Friday, 15 October 2010

( nr 277 ) SECOND post today. Scans going up enumerated: face of a little girl; John lennon: his son and his first wife in Liverpool; Al Malnik and Michael Jackson; MO-K-SS-GB-AD - collage from KGB and Mossad; SEDOW Ship - ref. Trotsky ?; White dress designs - two from paper supplements a week old and one from the book: " Mexico, From Mestizo to Multicultural" by Carrie C.Chorba, 2007; two more scans from the same book; a cover of the book "Marxist Literary Theory" with a secret code on the red background plus a face of Bela Goldstein terrorist.
A former Dutch inmate in a WW2 camp phoned in during Radio 5 Dutch programme to say: I have three children, all married, no grandchildren.
" Het is begonnen !!..." a man ran out of his flat telling me (a lone pedestrian walking home from the Mariahoeve Winkelcentrum) the "good" news: the NATO bombing of Yougoslavia started. He was so excited.
Some time later I saw a very special display in the V&D store in the Hague: content - Vietnam!, a beautiful bamboo/cosmetics in a polarised light - a world apart from stereotype "Americans lost the Vietnam War", etc.
I did speak today at the Speaker's corner about the Soviet Jewish Emigration, Mixed Marriages and the most stupid and crude attempts to manipulate private lives of people in such a way, that a network of "safe houses" would exist ( preferably near military bases and other secret establishments) for the Mossad type of spionage/sabotage and murder to be carried out by/in the name of unsuspecting people. Ref.: recent murder in Dubai with the use of passports belonging to unsuspecting people. More later.
I noticed yesterday that a Google search for Theresa May (MI5 head) produced a suggestive "homophobic" version, although she supports adoption of children by homosexuals. The Russian language text in Wikipedia does not mention this fact.
( nr 276 ) PROBLEMS again - the whole post 276, started 11 Oct., in which I have just made some corrections and additions (PC 9 in Gosport Library, 11:52) , disappeared. Note to other BLOGSPOT users: it happened the same way as in Portsmouth Library some time ago, as I tried to delete a duplicate of a scan (duplication 'just happened'), the whole post disappeared. That post had a MO-K-SS-GB-AD handwritten scan, I think.
KEY WORDS in post 276: Charlotte Izerbyt, Al Malnick, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Kay Griggs, Rauni Kilde, Soviet Jewish Emigration and Mixed Marriages, Dutch Secret Service, Soviet Jews, Casino owners, Mexico, Sedow/Trotsky, Israel-Russia no-visa special relationship, Marxist Art-Literature, Bela Goldstein Terrorist, etc.
I shall restore the post ASAP and shall use my SPEAKER'S CORNER more often.
Yesterday I noticed that Google search has 'homophobic' version for Theresa May, the MI5 head, while she is in favour of gay adoptions. Russian Wikipedia entry does not mention this fact.
Going to Skipton: Tue. 19 Oct. - Thurs. 28 Oct.
PS: I shall keep this post nr 276 for record purposes and write new posts - 277 etc. so that old crashed content from old 276, which was a very long post, shall be reposted (plus extras) in several smaller posts.