Friday, 22 April 2016

Tech - Mafia.

( nr 355 ) Rotten Apples and Toxic Clouds.
One year ago I registered at Bende van Nijvel website forum, but after only one post, a question about Belgian General Devijver, I could not log in, even after a new password was sent to me.
I successfully (re-)registered a few days ago, but have new questions about the website.
Some links:
The Belgian Police website is [301] moved to
[ Sat. 23 April, 2016] - Five scans with handwritten names from JETP journals.
My post:
[ Mon. 25 April, 2016] - posted a scan of William Pawelec video, on which I placed a question sign, because the video I watched (corrupted?) has a man calling himself John Polak, and the "four main factions of power rooted within the US and Russia are not named. The scan has placed itself between two JETP scans. Kay Griggs also says somewhere that "they" were never enemies with Russia.

On the website Bende van Nijvel ( just posted there) there is an open letter "A new website" by Ben: which is undated and mentions his interest becoming a website in 2006. The Whois registration gives Creation date as 17 March 2007. Registrant name R.J. Broersma in Groningen, Netherlands. The letter says that forum uses a differen software - "andere software". Which one?
[Tue.26 April, 2016] - There are almost 7000 Computer/IT specialists without work in the Netherlands. Over half of them are 50+, people whose education and training was less affected by on-going and intensifying dumbing-down:
When I worked with multilingual computer programmes to do technical translations (was there one DOS-7 based? do not remember) I was surprised TWO laguages were missing: Russian and Hebrew!
Was there then a separate (aparte) software for ...  KGB=Mossad?
[Wed.27April, 2016] - SOME answers to what is clearly Tech-Mafia activities (?): The Forum on the website is managed/mismanaged (obvious AI presence) by US-based reg. in 1996 and
The development team names (if they are real names): Slava Kasyanov, Roman Parpalak, Mikhail Zadorozhniy, Alexey Pleshakov.
[Thurs.28April, 2016] - High-tech in Medicine, Medical Mafia, and PHYSICS becoming a "secret" science: LEEDS to ITALY:
I have more scans posted (somewhere) from JETP, which celebrated its CENTENARY in 1972. It is a continuation of the Physics part of Physics-Chemistry Journal with links to Universities worldwide. JETP seems to be a Law onto Itself: typography (of names mostly) is not Soviet/Russian, but something East European. Names  have different spellings with strange dots/marks.
Parallel Secret (hidden in the open) network? JETP was distributed/subscribed internationaly with other sci-tech publications mentioned.
The names of physicists I jotted down were those strikingly familiar, incl. Litvinenko, Lugovoy, Medvedev, Lebedev. Some were classmates, some famous Soviets, etc. When I stood in Gosport talking about JETP, the rain and 'designer' turbulent wind almost shredded and dissolved the pages in my hands,so that I had to use iron and press it. Litvinenko has a German patronymic. How many Manchurian Candidates have they made from WW2 German POWs and their children? Hitler was mad enough to send BOYS to the front at the end of the war.
Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Any treaties about Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction ?
[ Sat. 30 April, 2016] - Moscow Circus is "in town" - or rather in Southampton - Wed. 27 April to Monday 2 May. Comes here annually. Return of old, familiar, communist "programming" style.
Sinister S-Theater.
[ Wed. 4 May, 2016] - tomorrow 5 May elections.
See my post on another website Spot a Gosport :
Addenda Two:
[Thurs.5 May, 2016] - my post (nr 310) of 2012:
Post Addenda Four and Seven:
[ Friday 6 May, 2016 ] - corrected the last link above for Addenda Seven post.
Well, I may as well quote Addenda One post and other Addenda:
Just found bio of David Gorski on wikipedia.
See my post Cambridge 500 on
Parallels with Prof. Nicolai PETKOV in Holland.
[Mon.9 May, 2016] -
Carnicom Institute - link in 2 Oct. 2013 post:
Earthquakes and Politics -
[ Wed. 11 May, 2016] - Resonant self-destruction and psychological pressure leading to people cracking up .... - from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars :
My post JETP - Soviet Physics ... -
[Thurs.12 May, 2016 ] - year 1984 is strangely missing in the three forum topics on the Bende van Nijvel forum. It is also missing on the earlier Police website.
I have two posts already about year 1991 on this website.
From " On this day" ( ISBN: 978-0-753722-15-2 0 ) for 9 Sept. 1991:

" ... a teenage computer wizard hacked into the Pentagon computers to find out how the top-secret Patriot anti-missiles protecting Israel worked. When he tired of browsing military secrets he turned to the Visa credit card computer ... . He provided details to an international network of teenage hackers, who promptly went on a spending spree ... . Six of them were arrested in the US and Canada, and named 18-year-old Deri Schriebman of Israel as the source." He showed police how he did it.
[ Friday 13 May, 2016] - A crop of East European names came up when I searched for 1984 and NATO (NAVO in Dutch) : Christian Elnikoff (interrogated Dec. 1984) and from just one post (shall check the link ):
Bulgarian vs Albanian Mafia, Kintex firm, KGB, Bulgarian Government, drugs and weapons trade, prostitution, etc. Names: Radaslav Totorov, general Terziew, who took orders from KGB, Damianov and Chtilianov (correspondents), Roumen Petkov ( another Petkov! ), etc.etc.
[ Tue. 17 May, 2016 ] - The Physics Society (Portsmouth and District Physical Society) has its AGM on Thursday, 19 May, 2016 at 18:00 at Portland Building of the University of Portsmouth.
One way to start exposing obfuscation/dumbing-down is perhaps taking some cases, instances and examples of mind and/or instinct raising objections. Lots of benefit of doubt, of course, as is customary in polite society ( to our own detriment ).
Computer Specialist wrote years ago, that upon 'scratching' and tinkering, he discovered DOS down at the base of Windows.
Smth. NEW may be a result of some change/cosmetics/damage, etc. done to the OLD thing.
For better or for worse, with a variety of motives, incl. those of CABAL INTERNATIONAL !
For me, it might have started with " Four-dimensional space: x,y,z,t ".
Language? No need, putting it softly, to call time a dimension (!) of space. At least two gross errors.
Four parameters? Yes. Mathematical function, independent variable(s), dependent variable(s).
Complex functions ! Mathematical representation/description is a type of ENCODING, which some dishonest minds may turn into camouflage, cover-up and distortion. Focus-Pokus !
Behind the stage, the damage may be neutralised/reversed, so as to show .... good results. Easy with computer programs. At least three gross errors with the so-called Quantum Computing, as I see it.