Monday, 28 January 2008

(nr. 104) I discovered an e-mail from Lech Biegalski (re: my post nr. 98 on Dec. 10, 2007) almost by accident. It was in the Junk Mail (!) box. I thought it strange that an e-mail with the "Your comments on education" from "Canada Watch" was categorized by the so-called artificial intelligence as a "junk". Or else, the two-legged variety of it was interfereing manually - moving messages or 'adjusting codes'. Filtering, may be ? Clicking on the e-mail produced an empty message - no content/text. I had such empty messages before. This time, I moved it to the In Box by clicking "Not a Junk" and was able to read it. I hope Lech receives my answer today without problems.
It is by no means the first or the only problem I experienced communicating on-line. Sometimes, it is more subtle, sometimes may go unnoticed.
Local and Global History - another surprise. I am still puzzled (culture shock) by the "Garter" in the history of the Order of the Garter and wondered if what is online is a complete story.
Here is a List of current members of the Order of the Garter:

Wrong parking: L842ADV - Fri. 18 Jan. , M306UGS - Mon. 21 Jan., HD030BH (Virgin Media van) - Wed. 23 Jan. , T428KLS - Sun. 27 Jan.
NB. I started recording the registration numbers after one weekend, when there was among other theatrics and and spate of coincidences a rather deliberate parking on "28" of a van of construction workers who were decorating or smth. in the flat opposite. It ended with my neighbour's car being parked there and his parking space being empty. Since my neighbour himself was away that weekend, I simply ignored it. It seemed like those en-masse recruited perps/snitchers.
My next post - this Friday, 1st February.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

(nr. 103 ) Female Pedophiles - Charles Montaldo, a private investigator, gives a "small sample" of 45 cases on :

The Pink Triangles Katherine Griggs talked about in her interview(s) "Desperate Wives" go hand in hand with Black Triangles (I asked the question in Expatica months ago):

And here comes SODOM on EARTH: pro-pedophile activism -

I have made a note in the nr. 2 post "Go Expatica", as Expatica is at present is more of a "Don't go there" kreatura. I shall add smth. there (nr.2) today. I certainly did not subscribe to the free newsletter, which I found in my e-mail box today.
The JobCentrePLUS has recommended a SAFE (dot org/ 5-weeks course: starting January 30, every Wednesday and Thursday for 5 weeks at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Rowner Lane, Gosport. It is acknowledged that I am outside categories catered for, but may find it interesting and may help others.
A bit strange that "Choices and well-being" (the third option after STEPS and Get That Job) is not on their website yet.
My next post Monday 28 January 2008.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

(nr. 102 ) PPF ... ? Progressive Policies Forum is hard to find (may be they did not keep written records etc.) , but there are a few PP(F) references to pension protection and what not. Funds, foundations, forums, financial smth.
I did not find what ppf stands for in a PPF in . However, PROGRESSIVE POLICIES are all about Globalization, The Third Way, New Democrat (institute), New Labour.
The map of "work zones" found on the DWP website however makes one think about ....
GULAG, (hard) work correction camps, ... New Labour Camps ?
I wrote in 2002 on a THES forum, which does not exist any more, that the so called Third Way, far from being the Golden Middle/the best of the 2 systems, presents the worst of the 2 ' -isms'.
On a very interesting article by
Mike Adams - ( printable version) :
Next post next Thursday 24 January.

Monday, 14 January 2008

(nr. 101) Expatica, Masons, etc.

Some comments on the "new" Expatica website: it seems 'robo' spam registrations are still there judging from the numbers 'registered'; the design resembles the ill-fated Olympic Logo - the fragmentation, the absence of a CENTER part i. e. text to read, lack of structure and cohesion, forums being hidden, etc. The neurological effect is akin to the text-book case of a chicken who goes into hypnotic stupor when a chalk line is drawn in front of it. Who invented those horrid split 'double' screens and projections?
Having mentioned TY company ( ) when TEDDY BEAR story was discussed on Expatica (one member is called 'mikeyt') I discovered teddy bear scenarios in an unexpected place i.e. Masonic charities websites. Gosport Masonic Hall is on Clarence Road and next to the St. Matthews Court where I live, so I decided to find out more about them. Interesing! They are actually Prince of Wales Lodge No.1705 in Gosport UK.
Just two links: and
My Appeal against DWP/JSP decision (my first Legal DIY) went well, i.e. "appeal allowed".
Morrisons supermarket seemed like a 'sick building' to me for some minutes on the 23rd of December.
Wrong parkings over holidays: N-719-DCR, FP54 EPO and YD05DCY.
My next post this Thursday, 17 January 2008.