Wednesday, 6 July 2011

( nr 294 ) Russische Wijsheid vs Joodse Wijsheid : illustrated books Verba publishers, 1997, Soest in Holland. The Jewish Wisdom book combines both traditional and 'revolutionary' symbols. Jewish BUND merged with Communist party. Bund opposed Zionists. Have they made an accord since then? ....
Read on Wikipedia : General Jewish Labour Bund in Lithuania, Poland and Russia.


POLAND has taken its EU presidency last Friday. According to the Polish embassy figures:

20 000 Poles in Holand in 2007 and now - almost 200 000.


The Gosport OXFAM Bookshop in difficulties ! I signed their petition.

Back in the Soviet Union one could criticise individuals but NEVER the SYSTEM. It was a political crime. I buy wonderful books there and do hope they survive.

The System is bust !


The new posh trains become 'gas chambers' as temperature goes up to 45 degrees centigrade - power failure, electric, air-conditioning . Report from Belgium last week:

US: 20 billion dollars spent annually on air-conditioning alone (Iraq and Afganistan wars) - which is more than entire NASA budget. ?????????????


Sodom and Gomorra = Satanic Communism.

Mr Lebedev's paper hails homosexual adoptions of children.

The Times (!) commisioned "The Narey Report on Adoption".

Lot's of S-theater in the last few days.

Theresa May (head MI5, Police) supports homosexual adoptions.

She is in the CONSERVATIVE party.

Theresa May championed scaling back the vetting system for adults wanting to do voluntary work with children. "Banned pervert teachers could work with kids again because the vetting system is being relaxed." - from NEWS of the WORLD article "PERV TEACHERS COULD LAND JOB WITH KIDS" by David Wooding (March 6, 2011).


KGB=MOSSAD. I broke down the two acronyms and reconstructed the letters.




Personality Disorder scandal in the American Military: - the tel. number and the e-mail address appear on page 6/6 on my printout and may be overlooked :

Tel.: (646) 456-7738


[ Thurs. 7 July, 2011 ] -

FRENCH search-engine 1PlusV demands almost 300 000 euro damages for de-facto sabotage from GOOGLE


KOSHER meat slaughter under fire : majority of 116 with 30 votes against:


Gosport Ferry pontoon works with Dutch subcontractors: , KUBOTA, Ster Verhuur (Star Hire) - Arnhem, Doetinchem, Nijmegen.

There is a The Star pub on High Street in Gosport.


Mossad-KGB: Avni Zeev was born Wolf Goldstein in 1921, in Riga, Latvia ....

The names of Alexander Shelepin (KGB boss) and Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky are missing in the 1986 Soviet Enc. Dictionary (80 000 entries).

The Betar/Beitar youth movement was founded by Jabotinsky in 1923 in Riga, Latvia ( see Wikipedia).


1963: 45 Communist goals - number 26 reads: Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."


Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD:

Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics:



"Homosexual adoptions victimize children" by Bryan Fischer


Trotsky advocates abolishing the Family; attacks Stalin for restoring it:

Mind and Body Control = PSYCHOPOLITICS:


7 July, 2011 11:50


[ 11 July 2011] -

NEXT MONDAY at 11.00 in front of the Gosport Library I shall experiment with a less spontaneous presentation, i.e. with a plan and illustrations/posters.

Some of the topics include: News of the World, Hacking and Hackers, Communist (Satanic) agenda targeting children.
