( nr 230 ) Scanned above are:
- Daily Mail front page article with the sensational revelation about A LAW CHANGE in 1998 about 'low-level' hooliganism being no longer the responsibility of the police.
That really echoes the stand down in Moscow- police were ordered NOT to arrest or deal with hooligans in the early perestroika days. Perestroika is Change, Restructuring.
NB: there is no article/continuation on page 4 of the Daily Mail
- The Times articles: about vaccination of girls in Britain, General Colin Powell and a letter to the Editor about Childminder Mums. British Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) should have better dealt with Satanic nurseries and so-called experts and researchers (re: unprecedented child abuse).
- "What's in a Face?".... Cover and pages of a Russian book by Ernst Tsvetkov ( ? ) "Psychonomics or programmable human" St. Petersburg 1998, 2000.
A Gosport pub near the taxi stop/ferry called Castle Tavern has an exotic sign with a black star that has a round hole in the middle. I wonder about the history behind it.
Other interesting exotic pub names include Wytch Way Inn by the Bridgemary School and one called Gypsy Queen. Local elections reported a Roma Party collecting 300 (?) votes.