( nr 286 ) Scans going up: Barclays Bank imagery - symbolic ? The top old (1988 cheque book) shows Eagle and Three Crowns.
[cont.] Jan. 26, 2011: The modern 'logo' seems to me to be sub-marine .... Only two crowns ... Sinking ?
Just two examples of JCP training experiences: I asked the trainer Sandy N. for her e-mail address ( on two different occasions) after my paper CV did not reach her. Not only Portsmouth Gov. part was wrong (I think 'cc' is missing), but she spells her own surname (!) differently.
Another time one trainee (a former supermarket middle manager?) who was older than most other participants, waited during a coffee break untill only two of us were in the room and told me that most people in the group FEEL PERSONALLY OFFENDED BY WHAT I SAY .... .
The participants however described my 'strengths' as follows:
BRIGHT - Intelligent+Strong Minded - intelligent - chatey - tolerant - outspoken - a talker ...! -
self-confident (believes in herself) - positive - outspoken - strong beliefs - positive.
Two women and a man (Colin) approached me yesterday in Gosport Library (renamed a Discovery Centre) to say I have no right to give a printout from my website to anyone in the library, because it is a 'public building' and ..... people feel OFFENDED and complained (!)
Had a nice Speaker's Corner (Gosport High Street) talk afterwards.
By the way, the question : "Are you trying to say we know this guy?" may not be simply silly ( I left it without an answer), but may be a subconscious speech (?). Who are 'we' ?
"Personal Space" book cover from 1973 by Dr.Anthonie Stolk. I posted other pages earlier (nr 282 ?) showing differences in personal space/bubble/biofield between a normal person and a psychopath (a certain kind of).
Pages 399-400 from a book ...... Making Sense of Communism (?) giving an alphabet soup of British communism - a list of 17 organizations. Should find a full ref.
KGB Yuri Bezmenov face from 1980 interview. I am yet to watch all his videos. Did he make any statement more recently ?
1997: Clinton, John Huang, James Riady and Mark Middleton in the Oval Office - from http://www.disa.mil/ site.
Nuclear Missiles several hundreds of meters UNDERGROUND in the Northern China:
"Robert M. was abused as a child by his mother" - from an Algemeine Dagblad website 18 Dec. 2010.
Kenia, orphanage, European Patent Buro, hard to crack software on his computer, etc.
Case unfolding.
83 children (0-4 yrs.) sexually abused by Robert M. (Rubciks ?) from Latvia according to his latest confession.
ICTS again ! Israeli 'Security' Firm ICTS Helped Provide 'Security' at Russia's Domodedovo Airport
Toxic Lamps: American Congress introduces bill:
Who are the 3rd party? .....
Traitorware: www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/12/what-traitorware
Physicist Richard Lee Morse, 75 arrested :
Late William Pawelec (? - he introduces himself differently) top security computer programmer talks about microchips, REAL international spies, agents, assasinations, ...
Link to video at Forbidden Knowledge TV -
Mind/Body Control :
Kay Griggs interviews.
Wed. 26 Jan. 2011, 14:08
PS: thurs. 27 Jan - minor changes: Chosun link, added Kay Griggs, edited Gosport Library story.
Tue. 1 Feb. 2011 update:
1. British Intelligence 911 report supressed. Mossad, FBI John O'Neill murdered, Amsterdam El-Al complex- Mossad's Europe Station, Viktor Bout, etc.
2. Robert M. used different false names. His identity: Robert Mikelsons, born 1983 in Riga, Latvia -
"Robert M. gebruikte valse naam" 16 Dec. 2010 on Belgian newsblad.be
WIKIPEDIA entry: Amsterdamse zedenzaak - on http://nl.wikipedia.org/
3. Pandorra Box ???? The most sinister high-tech may be the encrypted software/graphics with triggers of range of emotions and feelings, including sexual arousal in wrong situations. May be the know-how behind "turning" which Kay Griggs spoke about.
4. 1994: Serge Monast - http://educate-yourself.org/cn/sergemonast1994transcript.shtml
Tue.1 Feb. 2011, 11:14