Wednesday, 25 February 2009

( nr 197 ) CAB experience is definitely that of a DELPHI technique, although there is a different structure and context of the encounter. I spoke to the Deputy CAB Manageress yesterday afternoon.
My e-letter to the Deputy Mayor Diane Searle, who is also Town ward councillor is among 9 scans of docs and letters I just stored on a temporary site

http://www.******** [ 21 March 2009: I am changing the].

Next post today or tomorrow.
17:12 - I have just scanned the letter from JOBCENTREPLUS which was given to me by Kate who informed me that my appointment was cancelled ( the scan placed itself second from top - see link above) . The letter was not even dated, so I wrote where the date should have been, that it was given to me at 16:10 today.
They cancelled the contract IN RETROSPECT, UNILATERALY, contradicting themselves, etc.
Spoke to Mrs Jayne Males, Advisory Sevices Manager, who seemed not to have been informed about my case at all. S.Lewsley, who wrote the letter, was not available.
I shall scan and deposit some letters in the what-not-023 as necessary.
Next post March 12 or earlier.

Monday, 23 February 2009

( nr 196 ) The scans from 1969 AO booklet: The Transsibirian Twist ... alas, cannot be scanned at the moment, because the scanner does not work today.
The money still not in my account. Totton BDC says Gosport DID NOT SEND the usual authorisation/confirmation of my attendance at the Gosport Job Centre.
The Gosport JCP now says they did but have a computer hitch, which is UNUSUAL, they said.
To the pile of letters and e-mails I'd sent since 6 January (ALL UNANSWERED) shall be added a lettter to the JCP Manager MRS BAIRD today.
My next appointment is Wed. 25 Feb. at about 16.20 with S.Vernon.
Next post Monday 2 March or earlier.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

( nr 195 ) The scans above are from the "Jews in Old China" by Sidney Shapiro.
Still no money in the bank.
Next post Monday 23 February.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

( nr 194 ) The book I am reading (see nr 193 ) is actually "Jews in Old China" by Sidney Shapiro, N.Y. 1984. Most interesting compilation of works by Chinese Scholars plus own commentary.
The northeast of China 'was then called Manchuria'.
Very busy today chasing my money (payment 5 days late).
Next post Thursday 26 February or earlier.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

( nr 193 ) Beverly Eckert " My Silence Cannot Be Bought " was published on Friday Dec.19, 2003 by the USA Today -
She died in a plane crash last Friday.
ISRAEL : news of 12 Russian Jews in Knesset, Tsipi Livni discussing ways of fighting terrorism with international groups (from ), the site
report on Arkady Gaydamak and his Social Justice Party and much more.
Is Hilary Clinton on a tour of East Asia ? Does that include Far East?
The ex-Soviet Jewish Republic with the capital of Birobidjan is just across the border with China,
where there was a historic Jewish presence , Jews of Kaifeng ( I am reading "Jews in Ancient China" by Shapiro).
Money ( social security) not paid to the bank !
Dropped a letter to the Job Centre in Gosport (attn. Chris Moxham) yesterday and sent one to Richard Bird (the manager) Totton BDC in Southampton today.
The tel. number for enquiries 0845 608 8620 is busy all the time (cost 2 pounds for about 2 min. on my mobile) and there is no option for leaving a message, one is supposed to just wait (no indication of how many people waiting) or try again.
History: 1909, 1910, 1911 ... A matter of translation? Only English version for Tottenham Outrage and Sydney Street Siege translated into German and Norvegian only:
Next post next tomorrow Thursday 19 February.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

( nr 192 ) Page 214 scanned above is the continuation of pages 210-213 extract in the previous post nr 191. Some parts of this book, published after Boris Bazhanov's death, seem to belong to another writer, although very hard to judge. For example, the introduction is not dated, and in the end it is pure 'novoe myshlenie' text. In one place, there might have been a typo error, where the importance of people vs systems is discussed.
Next post Tuesday 17 February or earlier.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

( nr 191 ) Reading the 1990 Russian edition of Memoirs of Stalin's ex-secretary Boris Bazhanov, two scans , pp.210-213 above. The methods of recruitment and intimidation from the Secret Service GPU under Jagoda or Yagoda. In the Soviet Encyclopedia Dictionary 1986 his name is missing.


Next post tomorrow 12 February.

Friday, 6 February 2009

( nr 190 ) There is a saying in Russian "U nih na lbu napisano"( it's written on their foreheads), i.e. the 'agents', informers, snitchers, or stukachi (in Russian) aka street theater actors are all too visible for what they are.
What is supposed to signify change of fortune (???....) with a splash of theatrics in recent days comes from the same pathetic crowd.
There is no doubt about WHO is feeling very uncomfortable now and WHO is being checkmated.
The Club of Budapest ....
I remember going to a Hungarian MENSA children performance in Voorburg, near The Hague.
There was a ... lookalike or rather a woman who, I thought at the time, might have been a younger sister of Raisa Gorbachev(a) in the audience. [added 17:11 - I think the programme was organized by the Dutch Esperanto society].
I have finally read the book about the murder of Rasputin by Prince Felix Yousupov (in Dutch), which I bought long time ago. Shall make some scans soon.
Should look for COW - Curriculum On Wheels firm on the Internet.
Next post Thursday February 12 or sooner.