Friday, 21 June 2013

Loeb, Loeb and Loeb.

(  nr 319 ) David Larson recent case in USA courts included as evidence the letter he wrote to CIA requesting biographical details on four CIA CONTRACTORS, one of which was Loeb. The scan of the reply David Larson received is posted somewhere on this site.
In 1917 between July and November Russian government received cash advances totalling $192,729,750.00 - from a web document "Part Played by Jewish Bankers in Russian Revolution" - ref. Kuhn Loeb & Co.
In 1924  two Chicago University students Leopold (19) and Loeb (18), both homosexual, abducted, tortured and killed 14-year old boy Robert Franks. Any links?...
From Brasil : Human Rights Commission voted ( 234 for 11 against) to redefine homosexuality as sickness :
"U.S. doctors classify obesity as a disease" - NYTimes global, 20 June 2013.
A microbilogist in Holland said (early 1990s) that a female hormone estrogene from contraceptive pills is not filtered and thus is present in sewage, water and soil. This vicious circle results in hormonal disbalance, affecting men, women and children. Extra weight is often misdiagnosed as obesity.
Yesterday I looked up Communist Party of Argentine. A minute later Wikipedia showed 'no entry' for Argentinian CP. Their President - FANNY EDELMAN (1911-2011). Shall check again.
I have written about Hammond, Hammond and Hammond. Worth looking into Evans, Evans and Evans.  Also into Ratnik, Ratnik and Ratnieks (to check spellings).
The street lights outside St. Matthews Court in Gosport were changed yesterday. It turns out they are Dutch Philips lamps HID. SSE (Scottish Southern Energy) subcontracted firm AA electric. The white van had no company logo, so I decided to ask them. Curosia not without design: computer printouts started to come out in unexpectedly small font. I noticed it first when printing from the Dutch news website. It initially  appeared as a one-off whenever news item was difficult to print or was nearly censored. I now noticed the company names and logos are printed or embroydered on workmen's jacket in small font and obscure colors. You have to come close to see what company they work for.
[ sat. 22.6] corr. from my note/scribble: AALighting and HID-Dyna Vision Electronic Extreme.
Theresa May de facto sabotaged investigation and prosecution of at least two spionage cases: that of Garry Mackinnon and Anna Chapman.
[wed. 26 june] yesterday in Fareham library I read an article about pro-family legal challenge in Estonia against homosexual rights. WAS THAT ARTICLE CENSORED ? I now see similar but much shorter articles. The following points are missing:  Estonian LGBT receives about 2 million euros - from EU and another half (almost half) - from the NETHERLANDS !
There was also a statement about homosexuals resorting to the tactics of INTIMIDATION.
to cont. this or next week.
[Thurs.4 july]  On my website  I posted " May 2013" - more photos.
The last time smb. asked me if I knew Irina, a Russian woman, was near the newspaper stand in Morrisons supermarket, around Annecy events timewise. The man said that he had worked in the past as a journalist for Agency Press in Paris. I said that I don't know her. And I added : I don't know why so many people keep asking me if I knew Irina. Something is wrong with Irina & Co. network ... . Links to Russia, Holland, Israel and pagan minorities. S-theater.
Evans: Mi5/6, Conservative gay MP and Ruth Evans, formaly a Deputy to a lesbian Headmistress of Bridgemary School . In my opinion Ruth Evans should not work with children.
Ratnieks: Prof. Francis Ratnieks (Apiculture and Social Insects), his father, who worked as a military interpreter during ww2 and Edvards Ratnieks - LSA President.
Adebayo-Watford incident prompted request from MI5/6 for more money to "fight terrorism". As reported in main media, the Chancellor George Osborne "was not impressed". Later it was reported, that the two agencies were the only ones to have their budgets increased. A few days ago Daily Mail carried a huge front page headline: GEORGE DECLARES WAR on BRITAIN ! (sorry I dont have the paper by hand now).
St. George is a Christian Saint of particular significance to the military.
I continue to post on the Dutch World War 2 forum in English section under the user-name
Galina-A-Anikeeva :
[ Tue. 16 July ]  CORRECTION : wrong name Adebayo. Correct names are Michael Adebolajo 28 and Michael Adebowale 22.
David Larsen case - see post 247.
Some crashed posts in post 278.
Menwith Hill Air Base in North Yorkshire - see posts 186 and 187.