Saturday, 28 November 2009

( nr 239 ) Three scans above: " F e r i " (one form of sodomite witchcraft) extract from Wikipedia and 3 pages from "Supernature II" by Lyall Watson. The suppression and subversion of his research is not just intolerance from inferior/ignorant scientists. The Military Mob (listen to Kay Griggs interviews) monopolized the research into all the dark forces, harnessing all old evil and 'enhancing' it with high tech for MKultra and all so-called nazi science research projects.
Mind, Body and Soul control and destruction by sadistic degenerates.
Sadistic degenerates and common criminals are recruited en-mass.
The tragedy is they are "experimenting" on children.
Klimov's theory needs updating - ref. bio-chem. and psychological warfare. plus a better classification of degenerates AND their controllers or masters.
P.S. Is TheTruthSeeker. 'cracking up' ?....
Gosport: as our Cambridge man, Sir Peter Viggers is about to retire, the Conservative Party has four candidates, all so politically correct (on brochures), that one hopes they are more interesting in real life.
Ruth Evans and Cheryl Heron ...
The headmistress of Bridgemary School in Rowner, Gosport is leaving for either Devon or Dorset next month.
Controversial 24/7 + Age does not matter Project was very strongly supported by our outgoing MP. Will it continue? I did write about it on this site with a scan of the article, which had evaporated from The News archives.
As I searched for Markit exec. Rony Grushka, Lance Uggla and Caroline Lamley, I wondered if Comminications/IT specialist from Israel Rony Grushka is the same as Accountant of 15 years experience Rony Grushka. Found nothing about Caroline Lumley.
Is there some common denominator in people who are so spectacularly successsful in the money making business? Must be in astrology .... .
The pig-bird flu attacking the same person twice? Read RMN forum post 161293.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

( nr 238 ) Scans above: four news items from Sun of 12 Nov.2009 (Sex peril in plastic, Portsmouth veteran Bob McGowan, Family tragedy, Moscow Zoo), three articles from Mail on Sunday of 22 Nov.2009 ( Flu letters, Moon and epilepsy, Agnes Wong - the baby killer in hiding).
And, on top: "Markit goes from barn to £3bn sell-off" from The Mail on Sunday, 22 Nov.2009.
Another article about MARKIT appears on RMN forum (with a link to

Thursday, 19 November 2009

( nr 237 ) Trivia: scans above are 3 examples of a faulty sudoku puzzle, hence without solution.

The defects are not always so obvious and can stay hidden till 'the end'.

There are of course puzzles with more than one solution.

The "NANO-WEAPON HOPE" defies comment - see The Times(!) article scan above.
A book on the history of witchcraft, which I bought two(?) years ago in Gosport, may be misteriously lost. In the introduction, the author compared (and almost defined) medieval witchcraft with phenomena described today as lesbianism and paedophilia.
There was also statistics of predominance of women in this 'business', followed by men, followed by children. Google Books search was invain.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

( nr 236 ) Ten scans above in the order of scanning/numbering and posing (by me):
1-2: Christian grandmother accused of hate crime.
3: German occupation issues. Author Madeleine Banting.
4: P.Griffiths is a local Dunkirk veteran who worked on a farm (near Auswitz camp) with Russian/Polish prisoners and took part in the Death March. NB: Currently British Post Office is on strike. His address: 4 Beresford Rd. Stubbington, Hampshire UK.
5-6: October 3-4 1993 Moscow uprising, written about by Veronika Kutsyllo, a journalist who was inside the "White House".
7: One of the three books about Inquisition I borrowed in the library and looked through. About the same time Henry Makow had a Torture Wheel picture in his article about Marano Jews posted on The Truth Seeker ( website. The coincidence is just one example of quirkiness/proximity/? of website and "Dr.Henry Makow".
8-9-10: Pages 90-95 from "SUPERNATURE" bestseller by Lyall Watson. On the subject of sound and e-m waves: ultra/infra and alpha, beta, delta and theta frequencies and resonances.
I have misplaced a copy of an article from the front page of The Times (a few days ago) where NANO WEAPONS words figured as a reference to a new magic cure for cancer !....
I shall scan and post it when I find it.
I am visiting my daughter in Skipton Yorkshire 9-17 November.