Wednesday, 30 September 2009

( nr 230 ) Scanned above are:
- Daily Mail front page article with the sensational revelation about A LAW CHANGE in 1998 about 'low-level' hooliganism being no longer the responsibility of the police.
That really echoes the stand down in Moscow- police were ordered NOT to arrest or deal with hooligans in the early perestroika days. Perestroika is Change, Restructuring.
NB: there is no article/continuation on page 4 of the Daily Mail
- The Times articles: about vaccination of girls in Britain, General Colin Powell and a letter to the Editor about Childminder Mums. British Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) should have better dealt with Satanic nurseries and so-called experts and researchers (re: unprecedented child abuse).
- "What's in a Face?".... Cover and pages of a Russian book by Ernst Tsvetkov ( ? ) "Psychonomics or programmable human" St. Petersburg 1998, 2000.
A Gosport pub near the taxi stop/ferry called Castle Tavern has an exotic sign with a black star that has a round hole in the middle. I wonder about the history behind it.
Other interesting exotic pub names include Wytch Way Inn by the Bridgemary School and one called Gypsy Queen. Local elections reported a Roma Party collecting 300 (?) votes.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

( nr 229 ) The scans above:

- from the textile and fashion history ( 4 scans) - Germany and Holland.

A secret language Humpisch ... .

- 2 articles: on paid informers from Daily Echo newspaper and a story from Daily Mail about a diplomat family in US, abduction of two boys by their German farther, Lady Scotland and Robin Cook.
VACCINE+ : Dr. Leonard George Horowitz and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have done some good work: read the legal affidavit and watch video on , , , etc.
"Castro brothers helped KGB, files show" The Washington Times article from October 2005 -
I mentioned YOURUBA in a recent post. My ex-husband spoke youruba fluently, but his first lesson was the last: the fact that a word like OJO had three different meanings according to the pronounciation or rather, intonation was beyond me. It turns out there are over hundred Caribbean languages, but most are as yet unclassified linguistically.
And among small islands there is one called Mafia near Mauritius.
Reading about: Baroness Scotland, Edwina Currie, Hilary Clinton, Yuri Bezmenov and Vasili Mitrokhin.
12:17 15:44

Monday, 21 September 2009

( nr 228 ) Three scans above:

- Part of an article from The Mail on Sunday of yesterday about cleaner Loloahi Tapui and her husband , solicitor Alexander Zivancevic. Lady baroness of Scotland, the Attorney General, is her former employer.

- More from Keesing's Contemporary Archives: Mr. Shelepin's visit to Britain in 1975, list of assasinations and attempts 1918-31 and a contents page from Soviet history about Jewish emigration 1970-72 volume.


Thursday, 10 September 2009

( nr 227 ) Five scans from Kessing's Contemporary Archives: historic events are much more complex than we might think today. There were and are Americans and Americans, Catholics and Catholics, Germans and Germans, etc. , etc.
Elsewhere I came across (for the first time) Red Hand, Blue Shirts ... .

Friday, 4 September 2009

( nr 226 ) 1948-1950 Volume VII Keesing's Contemporary Archives (est.1931) :
- "Operation Witchdoctor" by I.C.I. in August 1949 to experiment with "rain-making" in Tees Valley, UK conducted by RAF and Meteorological Office. Cloud 'seeding' was tried in Australia and North America in the preceeding two years.
- Persia: Tudeh Party is outlawed after attempted assasination of the Shah.
- Mr. Howard Bruce's allegation of misuse of Marshall Aid by Britain, Belgium and Holland, was followed by vindication of the three countries in "Scrap Metal" Inquiry. Allegations were made that Marshall Aid Funds were used to buy aluminium and lead and resell it to US firms as scrap metal.
- Hungary: Treason and Sabotage Trials, Death Sentences against M. Csornoky and M.Papp, Trials of Ministry of Agriculture Officials, Sentence against Dr. Varannai for "Slanderous Messages".
- Israel: General Elections on Jan 25, 1949 [corr. from 1948] were contested by seventeen parties, many of them minor groups. The major parties were: Labour Party (Mapai), Socialist Workers' Party (Mapam), United Religious Party, "Freedom Movement" (Heruth), General Zionists, Progressives, Sephardic Party and Communists.
Today's papers have one headline. The Times "The horror of Edlington": two brothers aged 10 and 12 "pleaded guilty to robbing, sexually abusing and intentionally causing grievous bodily harm to their victims, aged 9 and 11, during a pre-planned attack of extreme and sadistic violence that has drawn parallels with the murder of James Bulger". Edlington is a mining village in South Yorkshire.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

( nr 225 ) Above is the scan of the Sunday Times article by Richard Brooks about famous Somerset Maugham. He was on the list of "progressive western writers" as seen by Soviet authorities. Former spy, old pederast ... .
In the same issue of Sunday Times we read about " ... RADICAL PLAN to raise £100 billion by privatising the motorway network", presented to three main political parties by NM Rothschild bank - "Rothschild, an architect of several privatisations ...".