Thursday, 1 November 2007

(nr. 72 ) Vile Daughters of Albion (I have used this expression along with S-Theater )corresponds (generally) to Mad Women (see post 71), and is an all-class(es) phenomenon.

Women are said to be at the core of the British Secret Services.
It all ties in, with corresponent weak and complacent males, whose development was probably 'stunted' in childhood.
This morning I was assured it is now OK (wrote another letter re: Housing Allowance).
The official told me that the "British Social Security is the best in the world".
That is what they think ...
Yesterday I found a letter in my post box addressed to : Miss Yvonne Houghton of 28 Burnhams Walk in Gosport (from Lloyds TSB).
I had similar experience in Holland - getting misdirected mail, which makes one wonder if your letters would be dropped in wrong places. The point is, at my last appt. in Gosport JCPlus, the woman called ' Annie ' (she would not tell me her surname) told me that current job applications I made, according to their 'checks' I did not make.