Thursday, 20 December 2007

(nr. 100 ) Not tomorrow (a busy day!), as I wrote in the previous post, but today I write what happens to be my 100th post on this website.
I had an interesting and useful meeting with Peter Westhorpe yesterday at the Job Centre.
THE TRIBUNAL Re: my Appeal (I represent myself):
Date: 9 January, 2007.
Time: 16:05.
Venue: First Floor, West Wing, Wingfield House, 316-334 Commercial Road, Portsmouth, PO1 4TA (
Again I see "Error on page" and cannot post links/html, like on previous occasion. The Expatica Forum situation leaves much to be desired. As I see it, it is an NG+NG phenomenon (Natasha Gunn and Nick Gabrichidze).
"SS Agents Confront We are Change Activist after Clinton Confrontation" by Kurt Nimmo:
Ark Schools by Cazzac111:
Best Wishes for the New Year 2008 !
I'd leave the dates of my posts open between now and mid-January, i.e. shall post in this period only if I have smth. to write about.

Monday, 17 December 2007

(nr.99) DARPA and TIL Surveyor: last week two articles appeared on and were archived quickly.

1. "Londoners Interrogated Over Journey Plans"
by Paul Joseph Watson.
Is TIL - 'total information log' or 'travel information london'?
Reminded me of sarin gas incident years ago in Moscow metro/underground re: Aum Sinrike(?)cult, whose members were asked to indicate on their m. forms the nearest metro station they use.

2. "DARPA's Control Freak Technology" by Kurt Nimmo:

LifeLog (may come under different names) has been going for a long time. How about unlimited free tel calls to certain countries on certain days, invitations by a British Museum (?) for people to log their dreams, "trainers" asking people to write CVs 25 pages long ?
Next post Friday 21 December 2007.
The links above are not activated for some reason.

Monday, 10 December 2007

(nr.98 ) Ontario Education matters are rather typical for the wholesale destruction in many European schools.
I happen to know how it all came about: first (officially) with the best intentions of raising educational standards in the West, because the Eastern Europe/Asia did so much better.
That was 'the cover'....
"The New World Order and education" by Lech Biegalski, Oct.16, 2007 -
My Appeal (hearing) date is January 9, 2008 in Portsmouth. I gave further details last week in my "Read before May 11..." topic on Dutch Expatica.
No changes on Expatica Forum so far.
Wrong parking last Wednesday 5 Dec.- FM 54 UFT (BT Openreach).
My next post - Monday 17 December.

Friday, 7 December 2007

(nr. 97 ) NEW expatica this Monday. Today's announcement on all Expatica forums with an assurance that all posts and posters' profiles are successfully transferred already.
Let's hope for the best (in summer 100 days notice expired with no changes and no explanations).
My next post Monday December 10.

Monday, 3 December 2007

(nr. 96 ) NEW WEEKLY postings - I shall post 'weekly' rather than daily (5 times a week) till further notice. To be flexible, I shall indicate each time the day of my next post and post earlier if desired. Numbering helps. Next post planned Monday, 10 December.
Further to my analysis of JobCentrePLUS experiences ( which affected many local people), I tend to conclude, that ENFORCED CRIMINALISATION or RECRUITMENT must have been taking place. What would people in dire stress/want do?
Was it Peter Hain who recently (?) negotiated peace/disarmament in Ireland? It sounded as if there were no more usual arguments and friction.
- since some people see, hear or 'know' too much too soon, I now amuse myself when I comment or make a remark and watch (out) for their reaction. And react they do! It's part of my observe and experiment.
First, I noticed people knew what they were not supposed to know and were stupid enough to reveal that - back in Holland.
Here there was a practically comical situation, when smb. 'heard' me saying (generally) :
" ... those old prostitutes!" took it personally and decided to 'disprove it'. Others 'surfaced' after I exclaimed (outside) : Gomo-sovetikusy chertovy! They actually misunderstand a lot, especially if foreign languages are spoken. Easy to take Micky out of.
Oh, yes! Not a funny "experiment" - a few months ago. Downstairs in the library there was a group of people (may be from a psychiatric place) with one person making uncontrollable body movements. The same scene I observed in the airport 2 years ago, discussed with people (Santa Claus in Basingstoke, etc.) So, having walked upstairs half-way, I turned back, walked BETWEEN the 'pendulum' and a woman 'prof' who was the guide and stopped abruptly between them. THE PENDULUM STOPPED !