( nr 412 ) - American Government drops off GUNS in BLACK neighbourhoods ? ...
Watch video from Chicago:
Very interesting ! Today is 14 August 2019.
August 19, 1991 -
1. "RUSSIA" : Moscow: major events (coup attempt) of Breakdown of Soviet Union. Gorbachov vs Yeltsin.
Dutch entry on Wikipedia: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michail_Gorbatsjov
2. "AMERICA" : Race Riots between Black and Jewish communities in New York, provoked by Jewish Sect Lubavici, as described in my post from 2015:
1991 plus Star Wars.
AMSTERDAM woman mayor Femke Halsema
is the News today ( about arrest of her 15-year-old son ) with astonishing 1.4K comments in just hours:
And update article a few minutes ago:
Elizabeth Taylor look-alike?
One art/ad inside E1/2 buses in Gosport and Fareham is amazing likeness of a young Elizabeth Taylor appeared (the so-called timing ...) when I made some criticisms and connections ref. Yougoslav family in the Hague (Beliana Fetahovich and her son Dario ). Beliana was likened to Elizabeth Tailor by many. It was also in the context of S-theatre in the Central Portsmouth Library people.
Gosport woman mayor was also a "player"- should check her name.
ONLINE banking ?
PAYPAL ? .....
From the post by Jim Stone freelance journalist on his site post on 12-13 August, although it may have "moved" to another newsletter (?) -
Paypal is confirmed to be either stealing or blocking about 90 percent. ...
I have also, via statistics, confirmed Paypal is robbing other alt media sites ...
Mentioned: banning of websites, jurisdictional zones, etc.
... it is all through an E-mail type system, no one knows what anyone sent, ...
The above TEXT from Jim Stone is from a print-out I have.
The so-called PRIVACY and so-called Data Protection is a farce by criminals, witting or unwitting.
DUTCH computer specialist Peter Mooring gives his name, address, etc. etc. on his business website www.mooringinternet.nl
He also gives his name, address, telephone(s) and e-mail on his English language website:
He however states that the only 100% safe communication is by hand, face to face.
Addenda Twenty Four. -
Bob from flat 22 St. Matthews Court in Gosport can be seen inside vegan "business" (opposite FOX pub) which has now turned sinister black with nylon curtains and no name. Sinister black rectangles also feature on newly opened Yellow Edge gallery on Stoke Road. Black Square painting by Malevich. Black Rectangle for a ... GRAVE ? -
Addenda Twenty Five. -
There is a more recent photo of him by his car on this site.
[ Friday, 16 August, 2019 ] - Yesterday my daughter has shown me her post box key ( half of it ) - it got broken again, second time. Bob (flat 22) has asked for my post box key saying he would "fix" the two post boxes (locks and keys) TODAY.
What is the connection between Private Residential complex St. Matthews Court in Gosport and ...
Safety Letter Box company ? New post box lock+keys costs around 15 pounds.
MASONIC lodge in Gosport, adjacent to St. Matthews Court is repairing DRAINAGE Pipes, or rather wants to put new ones.
Criminals, victims, dead bodies, forensic investigations, dna analysis to solve crimes ... .
Scandal about, with or involving British Forensic company Eurofins Scientific :
Shall go to Fareham to develop my photos.
16:26 - new post box locks and keys (2) for flats 28 and 26.
The scanner now has black window background and a pop-up with a text:
The scanner is not available while in use by another application or user - Code:3,206,0
Plus another Kaspersky error text.
I shall make color copies of some photographs.
The G5 pole opposite Masonic Lodge (across the car parking area) has no identification, except 116 - white on black. Number 116 is 911 upside down.
New antenna on top of our block is almost invisible on my photographs.
Children :
Interesting info about Jeffrey Epstein (dead or alive? ...) -
( 1 ) www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=129029
( 2 ) www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=129120
( 3 ) www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=129241
[ Sat. 17 August, 2019 ] - Yesterday late afternoon, as cars zoomed to and fro outside my kitchen window, the gas in my oven went out 3 times in about half an hour. Idiots pressing buttons.
When I stopped cooking, the traffic subsided.
My post ( nr 286 ) Tuesday, 25 January 2011 -
My stat pages.
A few days ago (when I asked a woman staff in Waitrose if she was Romanian) a new top (204?) appeared for Romania on countries list and same number 204 for cyclingacademics.blogspot.com
on Referring URLs and Referring sites.
Today this number dropped to 157.
I first associated Romania with MOLDOVA and mentioned it in Waitrose that day, also strange VIDEOS where actors/participants from let's say US police video is seen 'live' in Gosport.
Around 2005 a major British newspaper described in detail horrendous 'methodology' used to teach British police how to cycle/use a bicycle: put your left foot up, place it on the pedal, etc.etc. Robotics.
My post ( nr 337 ) from 2015 American Embassy Plus -
Years ago I wrote a paper (on request) about Use of a Bicycle in Physics Teaching.
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
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