Thursday, 31 July 2008

( nr 152 ) Scans of 3 articles in The News local paper.
Yesterday Bob Proudley (my individual project supervisor at CDG, Portsmouth) was quite pleased with my "job seeking" activity and ideas. I began sending out To Whom it May Concern letter yesterday - to Russian London Ltd., Ken Thornber of Hampshire County Council and CDG Office. The Letter (TWIMC), paper or electronic, shall be edited or adjusted, as the time goes on. It provides a bypass and alternative to red tape and artificially erected constraints. The letter offers independent contract work ( R&D, etc.) via proposal and negotiation and participation/input on a voluntary/charity basis, where my knowledge and international experience can be of value.
Next post tomorrow, 1 August.

Monday, 28 July 2008

( nr 151 ) "Microchip Implants, Mind Control & Cybernetics" by Rauni Kilde, MD :

"The Plan Is To Get Everyone 'Micro-Chipped" by Vincent L.Guarisco: (hmm... aren't we microchipped already?...)

"America's Cyborg Warriors" by Tom Burghardt ref. in RMN post:

"The Golem Project" - by Hod Lipson and Jordan B.Pollack, CS Dept., Brandeis University.
What an ironic addition to the original meaning of Golem. The 'slave' redefined as "Geneticaly Organized Lifelike Electro Mechanics".

Wrong parking: Fri.25.7 - HV08USS and HN08KSX.
Sunday 27.7 - Y494TFA.
Next post next Monday 4 August or earlier.

Friday, 25 July 2008

( nr 150 ) The scan of 5-pages long article (see post nr 149).
Some translation from the post on a Russian forum from 2001, which couldn't be found in their archives either (see nr 149) :
"Why some head for Germany - .... Andrey and Oleg - immigrants from Novosibirsk. Oleg is 25, he is a molecular biologist, who, having obtained Soros grant, can work abroad. Andrey is 24, he is a journalist. Both are activists of a NGO working to defend rights of homosexuals (gays and lesbians)."
PS (at 10:30)
I just discovered that the article about F-Nambla is now back ( reposted) on WorldNetDaily.
Next post Tuesday 29 July or earlier.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

( nr 149 ) NB: scans come up so far only above the text, unless I don't use the website properly - my apologies.
I just discovered that an article "Meet 'Women's Auxiliary of NAMBLA' " by Art Moore posted July 22, 2002 on is missing from their archives, therefore I shall post the scan tomorrow (if they don't place back into the archives).
A scan of a post from a Russian forum about Andrey and Oleg from Novosibirsk, Lebenspartnerschaftgesetz in Germany and Soros Fund Opportunity.
Wrong parking - yesterday morning (did not take the number).
Next post tomorrow.

Saturday, 19 July 2008

(nr.148) SCANS: the ****** letter from the alphabet agencies (they all work together), the A5 leaflet I made and distributed locally (also by e-mail) two years ago ( shortly after that Gosport [female] police stopped me in the Morrisons, saying smb. complained that I "talked to the children" but would not make or allow me to make a statement) and a better scan of The Communist League text by Geoffrey Stern (ref. previous post).
PS. Let's hope they can decode " ******" ..... .
As I read the rmn post just now ,
I remembered there was a Soviet (Soviet "James Bond") tv series called "Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesny" that is "17 moments/'instant'(s) of the spring". There might have been some (old?) metaphor about 17 smth.
My next post Thursday 24 July or earlier.

Friday, 18 July 2008

( nr 147 ) I could not post yesterday because the Gosport Library (and Internet facilities) were closed due to the Local Government servants' strike.
BOLSHE/MENSHE-v-ism according to MORE/LESS, i.e. EXTREME versus MODERATE (political programmes).
The scan may (need to) be improved asap. From "Communism" by Dr.Jeoffrey Stern (ed.) 1991.
"The Communist League had its beginnings in a small group of German refugees, who were living in Paris in the mid-1830s. ...."
Next post next Thursday 24 July, or earlier.

Monday, 14 July 2008

( nr 146 ) Sodom, Gomorra and Hell ...

By Rev. Ted Pike on his website :

"'HATE CRIMINALS' with NO LAW BROKEN ! " 8 july, 2008
" HOW the BIBLE BECAME 'HATE SPEECH' in CALIFORNIA" 11 July, 2007 and more.
By Andrew Johnson, Sunday, 13 July 2008 " British soldiers accused of sickening sex assault on Iraqi boy, 14 " in The Independent ( a long link).
July 10, 1978: The Death of John D.RockefellerIII -
Wrong parking: Fri 11 July - HN08KSX and YA07XTC;
Sat. 12 July - S862TNC and N550MYJ.
Next post Thursday July 17 or earlier.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

( nr 145 ) Just stopped my subscription to TopLanguageJobs e-mails as a result of receiving an e-mail "Language Specialists - MI6 Role". 19 languages are listed , "... you could help MI6 protect the UK's freedom and security". No comment.
Jenny Abramski (or Abramsky ?) of Radio 4/BBC steps down in September (?). She has had a very smooth career in the Medea. Just wondering.
PS (14:56) There is a lot already publicised about Mind Control programmes in America. Much less info about Britain, where a similar abomination had a name "Matchbox". A friend in Moscow had her mother working in a "Spichki" magazine/zhournal. Any coincidences here? Here is a link to RMN post about MEDUSA etc.-
Some of the mysterius new lingo in Russia during the controlled demolition of the system was BORODEIKA and SOVOK/SOVKA. Hmm, sov.oc. may be ?
Wrong Parking: X-659-BYD Mon.7July and W-559-AKR Tue.8July.
Next post Monday 14 July or earlier.

Monday, 7 July 2008

( nr 144 ) Tiny Trivia, but ... Today, seconds after I stepped onto the Gosport Ferry (and I was almost the last passenger), I decided I might need the ticket for travel refund, so I 've asked for it. I wouldn't have asked, if the last (number 10) punch was not done in my sight. It was, though it had to be made at the right angle to the previous one. Focus-pokus ! The man's hand had bits of white and red single tickets, but my green/brown one was not there.
Well, I just wonder what had happened. No, the ticket could not have been thrown away into the litter bin - it was behind me and there was no time. Why am I writing this ? Pondering why smb. might have needed my used, i.e. useless ticket, I wondered if it was ... my fingerprints.
This place cultivates anything but trust in people and their intentions.
PS. Last year I heard (radio 4) about one well-known barrister having no idea how his dna/fingerprints were found on a piece of evidence re: drug smuggling.
Sun newspaper, Friday, July 4, 2008. "Tory pal attacked": The man [Danny Kruger] behind David Cameron's hug-a-hoodie speech got a cut lip as he tried to stop HOODIES nicking a scooter. .... 'My memory is horrid - the spit-filled mouth of a little rat-faced boy who hit me. Short, white, in a grey-hooded tracksuit, he shouted at me with the rage of Cain - the most astonishing indignation.'
"Policy does not add up" article by Tony Gardiner about Mathematics and Science Education in THES (now renamed THE and without a forum) written in 2002/3 cannot be found in their digital archives. [Will they put it back? ... ] I did find there someone's response - criticism of Tony Gardiner and defence of the government.
Next post next Friday, July 11 or earlier.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

( nr 143 ) ALEX ALLAN news yesterday: the radio mentioned "circumstances surrounding .... not deemed/seen as suspicious". I bought "The Sun" newspaper in the morning, which had huge letters on its frontpage: SUPERSPY IN COMA MYSTERY - Poison probe as our top spook collapses. The 'Full Story' by John Kay on page nine has a title: RUSSIAN POISON, SUICIDE BID ... OR DEADLY DISEASE?
The digital version has a different title: Did Russians or al-Qaeda poison Britain's top spy? -
I recall differences on 2 other occasions: the picture of the New Forest MP was not in the digital version of Daily Echo article about Simon Mann, and the picture of Hilary Clinton as a child with her parents was not in the digital version of The Times (?) article.
Some interesting discussions on the RMN forum about "aliens", faces, perceptions and mind control. The original post "Faceless Aliens..." :
see also ( ... read=127422) and (... read=127417)
Many people experience(d) seeing lookalikes, clones(?). Real THEATER - with dress, make-up, mannerisms, body language. The striking similarity (or partial similarity) is often achieved from a particular angle, distance and with only part of the face or body seen.
Radio 4 a few months ago: experiments via adoption agency involved 2 twins separated (at birth?) and given to extremly different (class-wise) families.
The huge and growing database from cctv can be (mis-)used to digitaly construct/superimpose or simulate real people and their behaviour. The fallout or 'gift' to terrorists? False evidence or alibi as the case may be. This 'duplication' may confuse honest and unsuspecting people. DIGITAL is the way to an unknown and dangerous. You can't hold it, it may change next second. Digital money can't be counted. There were tv ads at one time, when faces were synthetically transformed n times: age, gender, race, etc. in a few seconds.
CCTV (can) work two ways (?). CCTV can/do talk to people. Their 'voices' can be inaudible, but affect the brain.
Faces of people on a football stadium can be zoomed into. Are insects' eyes prototypes of multiple or distributed cameras ? I only recall school biology lesson. May be wrong here.
By the way, since we hear so much about possible emergencies, football fans should remember their family members are at home.
GAP FIRE reaches critical stage:
Some word play: orange=red+yellow (fool?)- Orange revolution in Ukraine- Mr.Berezovski/Putin - IV (Iduschie Vmeste) . Id.Vm. can roughly be translated as Common Purpose. Their site is no more. How old are those young people now? There was a lot of controversy about their sponsors/mentors and training.
Among numerous Gosport Charities are Children of Chernobyl and Beslan. The wife of Hampshire police Chief is Ukranian. Nato-Ukraine is mentioned on our MP (since 1974) Peter Vigger's website. He is actively supporting Bridgemary School . Re: 24/7 innnovation, ability and not age, i.e. "age does not matter", etc.
By the way, the last time I checked "Gosport" on wikipedia, there was praise of Chery Heron' innovation, St.Vincent College/link was hidden, but the other A-level college (Bay House School) was there. The Patron is Princess Anne (?).
Wrong parking today: NG-51-LWV.
Next post next Thursday, July 10 or earlier.