Saturday, 14 March 2015

Bende van Nijvel.

( nr 334 ) Organised crime, politics and people.

Very interesting description of events in Belgium and Europe following the end of WW2 - .

[ Mon. 16 March, 2015] - while I am still reading from the website above, I decided to post my e-mail to Mexico sent 28 February, minus names/address.
N. and L. !
[ in Russian ] - Znaete li vy o Sudebnom Dele v Amerike, kot. vyigral DAVID LARSEN iz Kalifornii ?
[ in Englishn ] : american bio-engineering student was tortured with remote control by his supervisor (professor?) using radio frequencies and a private amateur radio licence. Professor's family members (wife, son?) joined in, getting extra amateur radio licences.
N ! You have shown me what extreme pain has done to you (back in Lagos).
I believe this "technology" was first developed in the Soviet Union: severe pain spazms without clear diagnosis ( early 1960s?) and ... there was a miracle "cure" - NOSHPA tablets (Hungarian?) .
I remember first contraceptive tablets were from Hungary.
My ex-husband worked in Moscow (Nigerian Embassy). His wife (after me) was a yoruba muslim woman.
She died in Moscow hospital after having severe pains at home at night.
Victor Udom was telling me, that it all was kind of unbelievable, and he even thought that his late wife was exagerating pain.
ALL THIS is very important, especially for our children and their children.
I stop here, but there is much more, and I wrote quite a bit on my website (see link below).
Please, send ........etc. All my coordinates are on the website. "

NOTA BENE: the disbelief  ( N's husband was a medical doctor ! ) which replayed itself in Moscow,
could or may have had more reasons, than plain insensitivity.
[ Friday 20.3.2015 ] - I am waiting for forum registration at .
Can't find any info about general Devyver, mentioned in connection with the secret psychological warfare ( see year 1952 entry) :
What a surprise !

The 'exotic and sinister' website, which maliciously took the URL  of  DAVID LARSON (  is registered in Japan and is linked to Russia.

The online info about PROMIS software (Danny Casolaro, Cheryl Seymour, Indian reservations, Canadian police, etc.) has smth about Mafia interested in special training for JAPANESE DOCTORS. Training in torture with remote control ?
There was also info about Star Wars (SDI+) Soviet/Russian  (?) project using a high space satellite with computer programming based on Sociological Bloc-Modelling (which I can't find info about either), aimed at MIND CONTROL (mind and body control ?) on a global scale.
WHOIS website cites Japan, Fukazawa Inc, Tatsuyuki Nakashima, Admin e-mail has some Russian and English (?) names/words: sobakasunanntekin (at)
Sobaka is Russian for DOG. There is a Russian website about dogs : (kusaka- which bites) .  15:14
[ Monday, 23 March, 2015 ] - Do we have now ... Irina, Irina and Irina ? Russian politician Irina Hakamada (Khakamada ) is a daufghter of a Japanese Communist. She was part of a group of Duma people, who were filmed passing envelopes with money for voting.
I did post on the forum of BENDEVANNIJVEL.COM and got a response, but today could not log in  - in Fareham and in Gosport. Shall send a request for help tomorrow morning.
Actually, their registration e-mail was diverted by HOTMAIL to junk box, while a junk from Mexico found its way into Inbox ( 33 letters long name from e09djn11911 at )
There was also an apparently junk e-mail "Microsoft password reset" from jamwandu at hotmail saying they received a request to change the password. Not me, and I did not click any links there.
We have 5000 Americans (Navy) in Portsmouth for five days.
The POLISH connection is more than obvious, going back to Holland etc. (18:42).
[ Tue. 24 March, 2015] - To what extent are online interactions 'edited' or falsified ? I posted verbatim an alarm sent by Facebook Friend Gillian de Hoedt, where she reported some obscenities posted in her name, while she was unaware of it. I noted, that falsifications can be much more subtle, within probability/personal style and go unnoticed for a while.
When news broke out about "Russian Spies" in USA, a Hungarian woman was murdered in Southampton. I received startling 'hypnotic' or loaded videos/scenery from Hungary via Mexico.
Princess Irene of Netherlands is a member of the Club of Budapest.
Scientific and Medical Network ( at times satanic) was started with a call from a Polish priest.
[ Wed. 25 March, 2015] KGB_PIZZA !
 Yesterday in my post box a letter from Skipton was carefully laid on top of a (yet another) Domino Pizza A4 advert. Gorbachev was paid for a Pizza ad.
Kalugin was 'peddled' in the Gosport Library around the time RAF doc. (Royal Airforce document, financial ) was planted in the copier machine upstairs. There was no side tray, and a copy was left in the middle niche, but I noticed through a thin paper that there was a different text/doc among papers I copied. There are at least two posts about it on this website.
Oh ! I read some time ago about "Jewish roots of French and Russian Ballet" and a close associate running Pizza Business. Am I right? Well, I think KGB (Mossad-KGB) is running it. I think people involved in the international project investigating Pedo's (esp. boys' pants etc.) should check some people here, such as a woman in Gosport Library, who ' does not look it' and a younger one, who I nicknamed kikimora.
I just got a blank (only the article is blank) print of a Dutch news article: "Israel bespioneerde atoomoverleg VS en Iran". In English: Israel spied on USA and Iran during their nuclear negotiations. Other parties were also spied upon.
A young man at the Central Library in Portsmouth this afternoon questioned (last year) my printing of a Dutch Company staff, saying it was not actually 'the' company website (!) I explained that I worked for that company briefly and recognized the young (Russian) woman. One of the two Russian women at the time went to the HR manager (contract extension?) and took out a revolver from her handbag as a threat. The man came to my office in a state of shock and told me what had happenned.

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