Wednesday, 30 April 2008

(nr 127 ) Congressional records 1938-1945 missing ?
The new Gosport Library is actually renamed Discovery Centre.
The word 'library' may be abolished soon(?). The shelves are low, because disabled people need "access". I was told, that there were 'criteria' for choosing, which books were 'to go' - the record of lending: how recent (or frequent?). Unbelievable.
Years ago there was a rumor that libraries in the USSR were plundered
during perestroika (aka Change/Restructuring).
One internet Congressional record of Aug.1940 from Jordan Maxwell website:
the other day I heard "... incest is legal in France " - ?!!! The Austrian horror incest case is reported as " ... charges of rape and imprisonment are to be brought ...." What about charges of incest ?
IMO, there is smth. unprofessional (?) about the news (as reported) from the Austrian village - i.e. officials' statements seem too optimistic and rash(ed).
We have Gosport Borough Council elections tomorrow. From 5 political parties in Town area there are five candidates: Burns Adam Dickson Ewens (con), Haines Harry Cecil(green), Harris Christine Mary(UK ind), Searle Diane(lab) and Simpson Cyril Richard John (lib-dem).
London shall elect new Mayor.
Wrong parking: RF-06-SXX Sat.26 April, LC-53-HWN Sunday, 27 April.
Next post on Monday, 5 May (or earlier).

Thursday, 24 April 2008

(nr 126 ) TENDERING in Construction industry:
How "British" or how universal the scandal is ? OFT - Office of Fair Trading. PFI - Government's Private Finance Initiative. UKCC - UK Construction Confederation (Stephen Ratcliffe - chief exec.)
Two articles:
April 17 -

April 18 -

Wrong parking: RF 06 SXX yesterday and T 271 YET today.
Next post next Thursday - 1 May or earlier.

Friday, 18 April 2008

( nr 125 ) LENIN, ARYANISM, etc. -
From " LENIN" ( MEN OF DESTINY ) by James Maxton (A Collection distributed by Heron Books, Published by arrangement with Peter Davies Ltd., no year indicated, must have been written in 1930s):
" But standing out above all the scientific reasons, economic and and historical, above the poets and writers, dwarfing everything and every one, is the man Lenin, interpreter of Russia, liberator of Russia, inspirer and initiator of the New Russia. To large masses of common people the world over he stands, not merely as the Russian liberator and the founder of a New Russia, but as the pioneer of a new world order which, having resolved the economic difficulties that confront the nations today, will usher in the age of plenty and give to all mankind that free and abundant life which has till now been only a dream."
".... In August 1918 he had been shot by the Social Revolutionary, Dora Kaplan. He took a bare three weeks in the country to recover from his wound, and returned to his desk again."
From "First Russia, then Tibet" by Robert Byron (Penguin 1985 from 1933):
" .... the majority of those who enjoy the real power in Russia to-day are men who spent their early lives hunted from pillar to post by the Tsarist Okhrana; they were imprisoned; they were sent to Siberia; and the old spirit of suspicion and revanche still lives in them. Lenin and Trotsky were different. They too may have harboured these feelings. But their constructive energy outweighed them."
OXFORD DICTIONARY, sixth ed.(1980 print):
Aryan - 1. Indo-European; Indo-Iranian.
2. of the parent language ... (improp., esp. in Nazi Germany) non-Jewish German. [f. Skr aryas - noble ... ]
England can not be found in the Oxford Dictionary. 'Englander' - one opposed to British imperial policy. Russia - a type of a leather. No Scotland, but there is a 'Scotland Yard' entry.
Wrong parking: BK 51 ZXG today.
Next post - next Thursday, 24 April (or earlier).

Thursday, 17 April 2008

( nr 124 ) LENIN cont. The entry on Lenin in Brian Mooney's book begins with: " VLADIMIR ILYICH ULYANOV was born into a privileged class in 19th century Russia. His father, Ilya, an Inspector for Elementary Schools was married to Maria Alexandrovna, daughter of a wealthy Jewish physician" and ends with " A master strategist, he did not live long enough to see his dream turn into a nightmare under his successor Joseph Stalin."
No mention of Fanya Kaplan's assasination attempt on Lenin.
" The continuance of Communism, Trotskist/Fabian/New Left style, is best explained if we see that Stalin stole their conspiracy (stalin.html) His legacy had to be defeated, just as much as Aryanism and Christianity." - from
This website was loaded "with errors" today - no log-in window.
I did log-in by clicking in a white space on the monitor where the log-in window should have been.
Wrong parking: R-553-YVW Friday, 11 April.
Next post next Thursday - 24 April (or earlier).

Thursday, 10 April 2008

( nr 123 ) Lenin is on the list of "100 Great Leaders"(Shaping History) by Brian Mooney (2006) as a great revolutionary, with a page of biography, that differs from the standard (Soviet) textbook version. No alphabetic reference or order, so I might have missed Stalin. No big deal, one might say, but still, a recurring pattern.
"Corry en de Rekels" has two songs about cold climates: ' Aan de Noordpool' and
'Igorowitschj' (Igor Igorovich). The latter mentions Sarawat or Saragat (?), which I couldn't find in an Atlas.
Cutting through stereotypes ?
From the "A dictionary of the underworld" by Partridge (and other ref.):
... Tom of Bedlam - one of a gang or order of beggars that, usually most pitifully dressed, pretend to have come out of Bedlam ... the same as Abram-man [1608-1785]
... abraham (or abram) man. [1562] 'is he that walketh bare armed, and bare legged, and fayneth hym selfe mad, and caryeth a pack of wool, or a stycke with baken on it, or such lyke toy, and nameth himself poore Tom. .... Beggars antickly trick'd up with Ribbands, Red Tape, Foxtails, Rags, etc., pretending Madness to palliate their thefts of poultry, Linnen, etc.
... Polack or Polak. Among white-slavers, this C.20 term is used as in A.Londres, "The Road to Buenos Ayres" 1928, ... The Polaks (Poles, Russians, and Czechs who deal in Polish Jewesses); ...
The Independent newspaper had a diabolical photo of semi-regular polygons of arctic ice with a tiny bear on it's front page last Thursday.
Too many news items (crime, accidents) in British papers to comment on.
Next post next Thursday, April 17, 2008.

Thursday, 3 April 2008


See the video link and the comments:

Wrong parking: N-550-MYJ Sat 29 March and BK-51-ZXG today.
Next post next Thursday - April 10 (or earlier).