Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Addenda Eight - CONTINUED.

( nr 358 ) - Is there a picture of deliberately engineered uncertainty, sabotage and discreditation of the very IDEA of Brexit - British Exit from the European Union? To create a bad precedent for other countries that are not happy with the globalist agenda?
Were sceptics right about politics and polititians?...
Today's DAILY EXPRESS has Nigel Farage exclusive: Why I had to Quit.
Reasons include ... death threats (!).
NATO conference in Warsaw, Poland this week (Thursday and Friday?)
By the way, the day/evening when a Russian Submarine passed along the UK coast, some people decided to have a "party", be noisy and behave badly. The guests (it was said to my hearing on the phone, in the foye downstairs) came by taxi from Southampton).
 Communist Goals as formulated in 1963:
[ Wed.6 July, 2016] - Had a chat this morning with John Bull (journalist)  who  agreed to be in the photo I was taking of CAPITA building - next to Morrisons supermarket.
I wrote about him as smb. who had asked me about IRINA (Russian woman) - by newspaper stand in Morrisons.
I wonder what is happening to Stephen Crabb.
[ Thurs. 7 July, 2016]- Posted SIX scans, some of them containing more than one Photo/Image.
Going down from top:

SCAN one: John Bull ( journalist) posing by the CAPITA building/office.

SCAN two: St. Mathew's Court (flat 21-32) view from White Lion Walk Building.

SCAN three: "Russian woman IRINA" - her business in Gosport.

SCAN four: 2 photos - CAPITA building and a man not far from it (yesterday).
Local character..... Held a large ARGOS box in his hands (in front of the Gosport Library), talked of some "parties", had said he lived somewhere near/behind Spring Garden Hotel (?).
It was around the time I phoned Brian Gerrish and suspected that there was an imposter, a Ukranian Zombie, as I put it, especially during the second half/part of the telephone conversation, when BG (?) mentioned a group of "his" friends in Gosport.
The man on the photo, wearing a blue t-shirt, mentioned some emigre roots: Ireland, US, Latvia, as I remember. Eccentric for want of a 'better' description. IRINA+ network.

SCAN five: three photos juxtaposed, taken yesterday at the High Street and Bemister Lane junction. A young woman who has been a permanent fixture or part of a Street Scene in Gosport (for years) with a magazine for homeless people, is trying to cover her face.

SCAN six: a photo of the Notice of the Morrisons Supermarket ref. Licencing Act 2003 and a scan of the cash receipt for my shopping at the Marks and Spencer food store in Portsmouth yesterday.
Time: 06/07/16 15:49. Has smb. "pressed a button" around that time? 
[ Friday 8 July, 2016] - East-West, Cold War - CABAL deception and treason.
London University 1986-1987: There were two political parties (no more), one of which was favoured by university lecturers. There was no so-called political correctness, and people spoke their mind. Open talk was: She [Margaret Thatcher] is selling the country to the dogs. I never asked who the dogs were. At a purely intellectual level, I felt that "The Ivory Tower" was under siege.
In May 1987 an emergency staff meeting was called to announce that basic university funding was reduced by 25 percent. Some people with tenure had to leave (?).
A question "Where to get money" was raised, and to my surprise, was instantly answered: there are very rich people abroad, who would pay money to have their children educated in British Universities. Immediately a team was to go round the world and look for such opportunities "to raise money". Doing business with Gorbachev was "Maggi's idea".
Is there smth. of a shopkeeper mentality: sell things, get money.
There are things which are not for sale and should never have been sold.
During my chat with John Bull two women ( one and later another) on bicyles stopped and seemed to stare at JB disapprovingly(?). It was almost behind my back, and I did not really look, but one was white and another- black. JB seemed to have had an injury on his face.
KGB=Mossad=Mob ( Cabal International).

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