Wednesday, 28 October 2009

( nr 235 ) Eleven scans (cont. from nr 234) are not in the sequence I posted them (just as, for instance, in the last post) so here is the summary:
- More photos of Princess Anne.
- Gosport War Memorial case of Dr. Jane Barton.
- Michael Jackson: "doctors regularly moved in and out of Jackson's life", Edward Chernoff - Dr.Conrad Murray's attorney, sister La Toya said Michael was "controlled" by people surrounding him, Joe Jackson (the father) denied ever beating or physically hurting his son Michael and a group photo with Michael Jackson, Al Malnick with his son Shareef, Serena Williams and two other persons.
- Mexico/World: Olga Alanis with a photograph of her missing daughter Monica. "It was a Thursday in March when Monica, 18, disappeared - one of 30 girls to have gone missing in Ciudad Juarez this year. ...Most of the victims were between 16 and 18 and of similar appearnace and economic circumstances. Most disappeared in the city centre. ... between 1993 and 2005 about 400 young women were killed. Many were found dumped in ditches, bearing signs of torture and rape."
- Father Sergey is not against John Elton taking his son Lev to Britain, provided he can go to Britain, too.
- A poster of WW2 day in Stubbington and December 1933 entry in Keesing's Contemp. Archives: ITALY.- Law on Corporations. The Fascist Grand Council issued a document about Fascist Corporative system.

Monday, 26 October 2009

( nr 234 ) Eight scans above: 4 from many pages of local reports about Princess Anne's visits;
Camilla talks to Craig Wood; Lord Lieutenant Dame Mary Fagan has picked a Southampton teenager to be her cadet. The two top scans are the police matters: a former Hampshire village bobby has been charged with sex offences against three boys and the Southampton police not happy with the 26-year old Dave MacLean, the boss of Atraks, which launched a private patrol service in Southampton.
News of The World yesterday reports on "love-match made in hell". Two monsters, Rose West and Tracey Connely (the mother of Baby P.) struck a lesbian affair, "they kiss and grope each other every chance they get".
The Times, 20 Oct.2009: Gordon Brown will call today for civil partnership ceremonies to be held in the Palace of Westminster.
The Times, 8 October 2009: "... 30 miles of the river Trent were polluted by cyanide and sewage. ... Agency officials are checking local companies that have permits allowing the limited release of substances such as cyanide. It is used in metal-plating, agriculture and mineral extraction and by pharmaceutical companies."
The Sun 8 Oct.2009: Ukranian former drug addict Sergey, 31, brazenly suggested Sir Elton might pay for him and 15-months-old Lev to live in Britain. Elton can have Lev... if I can come, too.
The Times 23 Oct.2009: Hanna Strange writes about young women disappearing in Mexico again. Between 1993 and 2005 about 400 young women were killed in Ciudad Juarez.
Barclay's Bank " touch screen" Statements machine did not work, I was told, because I had (thin) gloves on. Is it a biosensor technology?... Are fingerprints in the memory somewhere?
Alvin Malnik, who claimed to be an executor of Michael Jackson's will in the commentary by Seamus McGraw dated 7/1/01 on plus more :
Lyndon LaRouche: a lot to read on Wikipedia and
Around 1981 ( ?) there were signs of "change" in the Soviet diplomatic service. First, Soviet women abroad were asked by a visiting lawyer about any difficulties and wishes they had, which was unprecedented. Etc, etc. Then there were rumours that many Soviet diplomats were caught smuggling drugs. Were they?
At the time marriages to foreigners were allowed, but travel abroad was still an officially sanctioned business: tourism or government service. So, a foreigner did not have any privilege of residence in the USSR due to a marriage to a Soviet citizen. Among Nigerian (post-) graduates with Russian family in 1975 only one got a job in Radio Moscow and could stay. Soviet wives like myself were issued automatically with "vyezd na postoyannoe zhitelstvo" exit vizas. The formula was of the JEWISH EMIGRATION, while marriages were apolitical. There was de facto no legal provision for an international marriage. Nobody complained.
With a Soviet passport, one had to apply for a Soviet visa to visit parents in Moscow. There was a distinction: if your husband was from a capitalist country, you could visit your parents once in two years, if from a Socialist country - once every year. Third world countries were regarded as moving towards socialism, so one could visit annually.
A link there to "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt".

Friday, 23 October 2009

( nr 233 ) The four scans above are: Sex offenders in charities (The Times, Tue.20 Oct.09), pickpockets caught red-handed in Fareham (The News, Sat.17 Oct.), gifted Jemima Phillips 28, Royal harpist, is charged with four burglaries ( same issue of Times) and Georgi Arbatov's profile from
Star Wars- SDI- Strategic Defence Initiative story in "SDI and the Jailing Of Lyndon Larouche" by Paul Gallagher :
YouTube video of Dr. Gary Null in rmn post:
By the way, in Britain the new chair ( from April this year) of GMC - General Medical Council, is Prof. Peter Rubin, who is the editor of "Prescribing in pregnancy" book.
What does he think about current professinal and public concerns?

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

( nr 232 ) Continued from nr 231 of yesterday: corrected scan of page 364 from Soviet Encyclopedical Dictionary (SED) 1986 showing the absence of Movement of Left Radicals entry.
Four scans from a booklet KNIGA ZHALOB I PREDLOZHENIJ from 1973. The word ZHALOB is changed to OTZYVOV (opinion) on the cover and the first page. The original wording however can be seen everywhere on the Instructions pages (I outlined some).
I have seen a few posts on RMN and elsewhere about some Frankestein LRAD (?) acoustic devices which emit HIGH-pitched sound that can damage hearing. What about the really dangerous LOW-pitch? Infra-sound was recorded on some post-volcanic islands, where people or visitors quickly get depressed and do not stay long. It was blamed on post volcanic earth tremors. And they are beyond human hearing, while some birds and animals can hear them.
Last week The News reported the arrest of a French woman in Portsmouth in connection with the smuggling of Vitnamese refugees, and that as it turns out, the woman is a polititian, a local councillor in France.
Ref. nr 231: the radio programme I have written about was surprising to me in more than one aspect. I did not know, for example, that, as was stated by the participants, that South Africa was far ahead of other countries in terms of homo-emancipation (?).
Well, the tragic death of a teenager precipitated Winny Mandela's loss of her husband. In that case, the boy was accused (in the first instance?) of "sleeping with a white man" and being used as a "spy" .... . Was this allegation followed up? Who was "the white man"?....
I shall watch DVD "A decade to remember - the 1950s" again. There was an interesting report about "officially unofficial" visit of Anastas Mikoyan to America. He had a meeting with bankers and caused costernation of his bodyguards, when he entered a toy shop alone - to buy presents for his family. The DVD is from "The Universal Newsreels Collection".

Monday, 12 October 2009

( nr 231 ) Scans above: three scans from SED ( Sov.Enc.Dict.) 1986 showing LEFT RADICALS entry directs to Movement of Left Radicals, which is ... missing! [sorry for one page scanned wrongly].
Four scans from two books about Mitrokhin (by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin) with photos including Andropov, Shelepin, Mitrokhin and brothers Gordievsky - Vasili and Oleg.
A dead body by the bus stop (Morrisons) last Thursday, 8th of October reminded me of Lagos and had a touch of S-theater. Two women phoned police and medics came (10.30-11.30 am). I have not seen anything (yet?) about it in the The News local paper.
Reading about Lyndon LaRouche with amazement. I did not know about his turbulent past and the SDI.
In Soviet shops there were booklets hung by the cashier booth, where any customer could write a complaint or a suggestion. It was openly displayed for anybody to read. It was called KNIGA ZHALOB i PREDLOZHENIJ - Complaints and Suggestions Book. A copy I bought in Moscow a few years ago had a "EDITED" version, i.e. the word Complaints disappeared, replaced by Responses... or feedback. The real FEEDBACK in fact was removed from the System. I may scan it in my next post.
About four weeks ago on BBC Radio 4 Sunday morning a few personalities incl. Matthew Parris (?) were discussing persecutions of homosexuals, etc. The following came out: just like homosexulas were hunted down before, so are "people, called paedophiles by some newspapers".
How disgusting! ... [Mon.19 Oct. quotation marks edited].
Shall try to read about M.Leon Blum and his Left Front Parties in France (1935-6), as well as German refugees queston in League of Nations.