Tuesday, 22 January 2013

RAF doc. planted !

( nr 318 ) A copy of a RAF finance sheet was left in the central bay of the copy machine upstairs in the Gosport Library (there was no left side tray in the copying machine at the time)... Not the original on the glass plate, where people sometimes leave their paper, as they scoop the copy or copies and walk away. NB: The same problem with the scanner today as the last time, alas ! The library asst. promised to contact IT and get back to me. I have the printout of my e-mail : sent 07 September 2005 17:12:23  from my vasilisa78  at hotmail.com address to portsmouth at inbiz.co.uk -  Attn.Julian Robinson. "Harassment"??
On the printout I  added handwritten comments: 1.RAF doc. planted. By ... MI6? 2. added organizations and individuals to Cc: vasilisa78 etc. 3. closed - next to my old website culturelogic dot com 4. Next to my old address in Gosport (4 Woolston Court, Broadsands Drive, Gosport, Hants, PO12 2TL) - Czech neighbours, Marion (MOD), Jenny (civic register, Gosport Council), Naval officer came looking for a sailor on the run, who had mental problems, etc. I also wrote 'None' next to the closing sentence: I request an investigation.
Mr. Julian Robinson himself, who advised me at the last business meeting, that it might be a useful thing to get to know somebody from MI6 (recruitment attempt) only said : I didn't know. I was told to.
I shall try the scanner tomorrow again.
[Wed. 23 Jan.2013] - Here it is - above. Shall continue or update this post next week. The Gosport Library is closing for TWO months - from 4 Feb. to 2 April.
[ Fri. 1 Feb. 2013] - Monday evening 28 January 7. 4 million people watched on TV Queen Beatrix announcing her abdication. Willem-Alexander is now the King of the Netherlands.
BBC gaffe on 21 Jan. : Civil Rights was mistranslated as Human Rights ! I remember listening to a historic radio interview, in which one of the Civil Rights Leaders said: DO NOT TELL ME THAT I HAVE A RIGHT/ AM RIGHT. TELL HIM, WHO IS WRONG, THAT HE IS WRONG.
Does the "suicide" of Alexander Dolmatov ( defence weapons specialist) have parallels with Alexander Litvinenko case ? -
69 year-old became ADDICTED to gambling and alcohol soon after anti-Parkinson medication was prescribed to him. The Court in Utrecht found the Eli Lilly (Permax-fabricant) guilty.-
An interesting video with a SLOW motion insert of a failed assasination attempt -
MI5-agent Dr. Barrie Trower interviewed in Denmark - video by Swedish whitetv.se posted on a Swedish
MINDCONTROL website: http://www.mindcontrol.se/?page_id=8068
The British Physicist took part in the de-briefing of dissidents/spies.
WW2 : came upon very interesting Dutch war veterans websites. Hero's medals: www.ww2awards.com/person/49653
My questions about registration on STIWOT Forum sent and acknowledged 2 days ago. www.stiwot.nl
FACEBOOK major problems : Gillian de Hoedt posted the following:
URGENT WARNING TO ALL FACEBOOK USERS !!!!!!!!! Friends be careful ... this is serious .... Hackers are posting sexual videos and pictures on your walls! You don't see them, but your friends do, then it seems as if you posted it. If you see any such garbage posted under my name, please let me know because I didn't post it! SHARE this to protect yourself and your friend! -
Hmmm ... I actually wondered many times about some posts, which are not sexual etc., but I thought : well, it can't be Gillian ... . It's not hackers, it's the Facebook design and the Facebook (NWO) owners. New World Disorder (ref. Charlotte Izerbyt) active in disrupting and destroying human relationships, tricking and forcing us into so-called friendships with toxic trolls.
Next week in Skipton, North Yorkshire.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


( nr 317 ) Spionage and Communism are two subjects that are repeatedly censored or disapproved of in a variety of ways: on- and offline. Cabal International hiding in the open. Right now the upload of scans is presenting problems (upload image window is pale/desactivated).
HAMMOND, HAMMOND & HAMMOND ... (very different).
1. The British Ministry of Defence is now under fire from MPs and the Media. Philip Hammond is the Defence Secretary  www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20968620
General Sir David Richards is the Chief of the Defence Staff  www.rusi.org/events/past/ref:E5097A2CAA2229/
2. OXFORD - HAMMOND -publishers of the ATLAS of the WORLD (ed. 1959, ....1993 ..)
3. Eric Albert Barrett Hammond (1929-2009) was a General Secretary of the EETPU union 1984-1992.
See Wikipedia entry for Eric Hammond and EETPU.
 EETPU stands for Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications and Plumbing UNION.
Fuel leakage from a RAF super jet during air-to-air refuelling ref. RAF Brize Norton ( oxfordmail.co.uk)
WATER leakages all over new POLICE HQ in Southampton !
Reported by Daily Echo newspaper. KIER is involved in this scandal. KIER-Gosport Borough Council white vans are all over town, involved in what I call(ed) S-theater. They are something else ... . Front page news in the Daily Echo by Jenny Malkin last Saturday Jan 12, 2013: " LEAKING LIKE A SIEVE. New £30m police HQ is riddled with faulty water pipes. Contractors Kier have admitted full responsibilty." The Gosport Borough Council website announces ' Kier Repairs Smart Phone Application Launches in Gosport'. Yesterday and the day before yesterday there was a Kier vans beehive around The Clarence Wharf Industrial Estate on Mumby Road - next to Plumb/Parts Centre, Auto-Service, Norwegian Schat Harding offices and St. Matthews Court just opposite.
More links: 2011 opening of the Police HQ : www.e-architect.co.uk/england/southampton_police_hq.htm
Dutch F-16 pilot Chris Vaneker 'Omelet' arrested (2011) for spying for KGB Belorussia www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/9645462/ F-16 PILOOT KGB-SPION.html
This morning a helicopter crashed in Central London http://nos.nl/artikel/462397-doden-bij-helikoptercrash-londen.html
Daily Echo two days ago: BOILING WATER TERROR headline (by Luke Tugby and Julian Robinson): hundreds of gallons of boiling water pored through (residential) block of flats.
In June( 29th) 2012 Daily Mail wrote about Ray Mawby, a former electrician and a Tory MP having spied for communists. PKK as I remember stood for (in Dutch) Communist Party of Kurdistan. All Media now refers to PKK as Kurdish Workers Party.
Daily Mirror (Wed. 9 Jan. 2013): LESBIAN COUPLE 'TORTURE GRANDAD TO DEATH' ( by Louie Smith) - He lay dying for 48 hours. Sunday Express (Jan 13, 2013): SAVILE WAS PART OF SATANIC RING, exclusive by James Fielding.
Ukranian Canadian Helmut Oberlander, 88 years old taken to court for the third time:
FRENCH against "homo-rights" - http://nos.nl/artikel/461289-frans-protest-tegen-homohuwelijk.html
Abductions ? - www.helpfreetheearth.com/news680_abduction

NUDIST SWINE : from "Animal Farm" by George Orwell:
No animal shall wear clothes. - the 3rd of the Seven Commandments.
Next post Jan 31 or earlier. 13:35.
PS. ( thursday 17 jan ) - about a year ago, roughly when controversial Water Meters were advertised, home water taps started sporadically leaking - just drip or a drizzle (for a minute or so), usually at night, during weekends.