectedly a pretty and intelligent dog looking at me from a shop window, as I walked past it on my way to Waitrose (113 Stoke Road ?), I had a follow up online.
The face of Mark Zuckerberg (sp.?) of Facebook appeared online in a gentle overlay/oreol of soft ginger curls (just like the poodle in a green vest), which made him look like a cherub !
This is what so-called cookies plus are for, apart from censorship and crude falsehood, fed to the user, who logged in with a number into a separate file/channel.
British Establishment (IT Hampshire) blocks printing of 2 articles from The New Yorker by Ronan Farrow. The two links are found in the Statement from Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert dated January 25, 2019:
[ Wed. 13 February, 2019] - 3 scans below:
1. Remember: this was do-able in 1974 ! Concept diagram, combined voice to skull and Silent Sound. From
2. My daughter in The Downs Prep.boarding school in Colwall, Malvern North England. Catherine Mount is on her left. Ref. Cadbury family, Scottish (?) nannies.
3. Kong Cheung Tailor, Stoke Road, Gosport.


See photo in the middle above: DALRYMPLE family ran The Downs School. Cadbury and South Africa historic links.
British Establishment blocks printing of "WHO killed Ruben Espinosa and Nadia Vera ?" -
[ Thursday, 14 February, 2019] - Peter R. de Vries with W. Holleeder online as arranged/requested by his solicitor in 2011.
 What a pity I can't listen to RTL:
" Deze browser wordt niet meer ondersteund. Probbeer te kijken via een andere browser (zoals Chrome of Firefox) " Sent opzegging e-mail.
Citizen Lab:

"Watching NSO Group" by Ronald Deibert, 18 September, 2018:

"Hide and Seek. Tracking NSO Group's Pegasus Spyware to Operations in 45 countries" by 5 authors, 18 September, 2018:

"Litigation and Other Formal Complaints Concerning Targeted Digital Surveillance and the Digital Surveillance Industry" by Siena Anstis , 12 December, 2018:

NSO Group, Gamma Group, Amesys, Qosmos, Other:

The New Yorker:

"Israeli Operatives Who Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information On Former Obama Administration Officials" by Ronan Farrow, 6 May, 2018:

"Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies" by Ronan Farrow, 6 November, 2017:
Not far from Gosport Library are: Lane Insurance, Donnely (+ Churchers) Lawyers, etc.
Princess Diana! ...
From Wikipedia: Dodi Fayed - listed as first cousin of Jamal Khashoggi.
Project Raven, tool Karma - from Reuters:
[ Sat. 16 Feb. 2019 ] - It's Donnelly - Donnelly and Elliott solicitors.
British Education.
Posts 25 and 37 from year 2007:
Gosport ASDA - HQ in Leeds, Yorkshire.
Posts 399 and 400, Addenda 32 and Addenda 32 cont. :
The Wassenaar Arrangement:
[ Monday, 18 February, 2019 ] - Another CABAL (in this case British Establishment) threatening censorship - the scan of the printout from the British Gov. IT network, where
1. PETER R. de VRIES and
2. His Son
are "cut out" of the photograph.

11:10 - going to Fareham.
3 scans of "damaged" printouts: 2 of  Raphael Satter (AP) page and 1 from - an article about "Michel Lambert" -
Another scan of - horizontal, of the top one:

The websites/pages corresponding to scans above:
The 1979 photo of GOSPORT Mayor Ron Dimmer makes one wonder if the last Tory (Conservative) MP Peter Viggers (sp?) is related to Ron Dimmer. P.Viggers has villa in France.
A short video about Gang of Nijvel, decennia long waves of Org. Crime in BELGIUM:
PS: A pink/orange umbrella used by a "Chinese" middle-aged woman in British Hart Charity Shop in Fareham was a bit unusual. A tourist? Pointing to a top shelf in a small and crowded place.
Somewhere on this site a story about Peter VIGGERS, who supported the IDEAS of lesbian headmistress HERON, telling electorate that he .... he had to rescue/pick up an eight-year-old boy at about 2 o'clock in the night, as the child was stranded outside POLICE Station, - because his parents were arrested.
JUST NOTICED: FAX  +31 20 - 4122249 seen on
does not print and does not show up on other pages.
[ Wed.20 Feb. 2019] - Nine photos scanned and posted on my other (Spot a Gosport) website:
Bob the Builder (to Michael): She is Dutch ! Shoot !
Robert Hewett - General Maintainance and Building Work.
tel. 07599-015688
E-mail: robhewett1968{ at }
Car: VW V051 BBN
[ Thursday, 21 February, 2019 ] - Gave Extra mini-talk today in Gosport:

1. Raphael COHN (son of Elaine Cohn and David Cohn ?) - did some computer work for Military in INDIA privately (?). Ref. Indian air-show: two planes collided.
2. University of Portsmouth (Prof. Craven time?) helped (for free?) to calculate distances and distribution of medical centres. Unofficialy - Ministry of Defence. Ref. lecture in Café Scientifique.
3. Raphael Cohn involved in Cambridge Analytica (links to Black Cube) work with friends - Susan North and her husband in Skipton, North Yorkshire.
4. My chat with a local man in Gosport Library a few months ago. He was waiting for a GERMAN lang. teacher, who did not turn up.
5. The RUSSIAN  military history forum ( the time I was at flat 4 Woolston Court, Gosport) featured some photos:
(1). Soviet soldiers (somewhere in Siberia, Far East?) having a break or rest with a ROTHWEILER dog among them.
(2). A photo I found on the hard disc of my IBM computer, which I did not save and did not even see - what looked like an array of ROCKETS, which might have been lip-sticks blown out of proportion.
There was also a story online from ISRAEL about deadly confusion with perfume bottle made to look like a pistol. Compulsory conscription for  JEWISH WOMEN in ISRAEL.
(3). One prolific RUSSIAN poster (adjusent forums ....) was traced to ... KOREA and ISRAEL.
Russian Jewish Republic is next to KOREA.
[ Friday, 22 February, 2019] - 2. entry above ("charity work") is about INDIA.
The Russian (in Russian mainly) forums were: and NVK/NVZ forums.
The strange file I discovered (quite shocking!) looked like ... bullets/cartridges/rockets.
Paul Whelan does look like Raphael Cohn ...
BLACK CUBE cooking ...
As they try to undermine your judgement and freedom, it becomes clear what their weaknesses and problems are. In the past two days further confirmation of my misgivings about identities and background of COHN family members (as I put it in my letters to Russian and Israeli ambassadors) came from:
1. Green light for pedestrians (me) in Portsmouth ref. R's vehement denial of dangerous designs of traffic signs and signals. After Dutch police found apps helping drivers to avoid checks, The Sun published an optimistic praise of the traffic system allowing green light on your journey.
Univ. of Portsmouth Library S-theatre (S for Soros?):
Mike Andrews (?) whose boss is Robert Cox of Student Services: Robert.cox{ at}
I missed a "European" lecture last Tuesday after carefully micromanaged 48 hours prior to that.
I remember how years ago I suddenly received invitation to come to Skipton, which prevented me from going to the Surveying Engineering Society (not exact name) lecture. Curious e-mail exchange with (shall check her name) young woman admin. prior to that. I once saw her hypnotised (?) when an old lady talked to her (her eyes suddenly went ... hazy ?).
2. Today, the photo of Paul WHELAN online changed somewhat - camera at a different angle, face more chubby and round, looking less like Raphael Cohn. The printout I have has that peculiar, characteristic look in the eyes and mouth/jaw.
One poster on RMN forum ( old man in the d.?) wrote: Me think there is body double or more running around.
Associated Press Plus journalists gave detailed descriptions (ref. Brown and Lambert) which do correspond to my observations and doubts/suspicions.
By the way, Gosport John Bull told me he had worked for AP in France.
There is a very old wooden building or garage facing Aldi supermarket in Gosport with remnants of blue calligraphic paint name: Holwell and Co. Ltd. (sp?).
[ Sat. 23 February, 2019] - I think it's Howell Co. Limited.
Hmm ... I was surprised the local (familiar face)  man downstairs in Gosport, a few months ago, was actually reluctant to talk. He and a woman (she did not talk) were waiting for the GERMAN language teacher, who did not turn up. When I asked him about geography of the Allied sectors or zones in Germany after WW2, actually about the British military presence, he was just silent. And Germany and WW2 are often a topic in local conversations, as well as brick - a - brack in Charity shops. I bought some. My curiosity was triggered by evasive Wikipedia Plus presentations.
Paul Whelan (arrested in Moscow) has never been married ? I just discovered that info about marriage and change of name (citizenship?) of Cambridge Analytica man KOGAN   has been ... censored (?). I remember smb. put online: Kogan married in Singapour and changed his name to Spector. Now I see: Kogan had name Specter temporarily ( ?? ) .
Kogan: Moldova, US, Russia ... . There is an issue/questions about marriages of convenience between men and women, where MEN marry to get a passport in their wives' countries.
Multiple passports to be used in business, etc.