Wednesday, 9 November 2011

( nr 299 ) Today 11-9 is a reverse of 9-11, depending on how you write dates: day or month first.

Some LINGO: Court travesty engenders contempt. Do rules prohibit CONTEMPT of JUSTICE?


[ Thursday 10 November 2011] -

TWO TOP scans are for my yesterday's (3rd?) reply to "Cuddle cat is a baby toy made by Russ ? " by Tinkerbell81 in the DEBATE Section :

My main post there in Debate section is "Gosport LEADS ? ...." by Galina-A-Anikeeva.


Next is CASSETTE concentration camp on Channel Islands news found in Keesing's Contemporary Archives. We want to know more about it. Indian Lake, Cassette, what else ? The most interesting secret projects of the so-called "natzies" (who were they?) are kept secret.

By the way, one episode in the book of Primo Levi "If this is a man" describes a Soviet officer running in and out of a railway hall somewhere in Belorussia (?) and repeating his motions like a mechanical toy. It resembles the description of microchipped controlled animals in one article about Dr. Joseph Delgado. I have the reference (Delgado) somewhere on my site.


Censorship about construction and development projects? We are not surprised.

By the way, just like colors and symbols, ACRONYMS are diabolical - unavoidably so.

BAM reminds me of a Soviet project. Security firm CIA. FSB for small businesses.

KGB for King's Geriatric Brigade, etc.


Tracy Lyons - Portsmouth woman who abused children in the nursery !


One of the numerous photographs ( how NOT to hold a baby ) which apparently is OK for The News Picture Editor Dean Kedward. By the way, before the present Editor Mark Waldron, the was "The News" editor MADDOX (sp?), who I have heard is now in Scotland.


Chemicals, drugs, children ... .

Two public lectures were cancelled recently: one of 4 Nov. By Prof. Steven Biller (Portsmouth and District Physical Society) and another - Cafe Scientifique lecture "Robot Ethics for Humans" (!) The CafeSci. was founded by ... WELLCOME trust and sponsored 2002-2005. Now -privately sponsored. No wonder "children are legally drugged" by a participant was immediately cut short at the last lecture.

Portsmouth University Students should be in charge (discussions open or not, with or without a speaker) and no "sponsorship" is necessary. One thing they may like to discuss are all those (violence, etc.) experiences, which they remember nothing about.


Police brutality ?

READ THIS : (An Open Letter to the Citizens of Oakland from the Oakland Police Officers' Association) -

Louis Seveke in Holland wrote about the government, so-called security services and their role in terrorism.

Dutch paper NRC Handelsblad [ corr.] published it on 3 November 2005. On 15 November he was shot dead. Incl. university students approached by agents.


ISC was to obtain a luxury yacht, the Constellation -


Aliens ? .... Watch people, especially those, that cluster in certain areas.


[ Friday 11 Nov., 2011 ] -

Constellation (in Russian SOZVEZDIE) is the name of a Russian (-/Israeli?) weapons ( stars? star wars?) company. Constellation Yacht in


From The News of Wed. 12 October, 2011 " Students threatened with expulsion over acts of vandalism" :

" ... John Craven, the vice-chancellor and Amy Baker, president of the student union, have sent a stern email to students following a large number of complaints. ... "


WHY ???? were the photographs of the Portsmouth couple (sex abuse of their children, so called nudist/family computer networks - international case) were not published ?

Melissa Noon and Robert Hathaway looked and 'behaved' very very odd, which is my personal impression and opinion. Smth "Russian" in Melissa Noon and John Maddox. His photograph as I looked at it again, seems falsified (?). Smth about his nose ... A better photo on BBC website, but I could not print it out. Difficult to write about effects which may be a prerogative of FBI specialists ( there might be a terminology there), but after I made my comments, he at one point froze for a split second (they like to show their profiles) with 'reality' being closer to the photo image.

The very complex and surreal imagery contained ONE STRONG IMPRESSION OF



11.11.2011 - 14:14

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

( nr 298 ) Post Office problems ? No answer from the British ( or Royal ?) Post Office about place and date missing on the delivery certificate of my letter to HE Daniel Taub, Israeli Ambassador.

[wed.3 nov. 2011]

I have had second thoughts about the e-mail from the Russian Consulate ... It does not have the official format. We shall see.


Evgeni Primakov with Slobodan Milocevic in 1999. Photo from CENTURY album by Bruce Bernard. The lingo used then was MUSLIMS vs SERBS. Europe moved to protect muslims.

It should have been Muslims vs Christians, or Serbs vs Albanians (?). And Europe - already godless ? Same type of lingo in Northern Ireland : Catholics vs British, etc.

In BBC documentary a journalist asked a surviving villager about "Serbs having massacred the whole willage" and the muslim replying: WE DON'T KNOW who they were - they wore BALAKLAVAS.

Does E. Primakov look like Golda Meir on this particular photograph?


[ Friday 4 November 2011]

Two scans from the "International Pedophile network run by a Portsmouth couple" case hearings most of which I had attended from the public gallery.

My note exchange with Les Cummings about strange and disturbing 'Russian' faces.

My letter to Courts Admin. copied to the Presiding Judge Roger Hetherington.

There was a bit of S-theater, may be quite a lot.


LENIN .- from the Men of Destiny series (1932 ed. ?)

"... Lenin's nervous troubles took an acute turn. ....The principal symptom was inflammation of the nerve terminals of back and chest, which she (Krupskaya) describes as 'holy fire' or 'shearers' rash ' . Her remedy was to paint the affected part with iodine.

.... had to lie in bed for a fortnight.

...but he liked to go to the socialist churches."


[ Sat. 5 November 2011]

The e-mail from Russian Consulate HAS DISAPPEARED from my hotmail account. I have the printout.

My request for information about giving evidence, etc. to Portsmouth Court had zero response (written or oral). But there were NON-VERBAL cues ( ....)

I hesitated between CAUSE and COURSE and went for COURSE quite rightly, as it turned out.


[ Mon. 7 Nov.2011] - CASSETTE - a secret ww2 project on Alderney, Channel Islands, where

" 1000 Russians and Jews were murdered" (ref. Keesing's Contemporary Archives, 1945) cannot be found by Google ... Instead, there is a by artist Danny Ford.

Another find : The 35, 000-ton battleship "Prince of Wales" was launched at Birkenhead

on May 3, 1939.

