Tuesday, 22 June 2010

( nr 266 ) Scans going up:
three map images of the Gosport South - posted on http://www.spot-a-gosport.blogspot.com/ today.
Solicitors in trouble. And where is the SOCU Hampshire located? Not in County Police HQ in Winchester? Just wondering about the address.
Those horror photos in papers and printouts of private camera photos (e.g. Morrisssons) are made at a press of a button. Software developed by "jokers". Shape/color/composition altered - at a press of a button.
INTERPOL website: Netherlands missing.
MEM-O!!!!! Lingo play.
Memory lane history: 1971 .... Vladimir Levin - a guest lecturer in Physics in English.
1970s .... independent representation of some Soviet Republics in UN allows travel and work in Western Europe - Ukraine(?), Armenia plus Yougoslavia, etc.
First visitors from USSR to Lagos I recall were Crimean Greeks. In about 1995 a guest speaker to the Dutch Royal Institute of Foreign Affars was a top Ukranian representative (EU or a diplomat, half Russian half Ukranian?) who told us that Ukraine was among the top three (!) recipients of International Aid. One other was Israel (?) and who else? Actually, Golda Meir was from Kiev, Ukraine.
UNIVERSITY FUNDING ! May 1987: shocking news about a huge (25% ?) cut and an instant proposal at an emergency staff meeting (KQC London) to encourage intake of foreign (post) graduate sudents as fee-paying private students, children of so many parents who'd be happy to pay the tuition fees.
Just noticed my spelling mistake in the top scan - Donetsk.
So, what happened 12 March 2010 13:07:06 ? ...

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

( nr. 265 ) Scans upwards: OEDIPUS complex and Sexual Identity ....
horrendous child abuse ... by parents - from "Children of the Kibbutz" by M.E.Spiro, Harvard University Press, 1975 edition.
Dr. Jose Delgado - two extracts about research on animals and humans. MIND ans BODY control - SEQUENTIAL behavior: ... open mouth, turn around, walk to a corner, climb a wall, jump down and return to "start", repeating those movements ... every time ....
CUMBRIA shootings: on Thusday 3 June, 2010 in the morning, in a radio interview Dr. Barrie Walker, a local GP of 30 years, talked about two young girls, who, having witnessed a horrific shooting of a man (?) ... went/became MUTE for two hours.
That part of his interview was missing in the video I watched on a BBC site the following day, 4 June.
The top scan is of a LiveLeak.com video posted on rmn forum: A deaf baby hears his mother's voice for the first time. Can be watched with or without a sound.
Never heard this name before!... Smolenskin, Peter (Perez) Ben Moses (1842-1885) .
About 1880 Smolenskin began to be interested in the colonization of Palestine ... from